Really makes you think
Really makes you think
if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if you say so
He's a Nigger
History is written by the memers my friendo. And we meme the memest.
>Globally Admired
I wanna take the Liberal pill. How can I live in a fantasy world??
>criticism of Obama = racism
Wew q
Just... wow... you know? It really makes you think...
>loud minority
I thought that was black people.
He has had to deal with the same crap every president had to deal with, and instead of dealing with it professionally he whined and pointed fingers.
He is a whiny nigger that couldn't get his gibmedats
>president does what his party wants him to
>other party doesn't like it because their goals don't match up with his party
>other party must be racist and it can't just be a disagreement
hate this meme
Posting anything from Occupy Democucks should be a bannable offense. Report this bullshit.
he was brewed inside a jew woman though
>rewriting history
Pure hypocrisy
i think you mean
>Occupy Demokikes
Can we find out who the fuck runs Occupy Democrats?
>>taking anything that people who live their lives with their heads up their own asses seriously...
Oh how easily the left was deceived by Bush in blackface makeup.
I-I-I-I just wanted to stand up say thankkkkk y-y-you Obama for cementing the Bush tax cuts and f-f-for all those Democratic drone strikes on Afghani hospitals
I fucking wish but it's probably several people.
Okie doke.