Was this really considered attractive in the '60s?
Was this really considered attractive in the '60s?
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looks like a weasly jew to me, she would be a stereotypical nerd bitch like that like jew girl from Kate Micucci if she was around today
A woman who looked like that would be considered attractive now too.
It's OK to be gay, user.
She's so fucking cute, it depresses me that I'll never be with her
Did she ever shot tiddies?
She looked attractive as Eliza Doolittle.
>Really hated rom coms from the 80's and after when I was a kid cause how boring it was
>One of Audrey movie was airing on tv
>Realize it was more amusing to watch than any comedy movies from the millennials
I don't know what made it good, the setting, the writing or the cast, watching Audrey Hepburn movies when I was a kid was one of really good memories I have
Imagne to be her pusy slave.
never change
fuck I want holly golightly to step on my balls
Yes, also in 2017.
I am her pusy slave!!
short hair was a mistake
julie andrews is better
Yes. And it's considered attractive to my dick to this very day.
Katherine Hepburn is best Hepburn
Was this really considered attractive in the '40s?
Judy was actually insecure as shit throughout her entire career because she knew she was substandard in terms of looks actually
/r/ing pics of the main broad in it's a wonderful life
Was this really ever considered attractive?
best 40'sfu
wayyyy too skinny
people bitch about gadot
She was never supposed to be a star. At her audition for her first big role another girl got the part but the director misheard who it was and cast Judy instead.
Times sure... have changed...
what did she mean by this
Was this really considered attractive in the '70s?
She's so stunning that I almost can't get it up to her because it feels perverse to sexualize someone with such ethereal beauty.
i'd fap to Jean Seberg
its perverse to even think a woman is too beautiful to have sex with or not. how beta do you have to be no woman is worth that have some self respect
She has delicate facial features, a natural smile and a slim body. Much more attractive than most of the amorphous chubby "strong wxmyn" that pass for actresses these days (J. Law, Scarjo, Angelina Jolie).
2innocent4me, I'd rather just admire her beauty
>falling for the doe eyes innocent meme
your hearts gonna get broken so fast...
B-But scarjo in lost in translation is one of the most beautiful women of all time....
Reminder Sean Connery got to fuck her in the ass.
Was this really considered attractive in the 1800s?
She was literally a British fascist
Top 60's waifu material
The older I get, the more I realize old sculptors had god-tier taste in women. Literally.
all they did was study and replicate it. Male and female both
Well they studied some fine ass women. There's a lot of beauty in the female form, knowhatimsayin? Same goes for the male form, no homo.
>There's a lot of beauty in the female form, knowhatimsayin?
for more reasons than one, but i agree. and you dont have to say no homo just because youre insecure with talking about male sexuality. Artists had to draw and sculpt dicks all the time, practice doing it too but they were huge homos, not the ones who matter anyway
Dicks are the silliest looking parts of the male form, the real action is all in the hips, shoulders, pecs, arms, and ass.
Silly? Uh not the word I'd use but ok. I guess awkward but since it accounts for so much I can't really complain
> 'His Fair Lady' always wore long white gloves up to her shoulders, while sucking John F. Kennedy's cock... An audio recording of Audrey Hepburn's notorious "cock-knocker carnival" can currently be found at the Florida home of a well-known film collector.
yeah, so innocent...
I meant physically, spergers.
Funny Face was literally based around the premise that she didn't look like a model but was still oddly attractive.
Was this really considered attractive in the 60s?
>ywn take a whiff of those tootsies
>long white gloves up to her shoulders, while sucking John F. Kennedy's cock
That sounds so hot
>slim elegant neck
>short pretty hair
>cute nose
>beautiful eyes
You don't consider her attractive.
I think Hepburn is more attractive than Monroe. There's something about her beauty that seems more natural to me. Also she aged really well.
Old sk00l feet clinic.
She is aesthetic as fuck
So beautiful hands
I honestly coudn't stomach her romcoms. Roman Holidays was alright, but Breakfast at Tiffany's was cringeworthy and Love In the Afternoon I had to drop halfway.
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here
Was this really considered attractive in the 50s?
yup and still is
>tfw ywn fuck prime Tallulah
thats considered attractive now
Was this at around the three minute mark?
>all that disgusting fucking jungle bush
Are you barbarians or did you just get brain aids during childhood development?
>not liking bush
Bush is truly the greatest Pleb filter.
Why would you want a woman to shave? are you a pedophile?
My gf is built like that, complete with classic beauty face, people literally come up to me in the street congratulating me on owning such a fine specimen.
also Lauren.
Lol yeah I'm sure they do
>people literally come up to me in the street congratulating me on owning such a fine specimen.
was this really considered attractive in the 2010s?
Thread ruined. Bye.
She was Belgian actually
You sure about that?
>My gf is built like a fat whale
fixed for you, and sorry about that
Was this really considered attractive in 30 BC?
Literally said "yuck" when I saw this. Didn't even think about it, it is was just a natural reaction.
Would cook dinner for.
This should really be a bannable and executable offense.
Could this be the first meme of 2017?
> fascist
> caring for africa
You can be both. shit even the nazis did shit in africa with the africans.
Why do I have a fetish for girls that look kinda sad
What the fuck is wrong with me
Feels right huh?
Today standards have shifted to a more masculine femininity to reflect our generation's gender fluidity.
If Audrey was active in the current cinema trend, she would hardly stand out.
>Roman Holidays was alright
My mother tried to watch this in the theater when it came out and a, woman behind her kept whispering to her friend how embarrassing Audrey's acting was.
Mom turned around, saw who it was and said "You're welcome to your opinion Ms. Hepburn but I paid money to watch this, could you please be quiet and let me enjoy it."
I miss her, she died before she had the chance to become a shitposter.
too perfect.
OP just wanted all the (YOU)s all along
>If Audrey was active in the current cinema trend
The rarity of Audrey's facial charm comes in part from her head being slightly too small for her face. It's what most amateur modelers get wrong.
Coupled with the thick eyebrows, slightly bulbous nose and severe jawline, and always wearing a pixie cut or similar, it makes her seem mouselike and vulnerable, as though she *might* be someone's idea of plain. Or, as they say over in Sup Forums, moƩ.
Who needs Audrey when you have Sue
good analysis dude!
got any more?
Was this really considered attractive in the '50s?
Low test asf, my good low-t.