Harry my boy, do watch out for Lucius Malfoy. Did I ever tell you he was a Death Eater...

Harry my boy, do watch out for Lucius Malfoy. Did I ever tell you he was a Death Eater? He simply claimed without evidence that he was magically compelled to be a Death Eater so we set him free. It was a good excuse.

the burden of proof lies with the believer you homosexual

now enjoy your pasta

Can you provide evidence he was made a Death Eater without coercion?

I recently rewatched the entire series and goddamn it is INFURIATING the number of times just in time coincidences happen for the sole purpose of furthering the plot, or getting Harry out of a jam.

Remember that almost all of these films, yes films user that gets triggered and calls them movies, are unironically kino.This is the kinoseries

>watches for the plot

Why bother having wizard jail if you can commit crimes then claim it wasn't your fault?

Maybe it was an excuse so you could set him free from one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Atlas Shrugged at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Christopher Nolan.

I dunno, I have never read the book have only watched movies a few times and I am not that user.

But maybe there is fucking magic which lets people control others minds and shit?

Where are the tiers you fucking hack


Without the god tier list its not the same


I just rewatched the first movie after having not seen it in a decade or whatever it's been. I was surprised at how bad it is. The pacing is all kinds of fucked up throughout the middle.

First two movies are actual kids movies

Plebs love Columbus and while I do too I dont think they are the best. I dont think its as fucked as you say but the problem is he made verbatim adaptstions

Harry my boy, do you know about Oscurus? They are a magical deviance that maligns magical kids that have shitty muggle childhoods...say did you liked that you expend most of your childhood with your shitty aunt and uncle? they were good friends.


>it's a lucius has to go into hiding and starts terrorizing indians, mermaids and lost boys under a new identity episode

I could tell. But it's also kind of nice to see the light hearted and charming atmosphere it created whereas the latter movies, from what I remember, feel like they're CRAWLING IN MY SKIN tier.

Despite my "how bad it is" bit, I think it was pretty average and not dreadful. It was watchable and I was entertained until I lost patience towards the end. There's no denying the pacing is fucked through at least in it's execution. It goes from McGonogall class scene where they're late and immediately hard cuts to Snape's class. There was no breathing room, nothing to smoothly transition you into it, just a hard cut and it felt like McGonogall's scene was completely pointless since it only established they were late. And again for the broom class scene.

This is literally how Turkey is currently run today.
The government is like:

>Yeah, we kinda caused the coup attempt, lol xD


>pacing issues
Always a problem with book adaptions that try to stay faithful. The later movies fixed this by being less faithful. You simply can't cram 4 hours of reading into 2 hours of movie.

What is this image conveying?

>death eater

why are they called that? sounds like something the coldsteel kid would come up with

The latter ones fit the tones of the story and books. The atmosphere was different but still comfy. They shouldnt be the same as the early ones, the point is the wizarding world becomes more secondhand and normal and real as they grow up and it becomes more serious for the characters and mostly harry which the latter ones focus on

Try watching the extended cuts of the first two maybe youll like em more. I think every film though builds well towards the climax and has a great climax

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Definitely the latter ones are pretty underrated

>narrowly avoid prosecution for being a wizard nazi on the basis of being forced to be a wizard nazi
>act like a wizard nazi at all times and let your son do it too

go back to whatever forum you came from faggot

are you a newfag?

Tomorrow i'm going to watch the entire thing, i tried when they were being released but i completely gave up during Half Blood Prince, Emma was my waifu...now she is worst Emma.

>people should be condemned for looking like they committed a crime

you're worse than rowling

Part of the point is that law enforcement at the ministry of magic is corrupt as fuck. It's easy for people to buy or negotiate their way out of trouble, people will look the other way for convenience, and pure bloods are favored. The books talk about this a lot, especially in books 4 and 5. Malfoy is a rich, influential pureblood that people are scared of, and that means he can get away with a lot.

Harry my boy, did I ever tell you that we routinely put down goblin rebellions and deny them wands because we are scared of them? We also keep house elves as slaves. Why you ask Harry? Because it is the duty of the master to discipline the slave. My greatest dream is to see every goblin and centaur and house elf dangling from the whomping willow. The day of the wand is coming Harry.

Well you fucked up because shes been only emma the entire time, the others are chump change.

Yeah there's a curse that lets you control other people. They make a point of this throughout the later parts of the series when dark wizards try to claim innocence from evil deeds they committed by saying they were bewitched

You never liked her to begin with if you fell for the horse faced tranny meme or the reddit ribbit meme. Hell the fact she triggers lonely autists alone makes her even better than before

Fake and gay, no book tiers.

Harry did I ever tell you about goblin rebellions? By the way we store all our money and valuable posessions in goblin bank.


So it's confirmed goblins are jews right?
>big noses
>beady eyes

How are you this dedicated to a shitposting board?

They can't keep getting away with it

God, this was so fucking stupid.

Yeah, I stopped reading the books right when Rowling decided to focus on politics for hundreds of pages on end, only to sat that politics and beauracracy are stupid, corrupt and slow. Really made me think, J K.

>not the book tiers pic


His excuse was a shitty one, but because he's rich and from a very important family it was good enough to let him go free. If, say, Hagrid had tried that he'd still have gone to Azkaban.

If there was proof that Voldemort and Death Eaters had used the spell on numerous other people, as in reliable witnesses and documented evidence, then the defense becomes somewhat reasonable.

Secondly, it's entirely possible for a person in real life to claim he or she was being blackmailed. but if they can't provide proper evidence or a reasonable story, then obviously the defense can't be valid. Like if you can actually prove in real life that someone was literally threatening your and the life of your relatives, you can avoid going to jail for a lot of shit. But if nothing about the claim can be substantiated, you'll probably go to jail.

Voldemort literally labels himslf the Dark Lord. He doesn't even pretend to be some pure ideologically good person. he's literally an edgy kid that enver grew up and hates everyone whose ever wronged him.

>haha he's rich and powerful lol they can't arrest him even though no one likes him and everyone knows he killed several people before and he's also trying to bring back voldermnotr lol

is this the worst asspull of all?

Makes sense to me

as if rowling put that much thought into it besides "he's influential"

potterfags mental gymnastics never fail to amuse me

look, Rowling is just a shitty writer

that's it, really

It's real enough. Politicians do not often go to prison even if convicted of crimes that would earn a lengthy sentence. Malfoy was a pillar of the community, a seating member of the Hogwarts board of directors and presumably had his hands in other government affairs. He was actually pretty well liked and respected til about book 3 or so I'd say. He squandered a lot of his family's clout and wealth by then, but at his peak he was influential enough to oust Dumbledore not only from Hogwarts but also his seat on the wizarding high court.

He was also hardly the only pureblood to be a death eater, and the only ones among his peers who went to prison were the fanatics who proudly affirmed their loyalties even after Voldemort fell from power. Most of them, like Malfoy, pretended to have been compelled so they could resume their lives, and used their clout to protect others who were not as influential to avoid prison time with the excuse.

Not an argument.

>rich dude can get away with several murders he committed himself with several witnesses plus the fact he's a proven member of an organization led by an immortal serial killer and proven trying to bring him back plus how he tried to kill a 12 year old in schoolgrounds because he's rich


It's almost like the sentiments that Voldemort espoused were not unique to him but stemmed from underlying prejudices that already existed in society long before he was born and did not suddenly vanish just because he was gone.

>It's almost like

Stopped reading, talk directly


objectively wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself

The burden is on you proving she did.

Thus far your "arguments" are simply ifs based on nothing but your projections about her works.

If there are any implications in the books about what you said, post them.

Not everyone that disagrees with you is one person.

>murders he committed himself with several witnesses
Where is any of that stated? The death eaters kept their identities secret. No one even knew about the dark mark tattoos. Before Harry started naming names, people had their suspicions, but no one could prove anything. That's why pretty much every death eater who ended up in Azkaban was there because they were fanatics who confessed.

A 10 year old can figure out that a defense like "I was forced!" needs to be substantiated for them to actually hold water.

real mental gymanstics would be to claim that Malfoys specific claim was credible because he was influential and thus became a target for Voldemort and that JK was playing a superclever word game and shit.

>rich dude can get away with several murders he committed himself with several witnesses
Except none of that is true. If Malfoy had in public murdered people and gone "I, Lucius Malfoy, have done this!" or something to that effect it would have been pretty damning and not even his excuse would have saved him. Most death eaters went around wearing masks or preferred to work out of sight, after all they aren't as powerful and invincible as their master so they wouldn't be as bold.

He's from a very old, powerful family. Most of the old powerful families are related to each other, a system that should be familiar to you since it's based off European lines of nobility. The people prosecuting him were literally his cousins, people he'd known for years, people who knew how much he could help them out if they let him off the hook.

It seems more and more like you are just ignorant about how politics worked in a pre-modern society.

I know this is a meme but is it for real? Does anyone actually think that 4 wasnt the worst one? 1 and 2 also arent that bad at all

Get over your autism and just ignore the first three words then.

>1 man and his autistic copypasta got a whole board to watch 8 shitty young adult movies
congrats OP

2 3 5 6 7 are pure kino

Well it was more that it was an "open secret" who was a death eater. At the height of Voldemort's power his supporters were more bold and bragged about their association with him to their friends and associates, using it as leverage in their jobs and so forth. I.e.
>Oh I think you WILL give me that promotion, I have very powerful friends after all...
That sort of thing.

No one says 1 and 2 are that bad at all its just that the others are much much better on rewatches

"I was imperio'd!" would probably be an affirmative defense if the wizarding world had actual laws or logic.

Dumbledore, did I ever tell you about guns? They are very powerful friends

It's extremely difficult to prove who and who is not under the imperius curse, that's one of the reasons it's so dangerous. There are signs to tell if somebody is actively being imperused, but having been imperused in the past? Very difficult to say, comes down to testimony. I'm sure if she wanted Rowling could have invented some kind of forensics spell that could look for traces of mind control or something but that would have just created plotholes.

>If there are any implications in the books about what you said, post them.
Books 3-5 have tons of details about the wizard justice system. There are also details about how scared everyone was because no one knew who was a death eater or who was being controlled by one. A few times, characters are revealed to have been past death eaters (Snape, Karkaroff, Pettigrew), and no one had any idea about any of them except Karkaroff, who was let off after snitching. Dumbledore flat out states that pure bloods get preferential treatment, and Draco brags about how his father can buy his way out of anything. At the end of Chamber of Secrets, Lucius even brags that no one can prove anything about him.

Perhaps you should put more effort into informing the plebs and provide a list of superior works to spend their time on when telling them how Harry Potter is one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Atlas Shrugged at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Christopher Nolan.

>Still no dullest copypasta

Im dissapointed in you user

>avatar and boyhood
Quentin was based and had good taste, stop insulting his memory you faggot

That's more like it

Some of them maybe, but it''s never stated that the identities of death eaters was common knowledge. Most of the time, it's a big shock when a character is revealed to have been one. And even if people suspected Lucious Malfoy, it must not have been widespread. As soon as Harry names him publicly, and he's caught in the act (attacking the ministry of magic in book five), he gets arrested.


>Christopher Nolan

Keep your pasta fresh people.

Yeah not all of them, but probably the more powerful ones were smug about it. Discounting the fanatics like Bellatrix who openly flaunted their allegiance obviously.

At least this acknowledges that 4 is the weakest
Its shit though desu

Quentin saved my life. I was a worthless pot smoking nintendrone before he showed me the light.

PoA? More like PoS.

At least you tried

Hes right
Still doesnt excuse you associating his name with shit movies

I think in the case of Malfoy, his real problem was that it was Harry fucking Potter making the accusation.

I always liked it the least, but its consistently batshit so its almost flickino. The directing is bad but the end was good even if it was the shining part deux the third task being done like that fit the movie

more like

6 > 7 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 1

I'm not the user that posted the original image, I'm just sharing my love of quentin.


Get your shit together user. Proper talent made that


Well, exactly. When he first named Malfoy as a death eater, no one took him seriously, because the ministry was covering up that Voldemort was back, and calling Harry crazy. It's not like everyone knew he was a death eater and took Harry's word for it; for the most part, people didn't believe him. It wasn't until Dumbledore caught Malfoy trying to kill children at the ministry of magic that people were willing to believe he was death eater.

Nice reddit thread Emma Watson shitskin!

When will you do something about these shills swaglord?


nice user, id switch 3 and 5. 6 and 7 are so fucking good

hes has every right yates' were underrated as hell besides dh2