Why do people still use film over digital?

Why do people still use film over digital?

it looks better

its still better Image Quality

It'll take years for digital to match the fidelity of properly shot film

literally elitism and fear of new technology
only reasons

improves the cinematokinography, not that tasteless plebs notice the difference

No idea. It'll probably be fully dead in ten years.

The day I found out I was a pleb was when I couldn't tell the difference. Still I enjoyed Keanu's documentary on the issue.

Main thing i hear is it looks softer and skin looks better.
I dont notice that though and I imagine lighting has way more impact than film vs digital

>being this pretententious on a hungarian squash-playing internet board

Digital can looks more realistic but, film is much more pleasant on the eyes. Also film can be so extrodinarily high quality that it can be better than digital but, it's more expensive. Personally I like film, sometimes digital doesn't look right or is so high quality that it looks "off", film is more organic and it looks beautiful it's gorgeous. Idk personal preference

why is emma stone still not my girlfriend?

any film shot on 70mm film still looks better than digital.

>Display resolutions keep increasing.
>Early 2000s digitally shot films will always maintain the same fidelity while their film counterparts can be remastered and released for the newest technology of the day.

Sometimes with very HD digital it makes it so high quality that it looks bad. You can see every hair and every pour but, it doesn't really look natural.
Film is more organic in my opinion, it captures what the eyes want better

>it doesn't really look natural
you are everything wrong with the consumer market and why no one listens to the public's opinion on the matter

digital was a mistake

>Even the chairs are full cgi
Just shameful.

Same reason people still listen to vinyl

You could've literally had a green screen on the window and have a regular meeting room. Would've probably been cheaper too.

Watch a movie that uses film correctly

It's not even CGI

They're pretentious faggots?

The only reason that these professionals prefer a film stock over digital media is the grains. The sense of darkness, the film ones are still better than the digital ones. Your brain tend to see dimension within the content of a single frame. If you are able to start noticing the different, you can appreciate the cinematography as is photography, user !!!

>Still I enjoyed Keanu's documentary on the issue.
Title/lonk please


You're a faggot

As the digital media goes, the borderline is kinda set to the 4K for some reason. But as the digit goes up, the result on the screen gets better & better. We have come to the point that digital equipment take over the position of the traditional ones. James Cameron has been working with 6( or 7?) K which is the natural 3D itself, to make Avatar: the sequels. Depending upon how it perform on the market, things may happen a lot quicker than we think.

IDK what you mean by "Pleasant to our eyes" ?

IDK ... You might need to call her agency to see what ya hafta do to clarfied your task management, user. You know $$$€€€¥¥¥ (笑´・艸・) Kek !!

Agree !!! If you go to see it in the theater that with proper equipment, it would be the experience of life time.

Agree !!! If you go to see it in the theater that with proper equipment, it would be the experience of life time.