Hillary literally just needs Virginia to win. Rumors say that she will select Tim Kaine...

Hillary literally just needs Virginia to win. Rumors say that she will select Tim Kaine, the Democratic senator of Virginia, as her VP.

Just face it: Donald Trump will lose.

Ronald Reagan would have lost the presidential election with these current demographics.

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fuck WHY IS THIS HAPPENING! I'm starting to lose all hope. There hasnt been a piece of good news in weeks.

>NH blue

>New Hampshire
>Going blue in 2016

I think Trump has a good chance of winning Michigan.

As I responded to you in the last thread:

Florida will be red. PA is swing. Not sure that NH is solid blue either

I read
>Hillary literally just needs Vagina to win.

They may not be given, but it doesn't seem too unreasonable.

I think there's some proof that Trump has a very good shot at winning, if Republican turnout stays the same for the primaries. Do not lose hope.

every fucking year

Pennyslvania. Is. Not. Going. Red.

you've been deluding yourselves since 1992

The delusion is real. Hillary is leading in all of the swing states. Polls show her competitive in Utah and Arizona as well.

This map is very generous for Trump.

1 P O S T

Trump isnt another bush or Romney

If you're taking polls into account, your map is very speculative as it is

I know that you're trolling, though

lmao super funny meme dude

yeah, he's going to do worse than either.

Hillary won't get new mexico or Nevada.
Did you just color in some random states after the handful she's guaranteed to hit the 270 and troll?

I'm not trolling. Conservative and independent pundits are predicting the same thing.



Are you retarded? New Mexico going red? Nevada leans blue at the moment. NM is hard blue. Mexicans despise Trump.

why do all these shitty meme maps have florida going independent? Eat shit faggot, were gonna be red

kek nice meme bro

The most recent two polls in NH have Trump tied to win it, and losing by 2 points. Both have MOE's over 4%.

The last three polls out of VA have Trump tied, down 3, and down 4. In only one of those is his loss outside the margin of error (by 1 point)

How can you be so sure that Clinton wins these states? Keep in mind that she's running to keep the White House for a third consecutive term for her party

>not showing the post Orlando poll

Polls show her within 5 percentage points of Trump.

It's not independent. I just left it undecided because it will be very competitive and close.

Yep. Also Florida is Trump's no joke.

The delusion is real. Hillary is leading in all of the swing states. Polls show her competitive in Utah and Arizona as well.

This map is very generous for Trump.

mccain would like to disagree with you on that. but im sure he doesnt know anything about arizona elections.

nice map brother, but you need to put Utah as grey, Mormons fucking hate Trump

Those are terrible numbers. Polls showed Romney virtually tied with Obama in NH and VA and Obama won each of them by 4+ points.

This. I'm from Florida and most of my friends from there are voting Trump.

The delusion is real. Hillary is leading in all of the swing states. Polls show her competitive in Utah and Arizona as well.

This map is very generous for Trump.

>Ronald Reagan would have lost the presidential election with these current demographics.

fitting since its his fault

Trump is winning by 7 in that Gravis poll. Your screenshot shows him winning by only 3


And I thought people crying shill on this site was a meme

Obama was always winning NH and VA in the polls that weren't Rasmussen. The fags that "unskewed" the polls showed Romney in a tie with Obama

My fellow Mexican intellectuals have arrived.

Sorry shill. Clinton has no chance here in Virginia even if she picks Kaine. And Trump puts MIchigan,Wisconsin,Minnesota,PA in play.

Literally the most conclusive proof of shilling that I have ever seen. Kill yourselves.

>what is PA
>what is NV
>what is NH

Check these out guys. Two Hillary shills posting the same material

Who cares? Doesn't affect me.



Obama has a sweet campaign and a message people liked. I've seen high school class presidents campaign better than Romney. It's entirely reversed the time. Trump has a good platform and is running against an actual villain.

Can confirm. We had like the highest repub turnout in a recent election.

>i helped a shitty candidate with no appeal to anyone beyond dissatisfied blue-collar whites b-but it's all reagans fault that he's not winning! waaaaaaah! waaaaaaah!

This election would've been as easy to win as ABC had anyone but Trump got that goddamn nomination.

This meme must end.

This is very true, everyone I know that is voting for Hillary don't actually like her.

Oh look more paid shills trying to "correct the record" Kill yourself fampai

samefaging you. Everyone one I know is shilling for her.

yeah im so sure rato or jeb wouldve inspired very much turnout. Although im not sure if trump can win, i really dont think anyone else had a chance. Republicans are just too well known as the party for old white people

Where in Atl do you live?


Trump is virtually tied with her in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. They aren't guaranteed for her

Lol Donald is not losing N.Y.

Mormons due hate Trump but he'll still win. One of my professors is a Mormon and you should've seen the look on his face when I told him that I'm Trump all the way.


Then the polls are either garbage, or complete fabrications.

McCain is an old breed of blue republican that will be extinct soon. He even favors "some" gun control. That's how out of touch he is with his base.

Honestly, the nerve of these shills. People if Sup Forums is your primary means of interacting with the outside world, please go outside. Do anything. Sit in the lobby of the fucking Taco Bell. Stop coming here.

You are canaries in a coal mine that is being pumped full of shillary grade nerve gas. Your eyes are the windows into your soul, and They are poisoning you.

Las Vegas leans blue, that's whats polled. Won't be enough to take the rest of the state.
Mexicans can't vote.

>Hillary won't get new mexico

New Mexico is a liberal shit hole most of the state depends on government hand outs, welfare and other shit. I know I lived there, I had to leave because I couldn't stand the people there. Fucking lazy, entitled scum of the earth that will steal anything not tied down

Illegals can't vote though

VA Here, regularly campaigning for trump at the GOP office in my area. We wont lose VA, fuck Tim Kaine he's just as corrupt as McDonnel