Show us your living room, Sup Forums

Show us your living room, Sup Forums.

lol's it that tv you posted a while back

hello 1967

Comfy as fuck m8.

it is L-shaped so hard to find an angle

A better angle would be "not taken in the kitchen".

>living room
I live in a hotel room so it's effectively a bachelor.

Nice pictures.
Are they chinese or japanese?


Nice drone m8

Come again

How do you live in a hotel? Do you get a special rate, or is it a business thing?

I'm going to school out of province and the hotel I was staying in when looking at apartments offers extended stays for 600 bucks a month.

Free cable, internet, phone, parking, toiletries, housekeeping, downstairs restaurant discount. Only problem is there isn't a full kitchen, just a kitchenette that I use a hotplate and a mini-oven in.

that's what your mum said too


Thanks, BR.

Maybe take one in the entryway instead of from the kitchen?

That doesn't sound like a bad deal, honestly. What hotel?


This looks more depressing than your economy.

Something like this but more things on the wall

Quality Inn

>This looks more depressing than your economy.
rude af

>Combined radio, cassette deck, amp and turntable
that's pretty fucking heretical

Anyone else living in /oldhouse/ here?

There's a student sleeping the living room, so here's a picture of our courtyard instead.

How black are you? We have this term called "bluenigger" for negros so black they almost look shiny/dark blue in the sun.

1901 here


click-clock-clock-click-clock-clock-click-clock-clock m8

I'm white and from the United States. Staying with a friend who's also white and from the United States.

Kid in the living room is a local, though. Apparently he's the only student out of a massive class who has literally any interest in learning.


>I'm white and from the United States
funny..that's what everyone here from Argentina keeps saying too

Half Irish, half Slav.

Not a trace of African in me, aside from the same that's in us all.

this also sounds like something an argentinian would say

t. Mehmet Recep Sikturoğlu

hey I remember your thread from a couple of days back. why are you still in tanzania?

I have to stay a while to save some money. I get paid every two weeks and have to spend quite a bit on plane tickets for the following few months.

I made a pretty thorough budget and figure I'll leave here around the end of the month. I get free room and board and only pay $10 per week for food, although the normal dishes have already gotten old.

Leaving around the end of August to spend a night in Dubai, two or three in Romania, and then two weeks in Moldova. Flying back to Egypt midway through September, staying half a month, and then hopping over to India. Part of November and all of December will be in Mexico and maybe Guatemala, then back to school in January,

What does this have to do with Sup Forums? Fuck off.

LOL, imagine living in a place like this back when mobile internet didn't exist.

I moved here a month ago. It's still seems kinda bland but i already like it :^)

check the curtains

The material of the sofa looks comfy to the touch but at the same time looks disgusting as it should attract every kind of dust like crazy

whats the wildest thing you saw in tanzania

looks comfy

Very nice

Here is mine.

Very aesthetic!
Watch out with the mattress on the floor, it can cause lungs problem.

Comfy desu

Yeah, it's sort of a velvety material. Doesn't cling dust too badly, but it holds on to cat hair like you wouldn't believe.

always forget from time to time just how thirld-world non-america/canada really is


No, Canada's third-world too. Just look at OP.



Hahaha bait

How is it bait?

that's fucking nasty

>potted plant on coffee table
I mean...