Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology, but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology...
>reads atlas shrugged once
>Objectivism is god tier ideology
>Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie?
Of course not. The last effort was probably as good as it will ever get, barring some sort of cultural shift away from collectivism and big statism, the favorites of American plebs. It was mostly financed out of pocket. To be honest I have not seen the third one; the endless cast changes did not appeal to me.
The Fountainhead is a great movie btw.
>not believing in a collectivist society
>god tier
try again
>still falling for the Collectivist vs. Individualist meme
>Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I
Depends, did we ever get a good Ayn Rand book?
Shit books make shit movies. Full stop. Look at the Twilight franchise.
t. triggered looting parasite
are you supposed to read a book multiple times, you bonehead?
>calling others parasites
>when his ideology glorifies the largest parasites on the planet
The Ayn Rand critics always missteps and betrays their lack of knowledge so quickly. I suspect it is because they cannot even bring themselves to have a conversational knowledge of the ideology they claim to hate so much. Hating without knowing.
She was no champion of cronyism.
>when his ideology glorifies the largest parasites on the planet
Name a time without "cronyism". The only time I can think of is in primitive societies, where the only thing that mattered and was expected of everyone was hunting or gathering for food
>when rich people do something I like it's my ideology working
>when they don't it's cronyism
You're a retard. Cronyism is the giving of taxpayer money to private industries for [X] reason.
It's cronyism when they receive taxpayer money
I'd expect even morons to understand such a simple concept.
You know, you can keep posting smug images and calling other people retarded, but you can't escape the fact that your ideology lives in a fantasy world where industrial capitalists would use the state to their benefit.
Like it or not the most wealthy and powerful amongst your "entrepreneurs" must use both the power and funding of the state if they are to survive, otherwise another group of "entrepreneurs" will. You can cry cronyism and complain about the big evil gubament but this is an inevitable outcome of any capitalistic system.
P.S. Ayn Rand lived on social security because she was a shitty failed actress and a failed author.
>cronyism is actually just a tragedy of the commons
>a company literally cannot survive without cronyism
Both completely false and show a lack of comprehension and a narrow world-view.
P.S. Ayn Rand paid taxes on her royalties and was recouping her loss.
>Shit books make shit movies
Explain Dune then
Most criticism comes from plebs regurgitating opinions with no knowledge
>god tier ideology
edgy teenager detected
Has anyone seen the Italian movies based on We the Living?
>fig. 3. Immanuel Kant: “the preeminent good which we call moral … is only possible in a rational being.” Oops.
Yes, because, say, the Nazis would *totally* have admitted they were racist and irrational! /s
They are quite good, as I understand.