Am I the only person who finds this shit sort of disturbing? Random guy says he dislikes Pink (not even @ing her)...

Am I the only person who finds this shit sort of disturbing? Random guy says he dislikes Pink (not even @ing her), Pink personally attacks him on Twitter and sics tens of thousands of crazed fans on him. I fucking hate celebrity culture.

Other urls found in this thread:

some womyn have thyn skyn

She overreacted, she is a womyn.

That just means it hurt her and he won

Is King Sullivan /ourguy/ ??

sounds like the actions of someone incredibly insecure

Such vague, much ambiguity.

He deserves it, talk shit get hit

Let's be honest if it was an artist you liked you'd be saying REKT if they responded to a shittalker

Artists I like don't have twitter wars

Youre just an insecure millenial bully like her.

If an artist I liked did this I'd think they were being extremely petty

none of the artists i like have 32.3 million followers who will do anything to be noticed by her
also none of the artists i like would be notable enough to have it be written about in the huffington post, directing more hate towards the person

I wouldn't let an artist I like get away with sounding like a cuckold reciting babby's first comeback

t. little chickenshits who want to be able to shittalk and be toxic to whoever they want without facing any consequences, and then cry when they do get shittalked back

it's called banter you soy fucks

well shit you're right i didn't think about that have a nice day

While reading that random stranger's comment, she felt dehumanized and voice-shamed. Yet she knew silence was the enemy. So for the sake of future generations she empowered herself just enough to defend herself with words, not violence. She's basically Gandhi.


You're crying right now though, so much that you didn't even read

>not being able to handle banter

tough talk for a pink fan

Unless I'm missing something, where did she send fans after him? I don't like Pink but she doesn't seem to have done anything wrong. You can't control what fans do on their own. If I were her I likely wouldn't have responded to some unknown but she did, and talk shit and have shit shot back at you.

>no YOU suck!!!
awful, just awful.

Yea ok, go take some pictures of random people at starbucks to make fun of them now loser

>You can't control what fans do on their own
You're retarded if you believe this, or you just found out about twitter this afternoon.

>You can't control what fans do on their own.
I thought you were dead Mr. Manson

How exactly can you control it? You can tweet out "Please don't do XYZ" but people are still going to go and do something if they want. It's not like she said something like, "Would be a shame if this guy was killed..." or something where you could argue that she was endorsing people going after him.

>random people
nice false equivalency

guy said she sucked, she said he sucked, it was so fucking tame and you're still crying about it because she's a woman who didn't passively accept being shittalked

don't dish it if you can't take it bud

i get this is satire, but what the fuck is voice shaming?

Retweeting somebody's post means you want your followers to see it and respond with their feelings. Followers of a musician are generally fans. People on Twitter are just as stupid and easily manipulated as people in Youtube comments.

It's pretty self-explanatory, shaming someone for the way their voice sounds

Im talking about how you take pics of people in public and show all your lil friends to feel cool. You suck at reading idiot.

OMG you go user school dem haterz ur beautiful and ur fukn PERFECT omg

>How exactly can you control it?
How about having some self-awareness of your own influence and the fact that your millionaire ass doesn't need to step on some internet nobody or have your pussy posse do it for you?

Bullshit, there was nothing approaching a direct or even indirect incitement to her fans, your logic implies that nobody with a following is allowed to be negative or critical towards anyone because their fans might gangpile them, but they don't hold any responsibility for the random mass of people that happen to follow them

Only a dumb fucking aidsmonkey takes every specific statement to the logical extreme that applies to everything and acts like they know what they're talking about.

so you're even dumber than I thought, it wasn't relevant to the conversation at all just a baseless assumption, cool beans dumbshit

>influential people have no responsibility over their influence

Not an argument, explain how it doesn't lead to said logical extreme

How could someone as famous as Pink ever be "allowed" to address anyone negatively according to your logic of people being responsible for their fanbase doing random shit they never condoned?

The weak should fear the strong

She didn't retweet though, she merely replied. That doesn't exactly mean she wanted her fans to reply to it as well. If I were famous and I found a comment that I found interesting, I would probably retweet or like it so that way I could remember it by when my career and life progress. It doesn't mean the fans have to reply; they could easily ignore it as well.

And plus, , the guy explicitly said that her fan-base is dumb for liking her music. If insulting the intelligence of a person simply for resonating with an artist isn't grounds for replying, then nothing else is. Protruding an opinion is one thing. He clearly knew that he wanted the attention for his bait, and he got it.

She sang like shit in front of millions of people, admitted to being under the weather, and isn't even a singer known for having excellent range or anything. Worst of all her comeback was fucking awful. She can do whatever she wants and people can respond to her in any way they want, you only have a problem with the latter and you're talking out of your ass because you don't understand the fundamental dynamics of a social media platform.

Wrong. When you reply to someone your tweet just appears underneath theirs. You can only see it if you click on the original tweet or specifically look for her tweets AND replies on her profile. What she did was she retweeted the guy and added a comment, meaning she wanted this comment to show up in all of her followers' timelines.

Replying IS retweeting you fucking idiot

shut the fuck up pink you're an insufferable bitch

Remember what happened to Brandon for memeing?

How are some of you so thin skinned, the second someone retorts back you come cry on an anonymous image board.

>insult someone
>surprised when they insult you back

No, what?

>She sang like shit in front of millions of people, admitted to being under the weather, and isn't even a singer known for having excellent range or anything. Worst of all her comeback was fucking awful.
None of these are relevant

>She can do whatever she wants and people can respond to her in any way they want
Yes, I never debated this. I don't "have a problem with it." But you're not just insulting her for her insult, you're directly stating that she shouldn't have said what she said with shitty logic that you're dancing around having to expound on because you can't come up with an answer to my question

>you're directly stating that she shouldn't have said
Read again bitch


>stand on soapbox in the park babbling about Trump
>Trump shows up with a TV crew and says NO U
Because honestly, the receptive audience for Pink's tweets is enormous compared to this guy's, despite the nature of the medium

If you don't think she shouldn't have said it, then you're implying there's no problem with the fact that said statement might be responsible for her fanbase ganging up on the guy, in which case what the fuck are you even arguing?

Different thing s

>Wrong. When you reply to someone your tweet just appears underneath theirs.
Nope. Pic related disproves that. Retweeting doesn't allow people to comment on said tweet, and it explicitly says if it's a retweet. Pink replied. Not a retweet.

Nope again. Retweeting is taking a tweet and just showcasing it to your followers without any other commentary on said tweet. It's the equivalent of saying "this" in Sup Forums. Pink explicitly replied to his comment.

there is no valid comparison to be made between someone tweeting at someone else and someone physically showing up and making a massive effort to broadcast their disagreement as loudly as possible

look how insecure she is that she has to stop to flame so dude on twitter kek pink sucks

It is very disturbing, op.
People in positions of power shouldn't shine a spotlight on a single person for petty offences.
What does she want? She already knows she is rich and famous, why socially assassinate a civilian? Jesus. Millenials...

I responded to you because you said some stupid shit about artists not being able to control the actions of their fanbases, and I proved you wrong, and now you're swimming in baby tears trying not to acknowledge it.

Okay dude, you see that little box with the original tweet they're responding to? That's not what a response on twitter looks like. In order to get it to look like that, you hit retweet and type something before hitting confirm. Why are you trying so hard to be right about something you're ignorant on? Do you have no actual knowledge or life skills to share?

>why socially assassinate a civilian?
because when you put it that way, shits funny as fuck.

explain how pink flaming that guy is "insecure" but you flaming pink isn't

this whole thread is just the embodiment of the idea that everyone on the other side is triggered and taking offense, while everyone on your side is logical and just pointing out when people are dumb / having some fun with them

because the dude said she sucks. His opinion.
She said he sucks, without even knowing the dude and singling him out because he said something a lil negative toward her. I'd say thats defensive right thar.

i feel like pink responding like that is the opposite of celebrity culture cause she's responding as some random person would to being shittalked rather than a member of a higher class (noblesse oblige)

>and I proved you wrong

And like I said, according to your logic of artists being responsible for the actions of their fanbases when they didn't make any sort of incitement or call to action, the only way they could "control" those actions is to never say anything negative about anyone, which is a point you have failed to refute

Saying P!nk sang like shit is an opinion that's not too difficult to support

Saying some random dude you don't know is a loser with no life just because he thinks P!nk sang like shit is something one of you faggots would say because you're so fucking bad at banter and have to respond to everyone that undermines your shitty contributions

how many articles are we gonna get that congratulate pink for putting a hater in their place
if a white man did this the articles would call him problematic

he also said that "if you like her singing you're dumb" in what way is that also not a projection onto random people?

Sorry man, but are you retarded? I don't get why you're getting so indulged in semantics when the fact is retweeting and retweet-replying have the exact same effect

The physical presence is the least important part of the comparison. One person in the public eye reflecting the spotlight that shines on them at some nobody over a comment that originally had basically no audience and wasn't even directed to them in the first place is extremely petty at best, potentially dangerous at worst. Weigh the potential good of such an action vs. that of doing nothing.

You can't read. Nobody said anything close to "don't say anything negative about anyone" and you sound retarded for extrapolating that from "if you take X action on Y social media platform that you don't understand, it produces Z predictable outcome"

You're an idiot who missed my point. This isn't about the technicality of it; it's the idea. A reply is an actual rebuttal to and commentary on an original tweet. A retweet merely is just a simple reposting of said tweet with no comment to add on it. Pink did not just retweet; she replied. And anyway, you failed to address my other point as well.

>And plus, (OP) #, the guy explicitly said that her fan-base is dumb for liking her music. If insulting the intelligence of a person simply for resonating with an artist isn't grounds for replying, then nothing else is. Protruding an opinion is one thing. He clearly knew that he wanted the attention for his bait, and he got it.
Pink clearly replied to the comment to highlight his stupidity of criticizing a celebrity more powerful than he is, and how haters always look pathetic and retarded doing shit like this.

Her answer makes her seem really touchy (see James Blunt for someone who knows how to take attacks in a good way), the comeback was very weak ("I'm more successful than you!") and even makes her sound arrogant (hearing celebrities shaming regular folks that watch them on tv from the couch isn't exactly going to earn my sympathy)
Having said that, the way you worded things is of course inaccurate because you are asking us to agree with your dislike towards her (to say "suck" is different from writing "I dislike this artist's music", and to be fair he attacked the fanbase that is now after him by calling them "dumb" simply because they happen to like something he doesn't) and thus don't care about being unbiased

tl;dr: pink reacted poorly to a petty attack, the guy is an idiot, and your opinion is misguided. All were wrong this time around

You don't have to directly say something for it to be the IMPLICATION of your line of logic, you get that right? Your idea doesn't just contain the words you type and nothing else, you have to consider the logical extension of said idea.

If your logic is simply as shitty as "if you can predict something happening as a result of your actions you have direct responsibility for that something happening" then try taking a basic philosophy course so you don't waste people's time in the future

You're wrong on an anonymous imageboard and you can't handle it, so pathetic. If you had 3000 Pink fans calling you a loser, you'd probably shit your diaper.

Nobody gives a fuck about whatever else you were saying.


>waiting for Pink to bring this post to the attention of her many followers

she`s a hack


yeah... he probably had this coming for awhile now.


>Let's be honest if it was an artist you liked you'd be saying REKT if they responded to a shittalker


"Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough."

- Pink


You've never sat through a philosophy course in your life if you're typing retarded shit like but we've already established you like to spout shit about stuff you don't know the first thing about so this will all go over your head.

>If you had 3000 Pink fans calling you a loser, you'd probably shit your diaper.
Except for the fact that I almost had the exact same thing happen on an April Fool's day joke.

>be in a state of meocity
>bored one day during Spring
>realize that April Fool's Day is coming up
>decide to pull something devious
>on Twitter, I would reply to DarkSydePhil, a YouTuber I dislike, and say that I enjoy his work and that he is my favorite YouTuber of all time, so he could reply “Thanks! That lifted my mood a lot!”... only to reply “April Fools! You suck, DSP! I can't believe you actually believed me!”
>the day comes
>decide to initiate plan
>an hour later, no replies
>have an alternate plan
>post to popular YouTubers that they suck
>Markiplier, ComedyShortsGamer
>doesn't get anything
>find video of obnoxious fag breathing fire
>post pic related
I win.

because its his subjective objective opiniyon. dunce

Wasn't me who typed that, but thanks for making it clear you have no interest in having an actual debate and you just want to make pithy remarks to feel superior to others, should have said that at the start so nobody engaged with your terrible ideas

>comparing youtubers to pop superstars
come the hell on

holy fucking shit dude

I felt superior to you the second I read your posts, I replied out of pity :)

>waaaah people are being toxic
You're on the wrong website.

this is the right website.

Weird thing to say considering that post was responding to people essentially calling what Pink did toxic even if they didn't use the literal word

Confucious say "talk shit get hit."

The thing I hate most about this is that the guy immediately backed down. Like, ok, fine, she's being a bullying bitch. But this guy was an ultrafaggot who immediately ducked his head in the sand instead of absorbing all that negative publicity.

Like, seriously, he was so asshurt about 3000 or so little girls coming after him with pitchforks? Apparently the guy's twitter is him trying to be 'funny on the internet' if that's all he was doing with that account he shoulda took it and ran a mile.



Those weaponized, I mean, (((empowered))) cunts don't like competition. Spreading toxicity is a one-way street, they deliver and we swallow.

>that tweet
Want to know how I know you're a yank?

you realize that this is the most relevant she's been since that sappy song with the dude from fun right? (not jack inoff the other one)
she has to find a way to extend it as long as possible

As an American, I take much umbridge to the idea that someone would think this disrespectful excuse for human life is a representative of any group beyond disrespectful excuses; let alone mine.


Why is it better to suck in front of millions then on your couch?

>be op
>hate (you)s

why are you here? the guy who made that shit post is having so much fun