How did he shit?

How did he shit?

>memes aside

He used his sith powers to trick everyone into thinking he didn't need to.

hes an alien, how do you even know he needs to shit?

isn't this a dark souls boss?

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Poogueis the Wise? It's a Sith legend. Darth Poogueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to eliminate...feces. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from pooping.

in you're moms mouth LMAO

God that looks/is so fucking stupid, anything besides the original trilogy truly is garbage

>someone made this and was proud of their work

Seriously, they turned him into Queelag?

I'm glad I didn't watch clone wars

Please tell me this is just some autist's OC DONUT STEEL

He turned himself into that. He lost memory and used the force to make himself those legs. Later his mother bring back his memories and gave him normal legs.


It's canon

seven vagánias

I meant the authors

He survived fight with Obi-Wan thanks to his anger and dark side but lost his memory. His mother - dark side witch - send his brother to find him

Don't forget that Darth Poogueis loved some bling and smacking bitches on fridays.

This is worse than half the EU shit

What is this? Genuinely curious. I've only watched the movies.

It was Lucas idea. It's more canon than TFA

>Well, mostly. Filoni acknowledges that the order to resurrect the Sith Lord came from George Lucas himself, who became more interested in his Phantom Menace creation while developing Savage Opress for the last season of The Clone Wars.

i remember as a child before attack of the clones came out I thought it would be cool if they brought darth maul back with a robotic lower half, and i pictured him with robotic dinosaur legs kind if like that.

Lucas owes me money.