June 19, 2016
4:43 AM

So today I was doing some pondering while hiking through a forest and I came to the conclusion that NEETS are actually the most alpha men in society.

My is that NEETS stand up for what they believe in and refuse to work despite the fact the society teaches us that not getting a job and leeching off your parents or the government is the most pathetic thing you can do. Literally being a slut or an alcoholic is viewed by society as better than being a NEET.

Yet despite all this pressure from society and family to get a job, a NEET does not try to meet the demands of anyone but himself. A NEET understands that time is by far the most valuable resource us humans have on earth and that spending it working a meaningless job for a jew boss is one of the greatest tragedies imaginable. A NEET understands that excess money cannot truly being happiness, and that a subsidy of a few hundred dollars per month from the government or family is all that you need to survive comfortably in America.

Millions upon millions of Americans are extremely depressed and hate their life, this can easily be seen by the massive use of prescription and illegal drugs as well as the very high suicide rate. However very few people actually have the courage to live their life the way they want.

NEETS live life on their own terms and do what they want, when they want, and do not have to take shit from anybody. NEETS can spend their time improving themselves though study and exercise and healthy eating, or they can simply spend their whole live relaxing and playing video games and watching anime.

That is the beauty of being a NEET, you literally can do whatever you want. Being a NEET is the ultimate freedom! Since I quit my job last year I literally have never been happier, I feel like a slave who has broken free from his shackles.

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It's true. Wagecucks will rage but they know it's true, deep down.

Why do I have to accomplish anything? What's good about hard work? What if I'm not motivated by money?

Stay mad, wagies.

>being cowardly and lazy takes courage!
Please see >I feel like a slave who has broken free from his shackles.
I don't doubt you for a minute. You lack the skills, education and social value to land more than a minimum-wage job. Those jobs are only a step up from slave labor, so I can entirely understand why you would feel that not working is freeing you from it. What I can't understand is why that would drive you to apathy and being pathetic, instead of bettering yourself. Your cowardice and laziness aren't ok, and there's a reason no one will ever love you. Even your parents see you as a sad disappointment. You have no value, user.

I was wondering if everybody becomes neet, who the hell will work to produce food, electricity and others services like internet, cable and others?

Thinking about it, how useful is a NEET for society? wagecucks at least produce something for other people use but what about neets? are they really useful? if neets didnt exist government would eliminate welfare and shit and invest the money in something worthy.

This was a thinking i was having while i was in my office checking my bank accounts and telling myself " it feels so good not depending on my parents at my 21 years old".

t. Wagecuck

i stopped being a wage cuck for about a year now. and my life has been the same except now i dont work for someone else

i have also started to make money for myself. on ebay

my mom get social security from my dad killing himself. so thats how the rent is paid every month, besides that i dont recive assistance from gov

>le utilitarian meme
>le cogs in the machine meme

Sure, Juan. Keep sucking your boss' cock at the local call centre for 200 $ a month.

Only a brainwashed slave needs a external purpose in their life to function. I guess some people are just born to be led.

NEETS are simply just exploiting a system and I don't blame them for it. If the system needs to collapse then we honestly need more NEETS.

This is the third time this thread has been posted today. Stop responding.

Actually i work for the gov, and make like $700 per month, since everything is cheaper in my country than any first world country, i can save a lot money and enjoy on weekends or vacations.

I still receiving money if my parents die ( but im not counting on it) since my mother earn a lot of money in her job and my dad has is own companies i will have a lot of money, but instead of being an useless shit at home, i prefer gaining money to buy my own stuff and making new friends.

what's wrong with being an alcoholic you faggot? it's way more respectable than having mummy buy you tendies

>Spend their days inside watching anime or playing vidya

Are we being raided by /r9k/?

It's an interesting thread. If you want the system to collapse and to be repealed and replaced with something much better, then people exploiting the loopholes in the system for it to self destruct are probably the key to this happening. NEETS are literally the anchors that brings this ship down and that needs to happen and I thank them for it.

MI amol pero dejate chapial!

In your analogy, the solution isn't to sit back and watch the ship sink. It's to cut the ropes connected to the anchors.

Don't worry canabro, I believe that the system will soon blow up, not because of neets, but because western world is bringing in a horde of unwilling muslim leeches to exploit the nanny state.

Talking on the topic
> NEETS can spend their time improving themselves though study and exercise and healthy eating

Such a thing rarely happens, most neets (I have been neeting for a year and a half, and I browsed r9k) are miserable, you might romanticize it, but the fact remains that NEETS go trough a meaningless and miserable existence, lonely and unloved the only place for them to turn is a nihilistic depression. You can talk about how great NEETism is, but in the end it is one of the saddest things a man can do.

Sadly it is a disease of the modern generation, and many will suffer, only because the rot in the society goes so much deeper, and NEETS are only a small part of it.

honestly one of the funniest things on this site is a neet with a superiority complex.

>mujeres dominicanas
>Sup Forums


Bueno pa´ que sepa desde hace como 6 años.

>> NEETS can spend their time improving themselves though study and exercise and healthy eating
hear this from literally every single neet. i really want to know how they are improving themselves? i also want to know why they are improving themselves if they have already found the perfect lifestyle?

pics or never happens

they take their time to write shit poems and music, oh and enlarging their penises.

>Morbidly Obese
>Militant Atheist
>Welfare leech
Behold the 'Alpha' NEET

mi foto en Sup Forums? TOPKEKEKEK
La verdad es jevi saber que hay más dominicanos y dominicanas aquí me siento tan rara como antes.

T.high school degree holder.
If you get a real degree you earn more monthly than what a NEET gets in a year.

>$700 per month
>enjoy on weekends or vacations
You can't even afford a ticket out of your hellhole, wagie.

Btw keep doing you, Juan. I'm sure your big boy gov job will give your unfortunate life some sense of meaning, I suppose.

go take a bath bulgaria

de que parte eres? si tienes kik, es una manera anonima de comunicarnos, en verdad hasta rao me encuentro una mujer aqui

Dude my housing, price of food, prices of travel tickets and a lot of things are more cheaper here. you would be amaze how much i spend in a month.

nope no tengo kik
Soy de Santiago, tú seguro de la capi.

jobs market needs fixing

Hato Mayor (del este) pero si vivo en la capital

There's a difference between having integrity and being a fucking loser

I'm fresh and clean and drunk my fellow burger.

It's a sort of a defense mechanism I believe. Imagine a guy saying "I can get any girl I want" even though he hasn't been laid in like 5 years. Most of them are quite sad people, and even though they want to improve, they have no true will to do it.

I personally just pity the average neet.

Says the bloke paying half his wage to the Government.

>the point
>your head

I wouldn't expect a normal wagie to understand what I'm talking about.

It's okay though, as long as you're happy, it's all good my man! :^)

>government could be doing something useful
Like importing millions of shit skins you mean?
Great use of taxpayer finds mate.

>tfw no way to talk ever again.

ahhhhhhhhhhhh nos vemos beibis

Well, if white people could start having more children the government wouldnt need to bring people from outside to maintain the young population.

This sounds kind of Ayn Rand-esque. OP, please write a novel in the image of Atlas Shrugged that explains your philosophy. Would read.

mija instala kik, intercambiamos datos por ahi y lo borramos, simple y sencillo.

I can wake up at any time I want, ensuring that my mind is clear and alert for the finest literature of the modern age.

As I have the same time that Newton and Einstein were gifted with, I am able to reach a similar level of understanding, relishing in my own discoveries that the normies will never know.

At the end of the day, I usually hop down to the piano lounge, becoming somewhat of a local celebrity, as I am able to practice all day using my spare time.

Being a NEET is truly the best gift an enlightened man could ever have.

>having suck a fucking cuck mentality
> 700 megadollars big boy gov """useful""" worker


Another NEET justifying his existence, never change Sup Forums.

how much you make pizza?

Puiki pasta, mano drauguži.

Penkti iš penkių, kaip prie komunizmo.

That's all well and good when you're 20, but the picture is different when you hit 60, have no money in the bank, all of the relatives who have supported you are dead, and you have to figure out how to survive on your own.

What a crock of shit.
Seeing as the boomers are so keen for everyone but them to pay for everything, how about we just turn the tables. They can fund their own retirement.
If you want the whites to have more children, target policy rewarding a rise in the Caucasian birth rate.
Handing out cash for all babies just funds Islamic extremists.

>fat, smelly leeches who have never so much as seen an actual female nipple in their life are the epitome of alpha


I'm a NEET right now, that is I graduated from uni months ago and I've been doing nothing. I hate capitalist society and I'm trying to look for meaningful work but it's not happening.

The problem is I want so many things, I need money. You have to work to live in this system, money = freedom. A life playing video games in a basement is no life at all. In addition to that, the depression being home all the time is crippling, not to mention the sentiments of feeling like a failure right now.

Dubs of truth about NEETS

How? I'm gonna sell some shit I have to make some extra cash, I also get social security from a death, but it's going to family and I'll be paying it into student loans

bueno lo voy a instalar a ver ahora.. entonces tu me das tu username o algo asi a ver?...pero si quieres ser chapeado te aviso que no lo seras bro lo dije en coro haha

plus i've always thought that if neets were improving themselves by discovering mind expanding ideas they would share them here and i would hear about it. meaning i dont have to be a neet to get on their level. just let them be losers and read about the shit they read about while i was doing shit.

Fucked up.


cuando lo instales buscame con hill476. tengo una rana de perfil.

I'm a NEET. Made enough on the stock market to quit work earlier this year, paid off my house and now living on about 300 a month, which I make in fourfold on dividends.

Its the life, man. I blacksmith when I'm bored, read/write whenever, pay my bills on time and my neighbors love me.

fuck off leaf fag im on vacation

Ofc you would think that, you're egocentric man baby who needs others to take care of you so you can go on faggy hikes. Get a job, youre the complete opposite of alpha.

lol nice copypasta

topest kek

mate neet bux is not enough to live life to the fullest
>literally has just enough to survive

mate you'll always live with your parents
>always be single
>always want things you'll never get
>always be depressed because you're not doing anything truly worth while
you say being a neet is based but you and i both know you cry yourself to sleep everynight

Rebel against the capitalist system my friend. Wage cucks are anxiety driven balls of stress and malaise. If you are a good, healthy, actualized person that is true wealth and capital, one which I wish on all humanity. Cheers.

Interesting to see some level-headed discussion on Israel. I went in April/May and came back with a severe hatred and disgust for the place, but a feeling of love/hate. I don't know what to say about this thread.


>Teach all whites that world is being overpopulated need to cut down on birthrates



This is you one day NEETfags then you'll be homeless old guys in 50 years.

fuk wrong bread disregard


Dunno bro maybe I look at neets with a sort of a brotherly compassion as I had a rather shitty childhood as I was in a similar situation. But speaking frankly maybe there is like a 0.1% of neets that actually do improve, but the rest are a sad lot.

But on the whole the average neet shitposts on Sup Forums with little to no insight about any topic, a sort of a vapid shell (you could say a neet is like an attractive woman, minus the woman and attractive part - what is left is an empty shell) who could be something more than it is, but he himself cannot bring to rise above the meek condition he is in.

I often think about those who are unlucky ones here, and wish the best for them, but as it seems they have to wish the best upon themselves first. As many have forsaken their lives for the existence of misery instead of the existence of struggle.

Maybe a time will come when they will too find a purpose, until then, one can only hope.

(P.s. sorry for the inconsistency I'm somewhat drunk)

>1200 a month
Top kek I earn 5 times that poorfag

Yeah, it's pretty great until you get tired of masturbating and go to look for a relationship. No one wants a neet bf.

See but I would say what you are is retired, not a NEET. You made enough money to not work anymore and that's the dream

I think of NEETs as just twenty-somethings who have relatives willing to financially support their sedentary virgin lifestyles. Making money and then using it to love comfortable is not NEETism to me.

(You) Mad Wagecucks?

You also have to pay taxes and fees, gas, insurance and maintenance for your car. You have to wake up virtually everyday in the morning and work your ass off all day.

It's intelligent to accept a 1/5 payment cut for not having to work anymore or having any responsibilities. When you work you are a slave for Goldstien, when you are a NEED Goldstien works for you.

>Dunno bro maybe I look at neets with a sort of a brotherly compassion as I had a rather shitty childhood as I was in a similar situation.
i too have sympathy for neets. i just think it's especially funny when they come on here and pretend like everything is not only fine, but perfect.

>(P.s. sorry for the inconsistency I'm somewhat drunk)
no worries. im on my way too m8. watching the ape hoop finals right now.

I was a NEET for about 4 years. Worst time of my life, had no self worth and was horribly depressed.

Because you are a fiscally irresponsible child.

Well, I think of it like this.

I don't actually need money right now, so pursuing interests is better.

Who knows, maybe one of the apps and shit I play around with might actually be valuable.

Hey man I'm glad I saw this thread up.
This posting will be trolled to death, but I am an alpha NEET and I fucking love it. If we had a more conservative and non-bizarre society like America in the 50s and 60s I would love to live a normal life, with a beautiful loving white wife that would remain faithful to me, our three children, perfect home and pet dog.

But in today's world, getting invested in society means sucking the cock of diversity and SJW just to get ahead in the workplace. There are becoming less and less jobs where this isn't a requirement. Soon it will be mandatory to deny your true beliefs about liberal social principles, upon penalty of losing employment.

So what do I do? Well I'm 26 years old. I live in my bedroom in my parents house. It's actually really fucking comfy here since we are upper middle class. When my grandmother passes in a few years, I will inherit her completely paid off home.

For now, I just study. Useful topics. I have a fuck ton of scholarship money still remaining since I'm quite intelligent. I am a lisenced practical nurse. I am also an epa certified HVACR technician. I am currently taking an online building automation and controls course.

But I don't work. Fuck that lol. What's the point? I weightlifting 5x per week and bench 235. I fuck random whores off tinder at least once a week, either at their place, or in a hotel, and then delete their contact information.

How did you get a job m8? I've been neet for so long that I don't think anyone will hire me, so I don't even try.

There's even alphas in ant society.

Then you're born to wagecuck
You have don't have what it takes to be a NEET that controls their destiny

Wagecucks, a.k.a the masses. I don't give a flying fuck if you're a doctor or engineer. You're job is truly mundane and you have to bend over and listen to whatever Shekelstein tells you to do. You literally have to do everything he says and all your money goes to that overpriced house/apartment or to your wife/daughter so they can go shopping and look all nice for Chad. You are the literal definition of a slave

hope you find success dude.

NEETS ALWAYS try to justify why they think its ok to be a literal parasite on society.

"Why would I work when I dont have to"

Deep down very few of them are happy about being a human sponge. The ones who are genuinely happy about their situation most likely have some form of psychotic/mental issues.

And this is coming from someones whos been neet the majority of his adult life

> I am a lisenced practical nurse. I am also an epa certified HVACR technician. I am currently taking an online building automation and controls course.

You aren't a NEET.

government worker here

they are going to tax the shit out of single males soon (bachelor tax). they know about the NEET problem and they understand the bachelor tax only works if the NEET is working, so they are criminalizing homelessness and unemployment soon. after this bill gets passed they will require everyone to get a job within 1 year or you will be assigned one. the new law passed requiring women to sign up for draft is similar to what will happen to those that aren't working. you will essentially get drafted into manual labor or go to prison.

this bachelor tax is the direct result of men not marrying or having children, you think you guys have rights?

It's a coping mechanism, at least the way I see it. When it gets so bad, what else you can do than pretend?

This is fucking depressing m8

>government would invest the money in something worthy


Are you sure? Cause I don't ever work and I only take part time education courses when I feel like it. I'll take a program for about 8 months, learn a trade, become certified, and then go full NEET for 8 months.

Then I'll decide to learn a new trade. I'm thinking electrician next, since it will all tie in with my HVACR and building automation knowledge.

I'm just doing this for myself though, I have no desire or need to ever get a job. I mean maybe one day I'll have to.

Kek, what have you read a little too much about Rome?

What if NEETS refuse to work, what are you going to do, send them to jail?

I know this is a troll and all, but I finally got an awesome job making crazy good money and I make my own schedule and my own hours.

So If I go out and "work" for 4 hours and make my $300 for the day, than come home and read/anime/piano/internet/ etc am I still a filthy NEETbux parasite degenerate? I think not?

prisons in America are businesses, they have been private companies for a while now, they will do manual labor in those, if they still won't work they will be put in SHU

If you have everything you claim to, (I'll assume you do), you could be have a decent job. A NEET has no skills, education or certification, at least none that could have any real practical use.

>It's a coping mechanism,
i know. it's funny but at the same time it's depressing as fuck. far too often im amazed by how shitty some posters lives are here.

>this bachelor tax is the direct result of men not marrying or having children, you think you guys have rights?

To extrapolate, men are not marrying women "just because" it's due the societal norms to fuck over the man, no matter where you are in the world every court will favor women over man, as in, man will have to pay alimony, give half of his stuff, have shitty options to visit his child (even though a man could be a better parent than the """mother"""). The system is simply rigged, and most of the women ask for divorce and have a lack of interest to "work it out". Bachelor tax would be simply idiotic and many men would refuse to pay it. The laws for marriage should be changed in favor of the man, and that would solve most of the problems instead of some imaginary """"tax"""".


pick one