Can we all agree while Empire is the most technically excellent and complex, Jedi is way more fun minus the Ewoks?
Can we all agree while Empire is the most technically excellent and complex, Jedi is way more fun minus the Ewoks?
define fun
if by 'fun' you mean tedious, yes.
Jedi is the best because Sheev has all the killer lines. its his magnum opus.
Who cares grandpa OT is old news.
Jedi is boring untill the Emperor appears though.
You're in the minority. The newer films are complete soulless trash that don't even feel like they were made by human beings at all
Jedi has the best sequence in the series (Throne room)
But empire is the most solid one all the way through
Hello Autism
TFA is fucking dogshit and is worse than Attack of the clones. Kekk
>TFA is fucking dogshit and is worse than Attack of the clones. Kekk
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
More fights and cool shit.
Everything revolving Jabba is ace as fuck. The space battle at the end is easily one of the best space battles ever made. The luke vs vader fight serves as a proper climax to his path as a jedi.
it lacks proper emotional and thematic depth, almsot everything just being a rehash of old star wars only taken up to 11 and stuff like the ewoks are pretty annoying.
>fights and cool shit
Hoth and Cloud City were pretty action packed. The Ewok fights were garbage though.
>hurr logs somehow destroy armored walkers
Cmon dude. They're both steaming piles of hot garbage but clones at least tried something new.
TFA played it safe and was still somehow utter trash.
jokes on you i dont even like tfa
Trying something new is not an excuse. AoTC is one of the worst films of all time. I'd watch TFA 1000x before watching it once.
Sure but cloud city isn't really that action packed. Some people run down and shoot down a corridor. Luke vs Vader in empire is a classic fight yes, but it's not really about the action.
Compare it with the ewok, space battle and luke vs vader climax in Empire. All of that happens at the same time and it goes on for like half an hour. It's hard to think of anything that comes to that and doesn't manage to become a haze of explosions and hot garbage.
I guess it depends on what entertains you. I'd rather see well-done small scale action than jam-packed silly action.
But I think you'll agree that Jedi is more "fun" while Empire is overall "better".
I've always felt that Jedi was the marvel movie to Empire's DC
I don't understand the people that love to suck Empire's dick. The three original movies are equally good or equally bad depending on your taste. My favorite is Jedi even if just because it resolves everything.
AotC has better memes than TFA that's why its better dumy
Empire breaks genre molds and stuff. Opens by having the MCs getting rekt to shit and then slowly gathering strength only to have the shit stomped out of them once again towards the end while the villain barely seems to put any effort into his shit.
bad in different way. clones is clumsy, TFA is made by a robot that has a software to produce a series of nostalgia-inducing images and retards like RLM fall for that.
No, Jedi fucking sucks apart from the Emperor scenes
I doubt we could all agree its a Star Wars film desu
>ford's phoned-in performance
>phoned-in dramatic tension outside of Emperor scenes
>film has like three fucking beginnings
>shit tier obi wan scene that lucas rewrote
No it's exponentially the shittiest sw film with little redeeming qualities
>minus the Ewoks
Found the pleb
New Hope is the better FILM
Empire is the better Star Wars movie
Empire is a practically flawless film but the climax of Jedi is literally more emotionally evocative than the best parts of all the other SW films put together
I think Jedi had the highest highs and the lowest lows of the OT, which is a shame because people not being able to get past ewoks makes them miss what absolute kino DSII is