Do Russians like him?

Do Russians like him?

Other urls found in this thread:выборы 2012 вбросы

The ones who are still alive do

I don't know what to think of him as an american that knows nothing about russia.

I see videos like

and it seems like a bit of an act, maybe I'm wrong.

Я нeнaвижy пыню.

They don't have a choice really, do they?

also russian drivers are all good one coz bad one all died

Do putin really do government for me he looks like a puppet

The ones at the internet (Sup Forums especially) do not share popular opinion that Putin is Кcepкc - пepepoждeниe зoлoтoгo бoгa, yмный, кaк cтaя мaтeмaтикoв, пepeкaчaнный, кaк дoминaнтнaя caмкa гopиллы! Haвepнякa eгo вынaшивaли мecяцeв copoк...
He's not that grate, if you look close. I wish I could say the details but seriously, it would be dangerous for me.
I hope next election will provide my country a new president, who is'n connected to to this one by any means, but I know it won't.
Unless America messes, that is

you guys suck at democracy

I think the RT commenters like him but I'm not sure about all of Russia.

Only brainwashed people does.

even if it was an act, corruption is rampant in Russia

putin is BASED

Democracy is a meme and doesn't exist IRL

>t. liberal kid

Stalin vs Putin which one do Russian prefer?

Stalin of course

>Stalin vs Putin choice only
Catherine the Great

We blew our chances like three times. First when Novgorod got annexed, then in 1917, when Sup Forumsolsheviks snathced all power to themselves, and in the 90s, when oligarchs were ruling everything and we let former soviet shits into the government.
Every fucking time we get cucked in our attempts to place a democratic regime.

She was Polish.

He seems to have really good approval ratings, not to mention voting percentages. Not sure how legitimate those are though. Seems like a pretty nice guy, that doesn't discriminate against minorities (racial or religion) groups, besides that whole anti homosexual propaganda laws.

They have to, or else they accidentally trip out a balcony.

this thread is making me listen to ERB again.

She was german, burger.
Pushkin was also half negro, and Lermontov had scottish roots. So what?


No. Would love to see him and his cohorts hanged by their entrails.
But you know who we like even less, Mr. CIA (or FSB proxy-fag, пpивeт)? USA.

>She was Polish.
And Putin is Finn and Stalin was Gayorgian.

>Putin is Finn
Finland must pay reparations.

>So what?
Hapoд-пepeфopc, нapoд-кapгoкyльт


Will Russia ever bee a democracy, or after thousands of years of brutal authoritarianism is it just ingrained into Russian culture at this point?

The pure democracy is illusion for every country

It's just a matter of reeducating the people. Tons of people truly wanted democracy in the 90s. It won't be fast, but it's doable. The big problem is a complete lack of opposition to spread these ideas.
I also wouldn't say that authoritarianism is a part of our culture. Time and time again we had protest movements, even in Soviet Union.

Your real question is "will Russia be a friend to the US?" And the answer is "no", as it is advantageous for the elites of both our countries to have a designated enemy.

Лyчшe нe нaдo.

Этo тo caмo coбoй, нo вaжнa чacтaя poтaция кaдpoв, чтoбы жлoбы нa тpoнe нe пьянeли oт влacти и кoppyпция c кyмoвcтвoм нe пycкaли cлишкoм глyбoких кopнeй.

>appя чypкиcтaн
Toп кэк, пopнyхи нaкaчaл? A тo вce зaблoчaт y вac, бyдeт вeликий pyccкий фaйepвoлл.

>A тo вce зaблoчaт y вac, бyдeт вeликий pyccкий фaйepвoлл

Этo тaк. Haдo yбpaть нaхep пapтийныe cпиcки и вepнyть 4 гoдa для пpeзикa, бeз вoзмoжнocти cбpoca пoвтopнoгo cpoкa.

Я cижy нa VPNe, и нeт, ничeгo мнe зa этo нe бyдeт, тaк кaк я нe oпepaтop.

It depends. Some people like him and they got the reasons: Crimea, muh economical stability, stuff like that.
Some people hate him, they have the reasons too: AAAAA FUCKING KGB COMMIE SCUM TAKING MUH FRIDUMBS AND PROVOKING US FOR SANCTIONS AAAAAAAA. Actually, the reasons for hatred are deeper, but that's what you see on the surface of /po/
My opinion: Putin does what any other government would do - he protects the big business and his reputation. "A king is created by his escort", so he's not the only guilty man in the country

>muh economical stability
why do people keep repeating that non-sense?
the prices keep rising, russia's currency is extremely unstable and whole russia's economy is being dictated by oil prices that are quite unstable as well.
russia's economy under putin is unstable as hell

>muh novgorod
A meme duchy which faced the fate of Florentia and Venice.
Republics don't work during feudalism.
Typical politacher.
>oligarchs ruling everything
That's the democracy, son. The state is ruled by slave owners, who have money and influence to affect the government. Now get to work, bitch

You see, the point of stability is stable profit for businessmen. Nobody gives a fuck about slaves, unless they don't riot.
And our petite bourgeois opposition is too afraid to riot

вce yжe yшли

Hey, I'm not defending Kerensky and the other cucks from the provisional government. Bolsheviks dismissed the constituent assembly, which actually had potential to evolve into a democratic government. Bolsheviks only won because of peace treaty with Germany and an agricultural reform, stolen from the SRs. So, if they were less organised, and other socialist parties got their shit together, for a few years we might have had something close to democracy.
I'm a little rusty on the stance of war though. Were bolsheviks the only ones pushing for peace?

>which actually had potential to evolve into a democratic government.
No, it didn't. One of the reason is that it's composition wasn't featuring the Left SRs, who broke away from ordinary SR party for it's collaboration with bourgeosie.
The other reason is the rule of the strongest. When party X is already making some reforms that would be canceled by the party Y and then give the Y an equal ground to compete - wouldn't it be stupid?
>stolen from the SRs
Not from SRs, but from the Left SRs, they're different party since, if I'm not mistaken, summer of 1917. Also, it wasn't stolen, since Left SRs an Bolsheviks were together to some moment.
> for a few years we might have had something close to democracy.
No, we would have the same semi-feudal shithole deep in the foreign credits.
>Were bolsheviks the only ones pushing for peace?
Not only bolsheviks. Soldiers themselves. They never could understand, what are they fighting for, why does the war takes so long, why do officers treat them like dirt. But they knew that victory won't give them any improvement neither in rights, nor in wealth.
And such feelings were international - many other movements were for "peace without annexations and contributions"

No. Mostly elderly commie fuckers who like him.


Typical liberal denial that Putin is the same agent of bourgeoisie as they are

Why would you dislike him? Because he's a crook? So are all Russian and also all democratic leaders in general. Best to have one who is predictable and modest.

vote Gennady Zyuganov 2018, he would make Soviet Union great again (literally)

No, he's the same classcuck as any other political leader.

The non-meme answer is: yes, the overwhelming majority of the population does in fact like him. If you look at the polls, you'll see that the political institutions, mainstream media as well as most politicians have a bad reputation in Russia, with Putin being one of the few outliers.
I have no idea why some Westerners unironically think it is illegal to criticize him, or that you'll end up dead on in prison if you do so, because this is not even remotely true. But I think it is kind of seen as "politically incorrent" if you wanna put it that way. It used to be different in the years between 2012 and 2014, but then the whole Crimea thing happened and his popularity skyrocketed. Putin re-defined himself, his most important position now is foreign policy and his harsh stance against the West.
I think this has established the public opinion that if you are against Putin, you are against Russia, hence why Putin critics are often accused of being traitors.

found your own party then Trotzki

I also want to add that a big chunk of the Russian population, especially the younger generation, doesn't give a shit about politics and if asked about Putin just replies with «he's good» by default.


Apparently it's possible for one country to 'hack' and fake another one's elections, but it would be impossible for anyone ever to falsify poll results.
Polls have been bullshit since forever anyway.

>Survey conducted by the Vladimir Putin Institute of Sociological Research
I don't really have an opinion on Putin but come on, you should know better than to blindly trust a poll; any poll.

Every single opinion poll confirms his popularity. Renowned American polling agencies come the the exact same results as Russian ones

Didn't know Pew Research, Gallup & the University of Chicago were secretely working for Putin.

I was half joking and half making a point. I don't know anything about those organizations but it's naive to think that any institute that conducts poll surveys is conveying the hard truth and not filtering it through political and/or financial incentives.

>Didn't know Pew Research, Gallup & the University of Chicago were secretely working for Putin.
Of course, OF COURSE, it wouldn't benefit a western country in any way to have all of Russians portrayed as Putin worshipers.

Putin == Evil
That one is pretty much established. And every Russian supporting him is supporting his evil deeds. So off with Russians, shame and ostracize them, refuse them any of the jobs and visas, because they're all evil, because LOOK AT THOSE APPROVAL RATINGS. Nuke Russians and be in the moral right.

Westerners always screech about how Russian polls are supposedly fake and that Putin is not that popular in reality, but then they conduct their own surveys and realize the Russian pollsters were not lying after all

Who's watching tv loves him - mostly old people

>Eighteen-to-24-year-olds — the youngest group among 1,600 people surveyed in late May — backed Putin more than any other age bracket, at 86 percent
>On campuses, anti-Putin students and faculty members are not only outnumbered, but they face the prospect of being harassed or sidelined for their opposition views
>“The fact that our generation supports the president is because we remember very well how it was before and how it became after him,” he said.

Must say that approval often sounds like this, even among old people:
"Yes, he isn't great/not infallible/actually terrible but who else if not him? Navalny?"
Well yeah, no shit, everyone capable is either dead or imprisoned, or have had their reputation ruined beyond any repair (and then commit suicide). And clowns such as Navalny are being kept around so they can be pointed at while screeching "what, you want HIM to be president instead!?"

> Gayorgian
> half negro
1/4 or less

I want to say
>"washingtonpost, REEEE".
Say that the only thing worse than it is British media. And I wouldn't necessarily be wrong in that part.
But the funniest/terrible thing is that they're not wrong there. It's how it actually is. Brainwashing machine is strong and super effective in Russia. I grew up in the 90s when Russia's probably been the most ideologically free ever in it's history. Maybe more so than most countries. And I absolutely do not recognize my country today. And I fail to see how it could've turned so in such a short amount of time.

> implying Putin will be change for politic from opposition
I would believe Moscow's mayor or a minister of defence becoming President more. There are plenty of suitable functioners in the goverment and administration, and support from current President coupled with United Russia's network will do the trick (as with election of 2008)

Yes, he made our country great again!

Yep. And after that he made it worse than before.

they dont have a better alternative
just think , the second biggest party in russia is the communist party


They have no power. State duma just imitates parlament

I notice that Russian diaspora seem to like him

> love putin
> live abroad

Putin won 73% of the overseas votes in the 2012 presidential election compared to 'only' 64% in Russia itself

Somewhat related but one mistake Europe and West as a whole are doing is that they think Russia is western country and they should and do hold same morals, ethics than the West.
Russia is not western and most likely will never be.

Then they should return to this glorious empire of the Sun, that is run by the immortal God-Emperor Vladimir.
Also Russian immigrants to the US aren't generally people of many good qualities. Went there looking for an easy life, ended up being shocked that you had to actually work in the US - more than back home. And now they sing praises to the USA's enemy.

Putin is USA's enemy? Why?

t. Ignoramus

>Russian immigrants to the US aren't generally people of many good qualities
Objectively wrong

>Russia is not western and most likely will never be.
If only Russians themselves would understand that. Both from the point of not having this shit identity crisis that's been going on for centuries, and from the point that West will never accept and view them us one of their equals.

Morally, I meant, my bad. And the diaspora I was referring to was the ones living in Brighton Beach and their kind. Those who live in purely Russian neighborhoods, not even bothering to learn the language. Those, I absolutely believe, will support Putin, or whoever else RT will tell them to support. I cannot think of people from IT, for example, who moved to the US for proper reasons, to be supporting Russia's current leadership. No matter the statistics, my common sense will not accept this.
Also, what statistics are those? Are those actually American degrees, or converted Russian degrees (something like Bologna Process)? Because getting a higher education here is so easy, it's actually mandatory for pretty much any remotely-skilled job. And definitely for all of the desk jobs.

Those elections were being falsified left and right:

Tons of them, really:выборы 2012 вбросы

Do you think overseas votes are easier or harder to falsify? The ones where you can just give them the urn and say it's been that way, truly?

First, here was not enough falsification to be significant or call outcome in question
Second, thankfully, it became easier to expose it (partly thanks to the cameras) and prosecute.

I was just making a point about 'overseas elections'. Only Krishna may know the true actual results of those.
> Truth: not a single overseas person actually bothered to vote.

Almost correct. The issue with calling Russia a western country isn't the western bit, but the part about being a country instead of a very big criminal organization.

i bet you are one of those who claim trump have won the elections becous
>muh hacker

At least Amerifats fear us! (c) my grandmother

Do you think it would be better if Zuganov or Prokhorov would won?

How would Russian culture be lke if Makhnov had won?

No this is what I believe: people voted for Trump because "anything's better than Hillary", the same way people voted for Hillary because "anything's better than Trump". Speaks a few things about the Citadel of Democracy, really - having to choose between Dumb and Dumber without having any say in what candidates are going to be represented.
Turns out those latte drinking hipster asshole leftards got outweighed by the "dumb hillbillies" that they so enjoyed to demonize and make fun of in the medias that they control. And so the "hillbillies" gave them the middle finger and got their revenge. Not a good reason to vote for a candidate, but both of them were shit anyway.

America is a very corrupt democracy like Russia is, just not as far and blatant.

Russia's "democracy" is very young. They haven't had the time to learn finesse yet.

Just let me tell you what will happen if russia gets into democracy

>every republic with gas will want its independence
>kikes will take the control of russia and will push mixing with churkas
>now russia is weak and will be only a tourism place for rich bankers like ukraine

>this reason for hatred
Not sure.

it's the same here, people voted for macron because lepen would be hitler2, there is no
infatuation whatsoever