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I like that when it plays for Stannis, its a mix of a militaristic feel, hopefulness AND hopelessness at different times and yes, Lovecraftian as well.


reposting from old bread

Yeah it's really good music. I'd listen to it more except every time I do I get the urge to burn small children alive.


Though when you go through Don't die with a clean sword, you hear an inspirational military advance march and Wars to Come is a drained army with a hopeless King marching to their certain doom.

I like the Stark Theme, but it never really changes. It's always this somber sad theme, it never gets into a heroic theme which would've been good for Jon vs Ramsay battle.

Even the Lannister theme has more variations to it.

I loathe Dany, but she gets all the best music. Makes me miss Lord of the Rings

Idk what the different tunes correspond to but the music in S6E10 was kino as fuck, particularly that Cello bit when the white raven came to Winterfell. If there's anything really good about this series it's the soundtrack.

Did you know he's the secret protagonist?

Not so secret my friend

“When Martin was between Hollywood projects in the summer of 1991, he started writing a new science fiction novel called Avalon. After three chapters, he had a vivid idea of a boy seeing a man’s beheading and finding direwolves in the snow, which would eventually become the first non-prologue chapter of A Game of Thrones.”

It's obvious that Jon and Dany are red herrings, in all his books it's the disabled "telepath" who is the true hero in the end

People are still delusional enough to believe this is still the case.

Can't listen to what that song is right now but if it's the one that always plays whenever she's btfo some mustache twirling villain, it's a great song and almost makes me believe dany is a badass boss bitch until the song stops and I snap out of it

So what do you guys talk about here now that the show is shit and the books are never getting finished?

He is the Lord of the Rings esque hero on a journey to save the world ijaf

Blood of my Blood and The Winds of Winter both sound like they should be played during the end credits but instead they used BomB on an incredibly boring bullshit Dany feminist dragon scene or whatever.

How can you even make a scene with dragons involved so boring?

1 day left in "le horrible 2016"

maybe the fat fuck will die tonight


One can only hope

Season 7 will air during summer (july) and release only 7 episodes.


Jon is Aragorn and Bran is Frodo. Both are the main protagonist desu

GRRM and Stephen King are both obsessed with sickly/crippled boys with ultimate psychic powers, so I don't expect Bran to be unimportant. Also don't forget based Sweetrobin.

I don't know about Sweetautist, he looks like the Anti-Bran, like one of Bloodraven's failed experiment (such as Euron). He has potential but I don't see him learning to utilize it in the time until the "final battle".

What the fuck Preston get out of here

Huh? Preston adores Sweetautist.

Why were they writing in English? And why did they only not translate Mhysa?

Really makes you think.

Why do the characters speak English anyway? they live in another world, no way language developed the same in there

so westerosi journalists take photos of it

talked to my friends about which /got/ actresses they found hot and they all like Emilia Clark and think she's super hot. I don't get the attraction to her. If anyone's hot it's Ellie Kendrick, but they think I'm weird for finding her hot.

>secret protagonist
>the books literally start from his PoV

No shit sherlock

Emilia and Sophie being hot is just a meme that the media forces. Your friends are normie sheep so of course they'll believe what the media tells them.

evil white people actually wrote this to blame the shistkins and massacre every single one of them

feels good desu

How will Game of Thrones end?
Who will die and who will live?
Who gets the throne?
What about the white walkers?

In the show? The obvious Mary Sue characters will win. Only white males will die. Dany and Jon will get the throne and the white walkers will be killed by Dany and Jon. We will collectively gag and pray that normies will realize how bad the writing has gotten.

And Mhysa is mother in Ghiscari, not High Valyrian

There's no Ghiscari in the show, they just all speak High Valyrian.

>The obvious Mary Sue characters will win

normies still buy into the "GRRM's stories are not typical" meme though

they'd be mad if it happens to end "good guys win bad guys lose"

>train to become basically anything in the world any normal person could be but boo hoo I'm not an heir to a kingdom they didnt let me eat at the big kid table boo hoo boo hoo)

You know, this is another reason George is a bad writer. There is no reason Jon wouldn't think he could become almost anything else even a knight or someone's sworn sword or personal guard or steward or a fisherman or blacksmith or almost anything. But George makes it seem like taking the black was the only option because that's what he needs for the plot to work

What will Arya Stark do in the end?
After she kills all her enemies on her list while 'Valar Morghulis' ?
Will she settle, find her remaining family or return to Braavos to start new life over there?

She will marry Gendry and live happily ever after because DnD are fucking hacks

I generally just ignore Dany and listen to her hype music as something for the dragons instead. D&D really do women a disservice trying to make a feminist icon out of Dany when everything in her life has been handed to her on a silver platter. I mean her one "trial" so far was fucking a 10/10 alpha male whom she ended up loving three episodes later anyway. She's a white rich female with no problems who wants to be the savior of the browns with zero accountability, which effectively describes 50% of suburbanite American white women.

Ygrette was the only good feminist character because she learned to be self-reliant and skilled, and didn't end up hating men and becoming a fat powerdyke.

No, they would not be mad. Normies don't give a shit. Normies want muh badass Kelly C and muh stock hero John to win and be rulers of the world.
Ultra normies who think they're not normies want stock hero self insert John to be the only important character in the whole story. They would not be mad if there was a typical cliche ending where the good guys win and the bad guys lose. That's what they hope and expect to happen.

Also normies think the story ending with jon as king already IS an atypical ending because they genuinely think the most cliche hero in all of fiction is somehow not a cliche because muh bastard, muh secret convenient unearned parentage that hands me everything, muh tortured woobie soul that doesn't want power but keeps getting it and gee wiz I guess I'm just naturally the GOAT leader for no particular reason except the fact that I'm a Gary stu.

Let me fix that for you:

She will marry Jaqen and live happily even after because Dnd are fucking hacks

We post best /got/ fan casting

Ill start

Genuinely think germs original plan for her was to die tragically for the sake of jon's manpain

how do you faggots still talk about the worst season this show has ever produced? This show is shit and everyone knows it. That's why this next season is the last one or whatever. That's why the fat faggot can't even finish the books - because the series is so shit now. Go back to your subreddits you faggots.

Someone post that Turkish lass who should have been cast as Lyanna Stark

Daily reminder that millions of lives would have been saved if Lyanna and Rhaegar kept it in their pants.

But I'm an obsessed autist


Not really, Robert Baratheon was a usurper and started the war for the iron throne.

Fuck you.

Eddard rose rightfully after Rhaegar "kidnapped" Lyanna and Robert, as her betrothed, rose with him. It's a righteous rebellion if the next king just kidnaps ladies he likes.

Come on, someone post that Turkish girl who looks like Lyanna Stark.

Actually Robert did naught until Aerys "burn them all" Targaryen asked Jon Arryn to deliver BBB and Eddard's heads, so Jon said fuck it and raised the banners with Robert in the lead.


I got you senpai

What's her name?

Even worst than the official cast.

I want Nicholas Cage for Darkstar

Why did Aerys want to burn the mall? how did he even know what a shopping mall is?

is season 7 the last season finally?

>show has Ned say Rhaegar is dead why didn't you protect your prince
>Dayne says my Prince wanted us here and camera pans to top of tower
>Jon born at top of tower to Lyanna

Why are normies so retarded that they can't understand who Jons dad is and D&D have to waste more time on this?

>Even worst than the official cast.

Kill yourself, faggot. You have no notion of beauty.

8 is the last
It's only six episodes tho

Normies think Ned fucked his own sister. Thank the Old Gods and the New for being an autist.

N+L=J is the least normie Jon theory out there. It's truly the most patrician, though it's definitely not true.

Please make this true. Would be much better.

But to understand it you have to be retarded and not be able to explain the Kingsguard, the fact that Ned hadn't been around Lyanna in years and the pure surprise look when Ned sees the babby.

Or you tinfoil crazy answers to it. That's why it's so patrician.

What I hate even more is how Lyanna said "Promise me, Ned' 100 times instead of just saying it once


Post your face when you realize your favorite show is run by a couple of ironically incompetent jews

This thread is very boring!

If this gets dubs I will name my unborn son Joffrey

The Ironborn migrated from Asshai, then the capital of the Great Empire of the Dawn.

The Grey King was a greenseer and his men excavated the "sea dragon", a black meteorite that fell near the Iron Islands. They carved the Seastone Chair from it and they made "black weapons that drank the soul of their victim".

The Ironborn are descended from the Bloodstone Emperor's faction, who left after they were defeated. The Drowned God religion is descended from the Church of Starry Wisdom.

Euron Greyjoy is a descendant of the Bloodstone Emperor and he too hears the whispers of the sleeping god, and he will bring about a second Long Night like his predecessor.

>Sophie and Joe Juniss are serious now

Does she really want to hurt me? Does she really want to make me cry?

>Winds of Winter reportedly longer than ASOS and Dance

Fuck me, why does Martin just release it in two parts to appease us? No idea if Storm getting released like that was his idea or the publishes but wouldn't it make fans happy if he decided to split Winds into two parter books?

Don't worry user, you will always be a friend.

Euron is just an anime-tier occultist villain. He'll team up with Cersei until Daenerys BTFO both of them.

Is it only a coincidence that the moment the Ice King is about to cross the wall, Dany and Her Dragons lands on westeros at the same time?

or do you think one of the party knows? and that is their intention of doing it at that specific time

Guess you haven't read World of Ice and Fire

sansa with wig

dubs and martin dies tonight with butter in his beard and popcorn kernels stuck in-between his teeth


Euron is going to marry Lady Stoneheart, she'll be his "Other bride" as a parallel to the Night's King.

Happy New Years, Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

Don't worry, one day you will find your very own Sophie Turner, except she'll be 15 stone fatter, have acne, have piss poor feminine hygiene, have a really bad dyejob, and do really bad Sansa Stark cosplay.

The Night's King was a good guy faggot. He formed a peace pact with the Others and Jon will do the same thing.

Euron's bride in Forsaken chapter is Dany. He wants to bang her and make a son worthy of "him" aka Bloodstone Emperor Azor Ahai.

Both wrong, his bride is smelly Melly.

George had an ice Melly figurine made

He doesn't even know who Melly is. That makes no sense.

He told Victarion and everyone else that he wants to bang Dany

>ice Melly

>believing everything Euron tells you


Euron says he wants to marry the dragon queen, but secretly wants to bang a random red priest that no one has heard of. And he shows her to Aeron in a vision as if he's supposed to know who she is. Makes perfect sense.

Him saying and "planning" to marry Dany doesn't mean he'll actually wind up marrying her or that she'll be the chick next to him in Aeron's vision

*and considering he pulls the future from people, he may very well know who Melly is

It's not a fucking prophecy. Did you even read the chapter? Do you think Euron will destroy Westeros and impale all the gods on the Iron Throne?

The Shade of the Evening causes like a blurred consciousness, as you can see in the House of the Undying. Euron is showing those things to his brother. Why would Euron show Melisandre? No one has any idea who she is. It's obviously the dragon queen. Euron and Aeron don't know what she looks like which is why her appearance is so vague.

Watching Oathbreaker right now, goddamn Sansa's a bitch.

She knows Jon just died a couple days ago at best, he's probably told her some of the other shit that's happened to him since he left, and what happened to the Wildlings, and the first thing she wants is for him to assemble an army of the few Wildlings left to go fight her war and get revenge for her.

>tfw we will never see Asshai in the show

So Euron Greyjoy is the final end boss of Game of Thrones books/serie? Did he finished all the steps like Richtofen from cod zombies.

Also how powerfull is Euron Greyjoy?

Valyrian Steel Armor. Valyrian Steel. Armor.


Mute niggers.

Can Mary Sues even compare?

This and nothing more?
Not so powerful as i thought, what was his goal again?