What's your opinion on killing 100 Iranians to avenge the 50 killed in Orlando Muslim attacks?

What's your opinion on killing 100 Iranians to avenge the 50 killed in Orlando Muslim attacks?

I asked this on Reddit .No one cared. Some people said live and let live, which I think is meh. Now, some deranged person has started following me around on reddit and posting that thead everywhere I go, and despite the fact that no soul has directly confronted me about it, he's getting upvotes. Tell me to post his profile if you want. Literally 90% of his posts are about my thread and how mentally ill I am, whilst ignoring the fact that he's follwing ME around on an internet board. lol.

Also, are Germans racist?

Other urls found in this thread:


>going to reddit

what did you expect

Why would you target iranians? Shouldn't you target isis or Saudi arabia or Afghanistan militants?

What's his profile?

bomb mecca

I don't really know why. I think I should delete all my usernames and just stop going there. What's a good substitute for Reddit, sans the crazy people?

Same shit really. The only Muslims I care about are my mom, my brother and my sister. Rest can get nuked. In fact, I will nuke them myself.


Give ma missile armed with a nuke and I will deliver it myself.

>100 Iranians
They dindu nuffin. Why not the Saudis instead proxyfag?

I'm literally a homosexual male IRL and I think revenge killing is fucking stupid. Blaming every Iranian for one nutter's actions would be like blaming every homo for one dude being a child predator.

>What's your opinion on killing 100 Iranians to avenge the 50 killed in Orlando Muslim attacks?
no, that's stupid. I moved on 5 minutes after reading about it

>Also, are Germans racist?
idk, I think they are autistic and prone to take things to the extreme


You don't have the balls to kill anyone anyway, terrorist

At some point violence will have to be reciprical. I do not like Israel or their policies, but I do believe their decisive brutal response to attacks is effective.

>I'm literally a homosexual male IRL
Hol' up

I'm not disrupting West's peace, therefore I'm not a terrist.

What does Iran have to do with (no)pulse?

even straight persians have a soft spot for the gaudy shit faggots love

>Sunni Muslim kills some victims.
>Revenge on Shia Iran.

Drop the proxy Schlomo.

Hi (((JIDF)))

If Muslims are to target an aspect of Western cultrue, we should target an aspect of Islamic culture. Iran is weak, but loud as shit. If I get recruited by Isreal to avenge the attacks, if that means I will be given citizenship to France or Belgium, and be accepted as a part of their culture, I will definitelty do it.

Iranians are some of the only decent Muslims. You do some awful shit to each other, but it can be avoided by not going there. You aren't exporting terrorism like the Saudis.

Iranians are bro tier

> What's a good substitute for Reddit, sans the crazy people?

voat.co is what people always bring up.

Why Iranians?

And, no. Slaughtering innocents because you're a fucking mentally ill sperge is fucking retarded.

Who do you think you are? George Bush?

I've got a great idea. Because there's MExicans illegally in the U.S. who have raped and killed American citizens, how about we track you down and kill you. And your entire family. And, you know, fuck it. Mexishits have killed a mother fuckload of Americans over the years. We should just turn your entire city into a cinder. And, if that's less than about 1 million Mexishits, then we should just keep burning off Mexishit towns and cities until we kill at least twice 11 million .. so 22 million Mexishits.

Because. I fucking feel like it.

Do you have any problems with that? Explain.

I'm tired of living in an awful country. I want to leave, but that's impossible. I have to resort to extreme if I want to get French or Belgian citizenship. I'm studying French on Duolingo, Memrise and I'm practicing Micheal Thomas with a girl from my univeristy. I'm getting my associate's degree in Machine Coding. But they won't let me in. Never. I'm tired of being a virgin, never getting to have sex, no weed, no booze, no freedom of expression. no nothing. Fuck Iran. Fuck Iranians.

I'm Iranian padre.

i read iran has one of the biggest brain drain problems in the world

if you cant leave it probably means you are retarded because plenty of other smart iranians seem to have it pretty easy

Are you a tard or a legit shill?

Iran is only super Islammy because of (((American))) intervention and even then they're nowhere near as bad as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Afghanistan.

Stop trying to destroy another sovereign nation shlomo

Jesus taught us to forgive those who wrong us. If we seek revenge we are no better than Muslims.

> What's your opinion on killing 100 Iranians to avenge the 50 killed in Orlando Muslim attacks?

I think it's dumb. I just want to ban new Muslims from entering the US. No offense intended to your family.

But alot of Muslims hate us (can we blame them after Bush & Obama bombed so many people?). So my solution is to just keep them away for a while until things cool down.

It's like if you kick a bee hive you don't open the door and invite angry bees in your house. It doesn't mean you hate bees or that you don't feel bad about kicking their hive; you just don't want to get your ass stung.

I haven't tried yet because I'm still a studnent and I'm still learnging French. Even if I try, I won't pass. Iranians who get to leave do it by pure chance. They're all a bunch of wife-beating, daughter-killing, religious brutes. For example, they all believe just because a woman dresses provocatively, so to speak, is asking for it. Fucking retards. They'll never integrate in West.

Nigga, you crazy. We shouldn't nuke people for their nationality, but because of the content of their character. If Iranians are so fucked up that it's time to go Saladin with a case of PMS on their asses, that's fine, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Orlando, so don't use that as a bullshit excuse.

The fact that you care about upvotes just goes to show how little value your life has.
Report the cunt for harassment and don't come back until you stop giving a fuck about imaginary points.

I don't think that's the solution. I think the better thing to do is strictly managed immigration. There's a lot of oppressed religious minorities and atheists and gays in those countries, and it's already difficult for them to leave. They resort to even shittier places like Malayzia. Iranians are flooding to Malazia like flies. If US and other Western countries decide to completely put a blanket ban on Islamic countries, at least they can loan some money to Malayzia and similar countries to maintain their population of Iranian Bahaiis, Gays and Atheists.

I don't care about upvotes. I meant that him getting upvotes means Reddit is against me. Oh fuck do I care about Reddit. I just visist /r/learnprogramming.

Yup I have a muzzie friend who owns a gas station. He hires only muzzies. Bangladesh, and Iran mostly. The one Iraqi I felt like was a evil sick fuck. The spoiled brat from qutar and Jordan was close to getting his throat slit in a dark alley. All the rest are a ok educated family men. What I find interesting is how effiminate they all are.

I wish you'd only let in educated atheists and minorities from the Middle East.


Many Iranian are still surprisingly westernized despite years of "cultural revolution". If they are the extremist Islamist of Iran, then no problem.

>uses plebbit
>tries to impress plebbitors by saying "should i avenge 100 americans by killing muslims"
>nobody gave a fuck and got his ass handed by a faggot who now follows him everyone
>decides to come to /pol to cry about it
Just kys and end your misery

> Iran isn't hyper Islamic

I think you might be retarded, user.

Bad because then it will cause rapefugees from Iran to enter usa and canada