stop saying woke white man
Stop saying woke white man
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dumb thot is probably flabbergasted why men pump and dump her
The correct term is "awakened" regardless of race.
wtf i hate white men now
learn what mansplaining is and then stop doing it
I'm so happy that the majority of people see this video for the racist nonsense that it is. This is going to be a good year.
stay woke bruh
yeah the first I heard of this was joe rogan shitting on it and I haven't heard a positive comment since
can somebody shop her glasses out?
>mfw they saw all the dislikes and deleted the video and re-uploaded it to wipe the slate clean but people just disliked it again
The YouTube channels that normies watch are all mocking it. It's fantastic. The pendulum is swinging back brother.
Are we going to have a full cultural shift back in the right direction anytime soon? where women act like women and men like men?
Learn what cooking is and get back to it.
When we crush them under heel.
Holy shit, are you the only person who hasn't seen this?
Yes, the fire rises.
Don't they say that White men should acknowledge mainsplaining in the vid?
Blacks are generally more sexist than whites. So that's pretty funny
This cunt needs about 20 cocks cumming on her face simultaneously to fully unfuck herself.
perfect example of your white privilege
Holy shit calm down
shut up cunt
Mansplaining isn't even a sexist thing. Loads of dudes just does that stuff whenever. Online forums would literally cease to operate
Can someone point me to the video?
I'm not going to get greedy, and hope for some glorious return to 50s values, or anything like that, but I'd be willing to settle for a return to the way things were in the late 90s/early 00s. It wasn't perfect, but it was something a little more resembling normalcy.
Hey, it's what she needs man. No point in sugarcoating it
Google MTV white male resolutions
This is a good one.
White people using niggerspeak is cringy.
>Against whites
I don't think so
don't femsplain mansplaining to me pls
Kinda hard to do from your mom's basement isn't it
>muh semantics arguments based on ivory tower theories
Everyone can be racist user. Saying otherwise only further the cause of white racists who feel legitimized when making insane claims about anti-white racism.
Holy fug, I love that song. Have a kino version in exchange.
Blacks don't stick around long enough to mansplain.
Id have to be stupid drunk
t. fag
I prefer "cuntfuse".
Go get in a car crash, tripfag.
suck my DICK user
she's right. if you say this unironically and you're a white man, kill yourself.
So let's say there's a woman and she's pro trump and you're a man who doesn't like him, would it be mansplaining if you talked shit and basically callled her stupid trying to explain why he's dumb or something similar? I mean would these people frown upon that or is mansplaining acceptable in those types of cases? If they have a "right" view is it no longer considered mansplaining?
Eh. I'd still do her.
I'm half a storm fag but literally nothing in that video was wrong
>white people hate a video mocking white people
The funniest thing about it is that the self-hating white people who made this is actually shocked this happened.
You're just another dumbass nog like ltg too self absorbed for your own good. No wonder your race cant progress
no shit, you and most numales would beg for the privilege just to pay for her dinner
Of coooouuurrseee you are
>I'm not an SJW but aren't SJWs just as bad?
It's too late and I'm too tired, but even I can still see through that bullshit
Hey I'm a fellow Trump supporting nazi white male like the rest of you guys but don't you think they have some good points? I mean mansplaining has gotten to be a serious issue lately and it's even worse to do it when you are white because of slavery. Maybe us white boys should realize that sometimes a colored person just has a better insight into the world than us and we should just listen to what they have to say. Now that we got a fellow nazi in the white house we can stop saying that black lives don't matter.
If you paid attention half of that video was attacking "anti racist" white redditor types who try to fit in with black people and calling them out for being disengenious "LMAO I like Beyonce too I'm woke" etc. Etc.
wow you really made me think
if you're right-wing or pro trump you don't deserve human rights so it doesn't matter.
Learn what a roastie is and stop being one
When will you Drumpfkins understand that it's the CURRENT YEAR
Republicans control the House
Republicans control the Senate
Republicans control the White House
Republicans will name the next 4 Supreme Court Judges and that will change the course of American history for the next 30+ years
Republicans control a majority of state and local governments.
Gen Z is overwhelmingly conservative.
Mass deportations will greatly weaken Democratic strongholds
Roe vs Wade will be overturned and slut whores will no longer be able to murder their children.
So called "marriage equality" will be overturned and gays will no longer be able to claim they are "married."
Islamic terrorist will be barred from our nation and will be forced to commit their violent acts of evil in other nations
The careers of literally dozens of ultra liberal Hollywood douchebags have now been ruined.
There will never be another Democrat
president again.
am i supposed to know who this is?
The winds of change are sweeping across the West.
In the coming economic crisis sickness of character that plagues Europeans will be cured.
>Gen Z is overwhelmingly conservative.
I don't think that's true.
>So called "marriage equality" will be overturned and gays will no longer be able to claim they are "married."
I'd like that, but I doubt it.
I hope the rest is true though.
>Roe vs Wade will be overturned and slut whores will no longer be able to murder their children
>actually wanting more niglets leeching off welfare
>White guys whine endlessly about political correctness and want to "tell it like it is"
>Get triggered over a joking call-out video put out by an irrelevant 90's fossil of a TV network and spend weeks crying about it on the internet
>thinking MTV is capable of jokes
>joking call-out video
You can't really tell the difference between joke and genuine, can you?
check this out:
>White guys whine endlessly about political correctness and want to "tell it like it is"
It's more that we're trying to hold the left to the same standards that they try to apply to us.
isn't redpilled and woke synonymous? if that's the case then we were saying it first. which means
>Make a dumb video directed at white men
>White men react to it
WTF? You just can't win with white people baka f@m #100 #BlackLivesMatter
Jokes are supposed to be funny
i didn't get offended the targeted audience of this video are white guys trying to get chummy with niggers and sjws in the first place
literally none of this applies to me because I don't talk to niggers
>Gen Z is overwhelmingly conservative.
Wishful thinking.
>Mass deportations will greatly weaken Democratic strongholds
>Roe vs Wade will be overturned and slut whores will no longer be able to murder their children.
Hope you like paying for welfare babies
>So called "marriage equality" will be overturned and gays will no longer be able to claim they are "married."
Too much of a legal clusterfuck at this point
>Islamic terrorist will be barred from our nation and will be forced to commit their violent acts of evil in other nations
Most of the terrorist attacks committed in the US recently have involved home-grown, self-radicalized lone wolves
>The careers of literally dozens of ultra liberal Hollywood douchebags have now been ruined.
Name 24
>There will never be another Democrat president again.
Unless Trump really does kill us all in a nuclear holocaust, you're getting another one in 4 years
>talk shit
>get hit
>non-whites in the same situation would just chimp out and start killing people in the streets
Really makes you think
wtf i hate non-whites now
They did nothing wrong. Whiteys deserved worse.
>It's more that we're trying to hold the left to the same standards that they try to apply to us.
If we lived in an equal society where white men didn't have an unfair advantage starting out, that might make sense.
Muslims, blacks, asians, and hispanics deserve to be eradicated for the historical crimes committed by the muslims, moors, mongols, and against the solutreans.
Whites deserve a head start for the contributions they've made to mankind such as electricity, the engine, modern medicine, modern agriculture, democracy, human rights, and functional/low crime civilizations.
she looks like the kind of girl who is into daddy roleplaying and shit, and I don't mean ironically like most sluts on twitter
I mean she may actually be damaged mentally and want to fuck her dad but is to pussy to do it so she finds chads to do it with, then is shocked when they don't want a relationship with her
Remember how shocked you were when CNN announced that "literally Hitler" wiped the floor with "the most qualified candidate in history"? Expect to experience deja vu in four years.
I thought Trump would take it, actually. I should have bet money.
You would think but when Hillary makes a Pepe the frog page on her website you don't know what's possible
This. The early 2000s with basic respect for everyone, but without the ridiculous SJW identity politics.
>Whites deserve a head start for the contributions they've made to mankind such as electricity, the engine, modern medicine, modern agriculture, democracy, human rights, and functional/low crime civilizations.
I don't think you contributed to any of that
No one cares what a non white person thinks you sub human piece of trash. It is only by the good nature of whites that blacks are allowed to live free lives in a white country. If there was any justice in the world the only reason blacks would be allowed outside of Africa is to be slaves.
Nor did I own a slave or kill an injun. If you're going to conglomerate whites for the bad shit, then you must conglomerate whites for the good things also.
Is there any better feeling than being a white male?
what video
He "won" by about 80,000 votes spread out across the exact four states he had to win. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3,000,000 votes and his electoral margin is one of the lowest of all time, next to W. and a few four-way races from 150 years ago.
He managed that narrow victory because he was running against a candidate with a lot of (unfair) baggage attached to her. Put him up against someone with a better strategy than Hillary had and with less scandals attached to them (Kamala Harris, John Hickenlooper, Sherrod Brown, Tom Perez, one of the Castros, Oprah, etc.) and his chances look slimmer and slimmer. Especially after four years of inevitable fuck ups.
is this the year social justice gets laid to rest?
No one cares stormfag go back to your safe-space.
>(unfair) baggage
It's absolutely golden how a group of people that were protesting in the street against the 1% just a couple years ago have been steered by the MSM to be so defensive of a piece of human shit like Hillary Clinton.
The power that CNN and MSNBC have over the minds of the average American is truly staggering.
How cucked can Sup Forums get? Have you donated for the Israel cause today goy?
Now is not the time for celebration brother that comes later
We must not allow victory to weaken us
Billcornsby but freggeluncle billcornsby
No I haven't seen it either.
>Daily Mail
>14 and 15 year-olds
literally who?