times are changing edition

please reply

For the better or worse? Or maybe it's just different than before and not necessarily better or worse?


Hola mi amgo chicano. How's it going? Just got done doing a bit of curling and light exercising

worse i'd say
the same as usual

why are you so depressed?

I never leave my room or talk to anyone really so i feel like its almost impossible to change

>I never leave my room
I miss my NEET days

hows the hospital treating you?


En donde vives?

east coast

A la mierda, esperaba que vivieras aqui en oeste

How about learning a programming language and a foreign language? Would help land a job if you're unhappy being NEET

I know both spanish and english

Well programming skills seem to be employable nowadays. Otherwise I would recommend investing NEETbux into cryptos. You could make good gains

i don't know how to program I don't have any skills

Learn some skills. Expanding your knowledge because of your free time is one of the best aspects of being NEET

how should I do it? books?

you don't even need books to get you started. tons of web resources.

idk was just curious and I've already been thinking about reading

I'd recommend getting ebooks about programming

Don't listen to this guy CHI
I am a chicano programar and I'm still miserable

whats so special about programming though? does it pay good?

It's a skill you can learn sitting in your room on your computer. I just thought it might appeal to you since you already sit at your computer. I think the pay is good too though

Pity bump

I'll look into it see if I like it

>no skills lol
No seas un pendejo. You can easily learn many valuable skills on your own. Programming is a little too much desu HOWEVER there is still much you could learn. You're stuck in a computer/phone all day, right? Take them apart, learn about individual components, write down notes of how they work. It doesn't even have to be a computer, look around your home and see what you can fix. You're not gonna become an expert in this but you'll gain some experience. If you comfortable and think you got the capacity to start learning for reals, go apply at a hardware/repair store, tell them you've got a bit of experience and that you're willing to learn more. Most will happily let you start working on an apprenticeship if you show them you've got some enthusiasm. I might also assume you may not have papers and that is okay. Some employers will allow you to work and pay you under the table, no ssn required but don't just go around telling them that, just show enthusiasm and if they show interest they'll let it pass.

i have some skills but they aren't anything too special

No of course they are not because they are not specialized. You need to get to work, there is something you can do. By the way you write I can already telk you're lazy as fuck. Daddy won't be around forever, you gotta adapt. Sitting in your room all day pretending you know something won't help. Look for internships/workshops for your skills if you don't want to learn by yourself most are free or have a very small fee.

I don't have a dad

Don't matter hun. A neet can support himself, if its the government I am fucking disgusted and ashamed of you.


badly desu.
I second this.
Pirate an a+ textbook and try to get an entry level help desk job.
You might be NEET but you're better than the pajeets the hire

ah yes yet one more CHI neet day in canada

Lmfao what a fucking joke.

Is this your rendition on "just pull up your bootstraps" meme? LMAO. You aren't getting shit as a job unless you either a) Willing to work like a slave to make your boss profit b) Have a useless degree/useless certifications that other people do not have and people assume this artifical scracity is legit or c) You're willing to lie to people, have a smooth silver tongue and are willing to fool boomers to make a buck

>go apply to a store and tell them u really really really want to learn!
Lol! They'll squeeze you for all your worth and throw you out.

Have you BEANED any qt quebecoise?

>sitting on your ass all day at home is better than wageslaving
NEETs, when will they learn? I fucking hate retards who start complaining about how harsh their life is, about how they can't get their shit together put absolutely no effort in doing the slightest bit of work. Oh are you just going to somehow magically become an expert in a field of work with some nice paycheck? Oh wait lemme guess, you need education first, right? Guess what, most entry level jobs do not and if you're so fucking bothered by doing menial jobs you should just fuckinh kill yourself

>He missed the point this hard

lmao I see the wagie's brain has been thourghly dried out by monotonous work

I'm from southern California and I hate Chicanos and Mexicans alike. They are harder to spot in a crowd than blacks because their skin isn't as dark. I hate their stupid language and I hate their stupid smell. I hate their fucking XXL LOS DOYERS baseball jerseys and their nasally voices. They think that because tacos are delicious they rule our streets. They give birth to a half dozen chiclet-selling little beaners that think they are hardcore but they are really just manlets who will end up just picking my strawberries and selling them outside of Trader Joe's. "BUT MUH HARD WORK" fuck off Jose, coming around my white neighborhood every Saturday morning for our garage sale furniture so you can drive it back to cartel land and sell it is not hard work. You're a virus that needs to be annihilated and Baja California is rightful Californian clay. There will be a Maginot Line of In n' Outs from Redding to Cabo San Lucas within the decade, I swear to god. The only thing you're good for is getting into gang wars with the blacks so at least we kill two rats with one stone. Oh, you're wondering why I didn't say two birds with one stone? That's because you don't deserve to be a bird. You don't belong in the skies, but in fact the sewers. The skies are a god-given right of true, white Americans. So enjoy your time here while you can, Jose. Make sure you say an extra Hail Mary every night because you'll need it.

Why is there always a fingolian in these threads?

What are you going to do about your anger besides whining?