Why do people hate this movie so bad? It's a fucking masterpiece

Why do people hate this movie so bad? It's a fucking masterpiece

heres a reason

honestly the fan edit editors cinematographic-al cut is quite good kinema

because "not muh Alien" and "muh plotholes". Both of them being childish and immature reasons

Because Lindelof gave it the LOST treatment, meaning they raised a bunch of cool mysteries without answering a single fucking one. I understand the idea of building a franchise but when audiences leave the theater frustrated because NOTHING was answered, then well yeah. Just like LOST.
That and the retarded choices the characters make.

The acting, effects, and Ridleys cinematography saved the movie, as did the core of the story (origin of human life and the alien connection) but good ol LOST cuck came in to fuck the script up to just add compiling mysteries with no satisfying payoff.

Tell me 1 (one[a single{ I }]) mystery LOST didn't answer.

Rapeface was the only good thing about that turd of a movie.

Nigga r u b8ing me?

How about who the Mom was?
What the fuck was the source?
How did it turn the MIB into a monster?
What were the rules and how did they work?
Wtf was Jacobs plan after finding new protector? Just dying?
Why did we waste a Fucking season in what we find out is a purgatory?
Where did the island magic come from? How will it destroy the world?
So the nuke killed nobody?

The list goes on and on.

Did it need to answer every question? No, but fuck give us something at least.

And before you say "dude, the magic is just magic turn your brain off lmao" think about why people hated prometheus for essentially the same reason: the black goo JUST does shit randomly with little consistency and explanation.

we are listening to the dialog.

I didnt think you could cram so much retard and so much cringe into one movie.

Yeah just run away like a little pussy when you get BTFO

its visually impressive and well shot and shit
but the characters and plot are atrocities
seems pretty simple desu

The character's logic was not well written. Rapace would chastise Weyland for going to the Alien ship to extract information, and in the next scene she will seem excited to go and chastise a crewmember for NOT wanting to go.

There was also the hype factor around the film, which raised expectations that this would be a true kino space movie.

because the story was inconsistent and other than the visuals and cinematography it had nothing.

The characters all make decisions so bad that it is difficult to immerse yourself in the movie. It's not even limited to typical horror movie types of bad decisions (though plenty of those exist in the movie). The entire set up based on the characters decisions, down to the very interpretations of information provided are ridiculous.

Gladiator was a one-in-a-million fluke, a perfect storm of movie magic. Ridley did not replicate that process with this movie.

Its quite decent

What are these "bad decisions" besides that one dude taking off his helmet?

Rapace actually made the movie watchable, she is sexy as fuck

pretty much this

its millennials and redditors who are annoyed that the film didnt spoonfeed them the information

if youve ever talked to someone who hates the movie irl, they usually make it painfully obvious that they didn't understand it, which is fucking pathetic because it's a blockbuster movie

I like the mystery behind it about understanding our creators and why certain characters did certain things but a lot of the scientists had very poor personality and head scratching decision making, which makes it a difficult watch the enjoy the first time but for a second viewing when you can put aside the retarded bullshit and focus on the deeper elements its better.

I've never even seen lost and I know that guy got BTFO

When hes on another planet and something peculiar happens to his eye and he decides just to ignore it. If you're half way educated and were on another planet you would definitely be very precautions about such things and wouldn't just ignore it like he did.

When somebody's corpse rolls up to your front door and you just recklessly check it out.

That fucking snake alien scene.

>his eye
He traveled through space for 2 years for a mission for him and his wife to make the biggest discovery in the history of mankind. If he turned himself in, Charlize Theron would abort the mission.

>the corpse
In the faint hope that it was the crew member you lost? Yeah, you check and see. How the fuck would they know what was about to happen if they've never dealt with the parasites there before?

>the snake
I kind of agree, but still. They're scientists so they're gonna be fascinated by alien life forms. Could have been written tighter but it makes sense considering how dumb those 2 guys were.

Actual scientists are precautions, not recklessly curious