Legitimate question: why is this hated...

Legitimate question: why is this hated? I don't really care about nu-metal (hate Limp Bizkit) but this one doesn't really sound that bad. It's edgy, yes, but so is stuff like Brainbombs.

>hate Limp Bizkit

I can't stand Durst's voice, sorry

Except it's not hated, what are you smoking?

Then at least listen to instrumentals...

It's dated as all hell. It screams the year 2003.

literally almost everyone on mu agrees that first 2 lp albums were good. Kys op

There are no instrumental versions as far as I know.

Instrumentals of Limb Bizkit may be fine, but the lyrics are soycore

>screams the year 2003
>released in 2001

Were you there when Chester died?


Kill yourself please, or fuck off back to your cancer

You know what I mean, user.

Sup Forumsmblr is leaking


That user called that other user a "soyboy" for hating Limb Bizkit.

I pointed out it's ironic, since Limb Bizkit has the lyrics of Linkin Park if not worse.

I'm not from Sup Forums, go fuck yourself.

You're an idiot.

Hybrid Theory is a masterpiece in toying with grandiosity, and pushed Rock music to its absolute zenith in terms of artistry. The enigmatic synergy of electronic, trip hop and ambient with the heavily layered destruction of metallic guitars brought forth a sound many others have yet to replicate to this date. Shinoda penetrates through the enigma with his poignant poetry contemplating the perplexing philosophies of humanity, channeling in a sought-after moment of serenity, before Chester, the failed idealist as he was, rips through to the deities of the universe in fury over what he believed was a meaningful escape from the darkness. He wails to end the putrid suffering of all Flora and Fauna, only to empty the spirits he bred to maintain the balance of his scales. This utter chaos displayed throughout the album fools the audience into believing that there's hope, that our lives had more depth than we realized, and only corrupts us into a bout of nihilism by the end.

None of your idiotic albums even so much as accomplishes that beauty. Had it been lost within the infinite heavens forever, one would not even as much let the memory flash between the mind. Idiocy reigns inside your ears.

>I'm not from Sup Forums
Then stop using their cancerous meme-speak fuckstick.

Not the same user

I don't like limp bizkit neither but I like their version of Behind blue eyes more than the original

Am I a pleb?

People hate hybrid theory because they dislike LP in general and or hated the release period where it became so popular because it was pretty popular.
Some people really don't have an ear for it but aside from them (counter?) counter culture people have to hate this it's like one of the greatest electric guitar cds of all time.
Maybe I'm out of touch with someone's area, maybe some people are actually sick of hybrid theory but I remember girls from even other nearby schools loved it, I'm in upstate my anyway

Don't tell me what to do, cuck.


this, its more edgy than Meteora but still has its highlights

Stop using "screams". You sound like an older woman on Reddit.

Because it's edgy to hate it. I like it since I grew up with it, brings back memories, and Chester's passing makes the feels that much stronger

>screams the year 2003
>released in 2001
>it was actually released in 2000
Jeez anons...


Meteora is a better album.


Best music site coming through

Even discogs doesn't mind it.


There are also plebs who prefers Johnny cash's hurt

I want chocolate soymilk now.

go snort some soy powder




I hate to say this, but the left really can't meme.

>who you think is calling you a soyboy
literally no one but soyboys think this lmfao



I saw LP back in 2000 right before Hybrid Theory came out at a bar out in the country. They were opening for Sevendust and their name was spelled Lincoln Park on the ticket.

nice satan

>screams the year 2003
>released 2001
>it was actually released 2000
>it was actually released 1987

10/10 album like Meteora.

You can't do better on that genre.

>screams the year 2003
>released 2001
>it was actually released 2000
>it was actually released 1987
>it was actually released in 1897

>you can't do better on that genre
*blocks your path*

>why is this hated?
lol never heard that opinion before i guess you have a shitty life surrounded by idiots

That or OP spends too much time on RYM

Hybrid Theory [Warner Bros., 2000]

the men don't know what the angry boys understand ("Points of Authority," "Papercut") **

You'd hate it too if you had to interact with its obnoxious emo cutter fans back in the day.

The guys on the left look like a gay erotica calendar. No actually strong men have bodies like that, actually they tend to be a bit on the fat side.