2016 Wipe: Let's not talk about Nice or Cologne

Now that I think about it he left out a bunch of important things. What about that rapefugee incident on New Years eve in Cologne, Germany? This was big world wide news. Why didn't he mentoin it at all? Because it doesn't fit his point of view? I thought it was looking back at the entire year. He also didn't mentoin the terror attack in Nice. Not important enough? It's France and not England so who cares? I know it's supposed to be a "funny" show that doesn't bring people down yet it feels wrong to act as if it never happened. Also those two "funny" pricks are anything but funny. I mean the ginger snaps chick with the giant ass mole on her neck and the bald guy who is even worse then her- at least she can make me smile. They would both win a contest in: Who has got the worst accent.
There was a bunch of silly filler material in it like OH what is Armageddon- who cares? What does it have to do with 2016? Also: Fuck EastEnders.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm American and this isn't about Star Wars.

I used to love his stuff but his guardian brand politics became obnoxious. sorry to hear this.

does he bitch about Trump?

Around minute 50 they auto tune the Donald

>filler material in it like OH what is Armageddon
>implying you wouldn't suck Brian Cox's cox while he tells you about the stars

>shitskin paki wife

What's going on in this thread?

Charlie Brookers 2016 Wipe. Never heard of it? That might explain why there are hardly any replies.

He forgot A LOT OF THINGS that happened in 2016. What about the coup in Turkey? No word about it? So no coup, no rape incident in Germany and no terror attacks in France. WELL DONE. Is that some kind of white washing? Why wouldn't Brooker talk about it? Disappointing.

You don't mean that Brooker is a self important hack appealing to the buzzfeed generation, do you?

Because that would be entirely correct.

He tweeted that the original cut was 90 minutes but they had to cut it down to 60 for the BBC

This is the only thing I will say in his defence: If he did a program about all the real news it would just be an hour of showing how mental muslims are and nothing else.

It wouldn't be very entertaining. Not that it was entertaining anywa.

>New Year's rape incident
Can't really be snarky about that.

This guy talks about television more than anything.

>says that not all leave voters are racist
>5 minutes later says only 48% of arent racist
what did the hack mean by this

He alluded to the terror attacks and what happened in Cologne but so much shit has occurred this year that he chose to focus on political stuff; the show is only an hour long, stuff was going to get cut out. It's not like some of the things weren't mentioned, just more in passing. The show is British so Brexit and Trump were obviously going to be the two biggest deals. He was also super critical of both sides when it came to Brexit. People are acting like this was a super liberal edition when it really wasn't at all.

No Florida massacre either

Wow this post was a eye opener!
Needs more upvoted ihmo

Screenwipe was great, I loved that 10 years or so ago. I got bored of him though especially since he moved into politics plus his gaming content is pretty shitty since he's a fucking casual and tried to call Twitter a computer game.

>the show is British
>so Trump is obviously going to be a big deal
How the fuck does that make sense? How is Trump a bigger deal for Britain than every major Islamic terrorist attack that's gone down this year on the same continent?

Too depressing

People still watch this twat?

Has he jumped on the fuck whites bandwagon yet?

>He was also super critical of both sides when it came to Brexi
Name one criticism of Remain he made that wasn't "they didn't take Leave seriously enough :("

i enjoyed it but it was painfully obvious he was so left about it but also had to portray a "fair view" and "balanced opinion" because thats what the bbc is apparently about

It's just entertainment. Why does Sup Forums get so triggered when someone doesn't share their views?

Sup Forums is todays secret word.

Loneliness, need for validation. The problem with the second one in particular's that the more you get the more you want.

yeah but Sup Forums is Sup Forums's safe and special place so it all cancels out

>American president has no effect on British politics


I dare you to watch nothing but Fox News for the next 8 years and make no complaints about it whatsoever.

Did I strike a nerve, buddy? You might wanna go back to your safe space.

Are we being raided by plebbit? There is a big spike of faggots crying about pol out of nowhere.

You're shit at this.

>Only spend like 1 minute on Labour
>Generic "Corbyn is shit lol" bias crap.

Seriously what the fuck? The New Labour plotting and trying to fucking destroy Corbyn over the course of his entire leadership is easily one of the major political stories of the year in UK politics.

The hilariously fucking retarded Coup is easily probably the 2nd biggest political story in the UK after Brexit.

>comedy show
>why didnt he talk about these events where dozens of people were raped or murdered?

The likely culprit here might not be Brooker but the BBC despite how liberal he himself is.


Except he used to be about the dark jaded humour. Ten years ago he would have.


This was a let down.

He used to cover more how manipulative the news and media were being and there is no case study of this more obvious than how the media reports on Corbyn and co.

Sup Forums has always been contrarian to a fault.

You might not remember but before 2008 we were fairly liberal.

I think everyone here sees himself as not part of society and an underdog. So now that the pendulum has swung right Sup Forums will swing left.

yeah but is new from reddit and anxious to make a favorable impression by showing what he imagines is "Sup Forums orthodoxy"

We will get more people from reddit from reddit naturally.
They will feel less welcome on reddit and more welcome here because reddit will become more right.

You need to go back.

No, you moron. It's because a lot of white males (who happen to be the vast majority of Sup Forums users) stopped identifying with the left after it became the authoritarian SJW ridden left we all know about and stopped being about economic equality or freedom of speech among other issues

I'm sure I understand what you're driving at in the way you want it to be understood but I think reddit's much more steadfast in whatever general principles it might have while the "contrarian" types on Sup Forums are always at pains to avoid having principles at all because of how self-conscious and vulnerable it makes 'em feel.

Newswipe is where he peaked.

The hilarious thing is that if he released Newswipe today, Liberals would be in meltdown accusing him of being a Putin shill for showing how the MSM is basically completely full of shit.

There's one now. Only weak people try to subsume themselves in an imaginary crowd like that.

Reddit reflects society and Sup Forums is more like a photo negative

Just by being here you are contrarian. Don't think you aren't.

2005 here and you r*ddit tourists trying to rewrite our history continually amuses me.

Sup Forums was never liberal.

It's good to see you appreciate the importance of letting "Liberals" determine what you're allowed to like, user.

2006 here. you are full of shit.

Right the sheer level of defensive projecting confirms you are a plebbitor raiding.

They think if they lie about Sup Forums's past enough they can convince all the newfags it is true.

Sup Forums has always been racist.

>the sheer level of defensive projecting confirms you are a plebbitor raiding

I knew I could count on you. Couldn't have put it better myself.

There's another one.

It's good to see you can't read for shit and project your insecurities onto others, user.

Yep, nigger stole my bike, gigga nigga, Swastika raids and abusing the shit out of Brian Peppers because he's deformed sure makes us a paragon of virtue.

The only thing even remotely lefty was our opposition to Jack Thompson trying to censor games due to muh Christianity.

You are full of shit.

So wait? Those nazi trolling makes old Sup Forums not-liberal according to you?
Does that mean the current trap threads and our very own /lgbt/ means we are liberal now?

You are retarded. Beyond retarded.
This site has fried your brain.

Don't forget, you're here forever.

>it's just entertainment

>you are forced to watch either television network

Stay proud and defiant, white man.

What do these faggots even hope to achieve? Truly the left is the worst Orwellian nightmare with their newspeak and rewriting of history.

Sup Forums was always liberal and only ironicly racist. Every other board was still racist, just in a more casual way instead of being full blown 14/88 like today.

Well for myself I was looking forward to some upset shrieking about "newspeak" or "rewriting of history" and you certainly didn't disappoint.

Stay proud left"man".

Ah yes, who could forget wholesome liberal jokes like blackface.

>Missing the point this hard
Liberals control the media. There is no conservative entertainment anywhere in the UK, if you had nothing to watch but infinite comedy shows about how liberals are all gay I'm sure you'd have a complaint or two about it. Especially if the only response you ever got to your criticisms was "lol triggered" or "lol just don't watch TV at all then".

>2006 was done in irony
>2016 wasn't
That's the problem

I'm far-left Socialist.

What my comment is on is how the liberals went from being largely critical and suspicious of the MSM, to being manipulated into sucking the dick of the MSM and thinking it's a paragon of truth and justice because those damn independent media outlets, sorry, I mean "Fake News" made Trump win the presidency and Brexit happen.

Couldn't be the MSM is just a giant fucking echo chamber of neoliberal shitheads who smell eachothers farts and both the Remain and Clinton campaigns were obnoxious elitist shit, no, it's all RUSSIAN FAKE NEWS!

This is why I made this comment. I've long critiqued the MSM for it's lies since I spent 4 years studying international security at Uni and I can tell you the MSM is little better than US state department propaganda and before the elections, Liberals would agree, yes the media largely lies.

Say it now though and you're a traitor who loves Putin.

In your position I'd certainly be more circumspect with pictures like that one, user.

Yes. Sup Forums was crass but they weren't right.

Its kinda hard to explain this to you. Its like explaining color to a blind person
But you are retarded. And you can't see that because you are retarded.

>fox news is entertainment
Lol? Plus the UK equivalent of FN is the The Sun

little Sup Forums man has a big job to do

Whatever Sup Forums was, it certainly wasn't liberal.

It has always been extremely anti-liberal.

I think this furtive anime character has a message for all of us.

He married a paki and now has shitskin kids and became full leftists

>I has always been extremely anti-liberal.
>Sup Forums has always been extremely anti-liberal

Good for you, fucko.

Brooker's just the same as the current year man as are his fans, they'll never get it


stop browsing Breitbard, fellow alt-righter and check the German news: trials have started months ago, and cops have lied about the amount of persons involved, and the number of sexual aggressions were way lower than announced 1 year ago.

>le based corbyn misunderstood genius

fuck off underaged commie shits >>>/reddit/

>It has always been extremely anti-liberal.
No it was always been pro free speech
Back in the day the right was the enemy of free speech. Now it comes from the left.

We are just anti authoritarian and the prominent and annoying authoritarians have changed sides.

It really does.

4chans old memes and jokes are mostly just racism.

Liberals have been strongly anti-racist since long before Sup Forums was created.


Just so everyone knows we actually are being raided.


was done in irony
>the racism was ironic g-guys black people are humans too >>Sup Forums i've been here since 2010 but i made sure to read ED and KYM

LMAO how to spot a nu-redditor trying to rewrite Sup Forums history

Are you retarded?

I like how you made such an effort to remove the dates and create an impression it was happening right now.

The racist shit in Sup Forums went hand in hand wih the guro and cp. It was shock value and trolling. Being unironicly into those things, literal Stormfronters started showing up around 2007 and the whole argument about shit has been going on ever since.

Leftist opposition to free speech is not new at all.

What actually happened is you grew up but don't want to admit you were a fool and got duped by left wing politics. So you tell yourself "back when I believed in it, it wasn't a lie"

Sup Forums has always been a racist website. Liberals are strongly anti-racist. It's the core of their ideology.

Trying to claim Sup Forums ever, any any time, was even remotely liberal is an outright lie.

>moans about liberal dominated media
>believes them about Corbyn
And so the user reveals that he just wants his safe space insteadof proper journalism

Back to your containment board cuck.


Because it's not funny you fucking idiot. No one thinks of 2016 Wipe as a real source of news. By being respectful enough to not mention it he's treating the victims with more dignity than if he did.


Ah yes, a Yank.

Who is racism shocking to? Liberals.