Is he in Heaven or Valhalla?
Is he in Heaven or Valhalla?
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in heaven you fucking pagan shit
Lo there do I see my father
obviously he's in hell for worshipping false idols like all humans before the jews decided to scribble down the torah
dunno about valhalla but he ceratinly doesn't deserve a place in heaven
How could a guy who killed hundreds of christians and then died without repenting for his sins go to heaven? You don't seem to know the rules of your own religion.
>About to catch up on Vikings after working night shifts
>A thread implying Ragnar is dead
I hate this place, happy new years.
The reason your working night shift on new years eve is because your are dumb and have never read a book.
The last episode literally ended with Odin coming to personally take Ragnar to Valhalla.
Writer said if Valhalla exists, Ragnar is there, whether he likes it or not.
He's in Hell. None of them are deserving Christians.
You're over 1000 years late. Ragnar was always going to die. People were talking about the snake pit in season 1.
Hes actually in a Galaxy far far away
I'm not working tonight, that's why I'm watching it now, and I did fairly well in school, but I'm practically nocturnal anyways, just thought I should get paid for it, plus no customers so I can listen to music.
Neither because they don't exist.
Ragnar and Athelstan are in purgatory chatting shit.
How can any Christian who has killed someone go to 'Heaven'
the fuck are you talking about?
I know, I just wanted to pretend he'd never die.
Hold me.
One eyed dude.
This 100%
Don't Christians have this weird backdoor to heaven that if you repent your sins and allow Jesus Christ into your heart, everything you ever did is forgiven?
Before he died he was chanting some shit about Odin, why the hell did he do that?
damn, gotta rewatch that, I didn't even think much about it when I watched it and now I can't find that scene anymore. Ragnar dies, Eckbert walks away, then it cuts to Ivar on the boat and the episode ends with Ivar. Where was the one eyed man again?
The very end, last few seconds, if you watched dvr or torrent it might have been cut off. Popular opinions says it's Odin. I'm making a bit of a leap saying it's Odin coming for ragnar.
Possibly because he saw the seer when he was talking to the coach driver and took it as a sign of revelation. You'll notice they were talking about free will or whether there is a pre destined path.
I suppose facing death also would have had an impact on him, not really wanting to accept that this is the end for him. Its harder to accept an atheistic outlook when you're close to facing death.
It was Flatnose, not Odin
now I'm lost
They better end Vikings now
No one will watch for the retarded cripple and his 3 brothers, vikings don't take orders from cripples
Bjorn and Rollo are not enough to carry the show
Ketill Flatnose. Apparently he's going to Iceland with Floki at he end of the season.
BLACKEDhalla, nordic heaven.
he's with this qt3.14
Neither, since he stopped believing in anything. He's stuck in limbo forever.
Edge (Adam Copeland) was cast as Flatnose though...
You two are fucking retarded. The conversation with the seer was entirely about him wanting to be in control of his own destiny.
He didn't believe in the gods, but he also wasn't a 100% sure either the gods or THE god didn't exist.
But he didn't give a shit. He did what he wanted, he lived by his own rules.
At the end, he played the larger than life viking. He wasn't giving up his "atheistic" outlook, he was putting on a show.
Only if it's an honest repentence, and you can't bullshit God
He didn't die while fighting, so presume Helheim, if Odin/Freyja doesn't make an exception, which might be implied by the one eyed man.
In the end, his death prophecy was fulfilled, but did it convince him?
Then again, this implies that the gods exist. Hue Hue hue
>he didn't die while fighting
I'd argue pretty vehemently that the gods would have looked upon his death as a great act. It's basically the only reason that the vikings return to england. You could even argue it was the only way for him to fight and in the end (even with his death) win.
> Back then, men were noble and lived and fought with purpose beyond the mere spoils of war knowing that in doing so they may find their reward in heaven
Atheists are spoiled commies
No one gets to the father except through Christ.
He's buttfucking Applestand in purgatory.
Show is really hyping Ivar up as the chosen one. Coupled with
ask me anything about Old Norse
nice spoiler fags
Just kys already.
why are you such a fag
Sounds like Protestant bullshit to excuse your sinful behavior. Riddle me this, heretic: what's the unforgivable sin?
that's rude. I'm very disappointed in you.
how 2 get old norse gf?
he is in a pit with snakes
He's in Las Vegas now.
I'm pretty sure they're all dead.
wtf u killed them??
>bullshit to excuse your sinful behavior
You mean like
>rub some magic beads and repeat a meaningless phrase 50 times
>talk to a child rapist in a wooden booth and ask him to forgive your sins while he masturbates
>Give us money lol
>what's the unforgivable sin?
It's not believing that Jesus is the only way to heaven, you papist pedofile shitlord.
Not really, they return because of blood flued being the norm in Viking culture, so if someone kills a close relative, it would be your duty to take revenge.
Though, History Channel obviously taken the whole sage and raped it to "better fit an entertaining plot", as Ragnar was beaten in battle against Ælla, and taken prisoner that way.
Also how much they give credit to Ivar to build his personality, and pretty much ignores the other sons.
Sure Ivar was the one that contained his anger with the news of his father, but the scene where he bleeds from his thigh grip around the chesspiece he got from Alfred, was in the sagas done by Halfdan Ragnarsson, who is Hvitserk in the tv show.
Another thing is that it was Ælla who informed the sons of their father fate, which at first led 3 of the sons (Except Ivar) to attack him, but defeated, and then led Ivar to make a deal with Ælla to be given a plot of land that he build a fort on which the sons massed a huge army that they conquered Ælla and blood eagled him.
They've literally just taken the interesting parts and narrated it into some weak shit.
I still enjoy the show, on an entertaining level, but the accuracy of the show is 0.
50/50 chance for either
tell me historybro will ivar ever have a horse and two crossbows/swords to destroy his enemies?
>>what's the unforgivable sin?
>It's not believing that Jesus is the only way to heaven, you papist pedofile shitlord.
WRONG. It seems like Luther's casual skipping over of actual Biblical truth is a contagion after all, since none of you apostate scum ever seem to get it right. The unforgivable sin is REJECTING SALVATION ONCE HAVING ACCEPTED IT, because that would be crucifying Christ twice and spitting on the grace of the Holy Spirit after it having touched you with its perfect love.
Your elders have failed you. Save yourself and return to Mother Vatican before you condemn yourself through your ignorance. When the graves open and death and Hell give up their dead for judgment, the whole line will be made of nothing but Anglican sacrilege offshoots and vagabond corner-cutting cultists like you.
muhammad is a false god
>watching this faggotry
Nice opinion there fagtron.
didn't get to watch this season. was wondering what Rollo got up to. is he still with the French girl?
He literally told King Ecbert that he was going to spout off a bunch of shit about his religion before he died just to troll the Christians present.
It is hinted in one of the trailers that they build him a chariot. Pic related.
It's really unsure how disabled he was historically, but one can assume with his nickname combined with the fact that he had no children that he was impotent (Which they're showing in the show), so he probably had some weakness with his feet, but compensated with better upper body strength and intelligence.
But if he ever actually fought in some way? No idea.
Could probably been a horse archer.
He did tho lead the torturing of Ælla and other prisoners of importance.
Has been doing the whole French noble thing, had a bunch of kids with the princess. Ends up ditching them to go raiding with his nephew.
who that
Wait really?
The term Boneless possibly could have been given to him by the way he moved/fought in battle
Just watched it, that hurt, those flashbacks nearly got me.
Are you retarded?
I realized the picture came out shait, so here's a WebM.
Ruby O'Leary who plays Gyda.
It is really open to readers interpretation. Some Danes believe he had osteogenesis imperfecta.
It would have hit me so hard if they showed that one flash back of the farm and his season 1 family he'd seen while they were on their way to raid france
Yeah the boat scene got me good, the music was too much.
This is the only correct answer.
He didnt die with a weapon in his hand so no Valhalla for him
>practically nocturnal
Humans are not nocturnal. People who believe they are nocturnal are no different then the people who believe they are cats.
His impending death really didn't hit me until those flashbacks..
Well, I feel more active at night and at least get a few hours before I have to go to work.
>assuming species
>in fucking 2017
>ragnar dying
Opie was a gangster so definitely hell
>Humans are not nocturnal.
how retarded are you mate?
yeppers humans have the ability to see in the dark, for sure nocturnal
>Mea Culpa
Did it dawn on Ecbert that Ragnar almost certainly had no idea what that means?
Course not, they were both hammered.
Can someone explain the Seer's prophecy? Was Ragnar the blind man who saw?
Well depending on your theology one of the things Jesus did while he was dead was go down to hell to give everyone there at the time a chance for redemption, so Ragnar could get into heaven that way.
yeppers humans have the ability to sit in direct sunlight from dawn to dusk, for sure diurnal
not gunna bother with someone who says yeppers further though
You realize from a evolutionary standpoint humans are not nocturnal right?
yes true we are cathemeral, glad we agree :)
I'm the user that said that I was nocturnal, I feel like shit most days, but the docs said that's cus of my type 1 diabeetus, apparently fucks with it.
I don't think people should be nocturnal, but you can, kind of like how you can shoot yourself, but you shouldn't.
>started watching the show recently, didn't even know it was currently airing a season
>spoiled about Ragnor dying because of this
Half way through S3 now, I don't really like how they're pushing the supernatural shit I thought this was supposed to be historically accurate.
Just watched. Really made me want to go back and watch the first two seasons again.
you were the one arguing about humans being nocturnal
all that was said was that humans are not nocturnal, he wasnt wrong yet was called retard for it