What does Sup Forums think about YourMovieSucksDOTOrg? Do you guys think he's funny? Do you take his reviews seriously?
What does Sup Forums think about YourMovieSucksDOTOrg? Do you guys think he's funny? Do you take his reviews seriously?
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I like his reviews, sometimes he can be too nitpicky, but his YMS stuff always gets a kick out of me.
Where the fuck is the new walking dead goddammit
Adam Johnston from YourDogSucksMySockDOTOrg?
Usually they just shake socks around and gnaw on them.
He is better that Jahns and Stuckman
I can't take any reviewer who didn't give Mad Max a strong ten seriously
Not a big achievement
why does he fuck dogs?
Yes he is Adam Johnston from YMS (YourDogSucksMyCockdotORG) who is a dog rapist and enjoys bestiality
Is it even possible to make reviews that slow?
Does dog rape take so much time?
Hey! Did you guys know that God is just Dog spelt backwards? A dog being the animal that is frequently raped by Adam Johnston, the bestiality-loving hipster fuck?
he uploads worthless content nobody watches like his game streams on the reg
What a fucking fag
Adam "Hide your dogs" Johnston
Adam "Look at the clock, it's time for some dog cock" Johnston
Adam "When the dog wags his tail, he's ready to be raped" Johnston
Adam "YourDogSucksMyCockdotORG" Johnston
Adam "Doggy Style" Johnston
Adam "Red Rocket in his Pocket" Johnston
Adam "No whores, just those on all fours" Johnston
Adam "The Canadian Dog Fucker Extraordinaire" Johnston
Adam "Animals Can Consent" Johnston
Adam "Man's Best Friend With Benefits" Johnston
Adam "If There's Fur On The Field Play Ball" Johnston
Adam "Industrial Sized Tub of Peanutbutter" Johnston
Adam "Give The Dog a Bone" Johnston
Adam "Eat-the-puss, Rex" Johnston
Adam "Fido Can't Say No" Johnston
Adam "The Feller' for Old Yeller" Johnston
Adam "Give a Dog a bone" Johnston
Adam "Licking Lassie" Johnston
His last video was even more cringeworthy than normal.
Where does the idea that he fucks dogs come from exactly? I only watched one of his vids a few years ago and haven't seen ant since because he's so fucking annoying to listen to. Has he admitted to legit bestiality? If so what the fuck, he should be gassed.
Any man with long hair after the age of 21 always has some degeneracy
why do you watch all of his videos if you dont like them?
holy shit, this guy
the fuck is wrong with him?
I think he's funny
Sorry but I can't watch something made by a dogfucker
Sorry but I can't watch something made by a dogfucker
Since he's a pleb who only watches modern movies, his best of the year videos are somewhat decent even if he is trying very hard to seem like an advanced cinephile, despite spending all his time talking about capeshit tier garbage.
But I unsubbed after that forced video, so I don't.
>IMDB favorites are just obvious token Charlie Kaufman/Michael Haneke films to appear patrician and sophisticated mixed with obvious pleb garbage that the average Sup Forums browser loved back when they were 15/16 years old
>Has seen barely any films beyond 1990 as seen
>Openly advocates fucking animals
>Crys and winges that his work is sooo hard because he cant even keep up with basic deadlines for fucking youtube analysis videos.
>makes shitty low hanging fruit tier videos mocking obviously bad low budget films and nitpicking them to the extreme. It would be the equivilent of RLM doing half in the bag episodes for movies they watch in Best of the worst
>ripped off RLM's style of video review/analysis
>browses Sup Forums
>browses reddit
Are there ANY redeeming qualities to this long haired mentally ill manchild?
I thought in this video he only states that it shouldn't be illegal to suck a dog's dick, even though he himself finds it disgusting. It's been a bit since I've seen it though I just don't wanna have to watch through it again. What's the timestamp where he actually admits to fucking dogs?
>What's the timestamp where he actually admits to fucking dogs?
there isnt one, it's just a bunch of "muh degeneracy" Sup Forums types who are too squeamish for a thought experiment involving bestiality
Ask Fido
While Sup Forums types are disgusted by it for very obvious reasons, we also simply co-opt the rhetoric of the left in this instance: you must have consent, and animals cannot give consent.
I stopped liking him after he defended blowing dogs
>people give this confirmed faggot, furry, marvelcuck, zoophile, SJW, libshit jew over two thousand dollars a month for his """""critiques"""""
major blackpill desu
Pseud, fraud and a dog rapist.
I hate all the goobers like him who are to their credit are probably very smart, however they are so ingrained in the philosophy of nihilism that they will spend their time crafting seemingly flawless arguments for all sorts of repulsive shit like fucking animals is okay.
This is why we need religion lads, without it we end up rationalizing all sorts of evil
Isn't that Neil?
Bad reviews that take forever inbetween parts
I dont understand how he makes money reviewing 3/4 of a movie a year
Also the dog fucking
>Are there ANY redeeming qualities to this long haired mentally ill manchild?
not really, no
wouldn't be surprised if he came out as trans in the near future desu
Fucking animals can be okay though.
Bestiality is one of those things you might say "urgh" to and call repulsive, like crushing bones or golden showers, but you don't have any strong arguments against it. The main problem is suffering to the animal, which is a non-issue with larger animals like horses and with animals like dogs, dislike can be very easily communicated.
The problem which will lead "he said/it barked" as opposed to "he said/she said", is consent and how you treat the animal, because some people will abuse animals. My idea is all interactions, sexual or otherwise should be recorded. The same would work for relationships with adolescents too.
you and your ilk will be rounded up and put against the wall
He is literally a furry and has said that beastality should not be illegal.
>beastality only affects animals
What does allowing men to rape animals say about our society then?
That is not a very good argument, user, and you should be ashamed.
>animals cannot give consent.
Incorrect for most large animals. All dogs except the most obedient can very easily communicate that they dislike what you're doing, for example
It's not always rape senpai
>the rhetoric of the left
>you must have consent
right wing confirmed for rapists
This is what I'm talking about
Wouldn't your efforts be better spent arguing something worthwhile?
It a healthy society you wouldn't bother delving into the logic of fucking animals.
Fucking animals is a sick perversion and it goes against our nature. Literally serves no purpose other than raw hedonistic debauchery. Suffering of the animal be damned.
animals cannot give consent
Don't fall into their meme framing of consent.
Fucking animals is degenerate, that's all you need to know
>Fucking animals can be okay though.
stopped reading right there. Do people actually think this weak b8 will work?
yep, completely agree, animal fuckers should be shot
however this guy is saying animals can give consent/non-consent which isn't true at all unless we somehow figured out a way to clearly communicate with them
>Literally serves no purpose other than raw hedonistic debauchery.
Neither does sex with condoms. But sometimes we do things because they are fun, or enjoyable, or a new experience, or they relieve stress, etc. Where does Sup Forums rank on serving purposes for you?
>It a healthy society you wouldn't bother delving into the logic of fucking animals.
The opposite is true, in fact. Being free to think and debate, even if the topic is less than savoury, is the hallmark of a society that's free from war, famine, major sicknesses and is a healthy society.
>Suffering of the animal be damned.
Not a very kind point of view, but different strokes for different folks.
>animals cannot give consent
Consider you go out on the pull and bring home a woman. She's into it, moaning and pulling you closer. Imagine you go out again, and bring home another woman. You get to the business and she starts screaming, pushing you away, etc.
It's quite obvious which scenario is consent, and which is not, no?
le not an arbument :DDDDDD
holy fuck you're right
it's even funnier because all the people getting hung up on this are the same that are all "MUH FREE SPEECH" about their edgy internet racism/sexism/etc
No, you aren't funny and we don't take your reviews seriously. Now fuck off and quit viralling your shit.
>She's into it, moaning and pulling you closer. Imagine you go out again, and bring home another woman. You get to the business and she starts screaming, pushing you away, etc.
Though the positive scenario with consent is less likely because most animals don't have orgasms or really enjoy sex, except dolphins IIRC. The best you can hope for is passive indifference (with animals and women).
/samefag post
yep, some self reflection wouldn't go amiss
sex with condoms is not good either but there is also a difference between getting in a drunken scrap and goddamn murder
>Incorrect for most large animals. All dogs except the most obedient can very easily communicate that they dislike what you're doing, for example
So what you're saying is that if the dog is enjoying you fingering it then its completely morally okay to do and is consenting? What if i used that logic with a kid and the kid said they were enjoying it. Does that make it okay for me to go around bopping kids? Your logic is flawed.
think of the 5 smartest people you know
do you think they'd write out paragraphs defending fucking dogs?
it's a degenerate and fucked up thing to rape a dog and you should consider mental help or just suicide
>sex with condoms is not good either
Why? What's wrong with what is quite literally harmless fun?
Not the best analogy also. If you're receptive to the signals of the other, no one/thing should be getting hurt
Consent=/=morally okay to do, you have to figure out your own morals.
For adolescent children, I'd definitely say the consent can be valid, but not for all, as people develop at different rates. The minimum age is just to make sure everybody is at the minimum to make that decision, so discretion is required with younger ages.
As an intelligent human adult, you have to make sure the person is ready. Fortunately, the only possible problem that you might find it hard to prevent is psychological trauma, which doesn't seem to be a problem for dogs unless they're abused.
All the top 5 were me and the me-animal hybrids I've made recently :DD
Honestly though, if you don't have an actual argument about the topic then maybe you shouldn't say anything.
>casual sex
>harmless fun
Pure hedonism my man. I know it sucks but it's an uncomfortable truth
>which doesn't seem to be a problem for dogs unless they're abused.
Here, I meant going against their will
Relevant story about animal consent and how they can communicate dislike attached (and how people can choose to ignore it, there are dangers after all)
>hedonism is bad
>being this bluepilled
Life is short, dude. As long as you're healthy, happy, and not negatively affecting the lives of others, do whatever you enjoy
>I can't have sex that means nobody can have sex!!:(
fuck off
It is different with animals though, that's like fucking a 12 year old kid who said she wanted to get fucked. It doesn't make it right. Also, animals are used to getting raped by their male counterpart, so your dog not rejecting your dick doesn't mean she wants it. Just go fuck a woman/man you degenerate.
a degenerate unfunny furry. Yeah, no thanks.
>Also, animals are used to getting raped by their male counterpart
Not true for social mammals that much actually. The genders are more similar in size and strength, so the males can really get fucked over if they keep pushing. Lions and wolves are good examples.
>Life is short, dude. As long as you're healthy, happy, and not negatively affecting the lives of others, do whatever you enjoy
Truly the philosophy of every dumb faggot. A recipe for a meaningless depressing life
Why does he upload so much shit? All he does is upload pokemon garbage or whatever the fuck it was, and then once a month when a furry pixar movie comes out he does a 2 minute quickie review.
as opposed to your exciting, adrenaline filled life?
Kinda seems like you're retreating into memes rather than presenting an actual argument
>recipe for a meaningless depressing life
I'm enjoying uni and my current FWB, have some promising research opportunities lined up for my MSci, have ridiculously low stress levels, sleep like a baby, look forward to my lectures and my life has never been better.
Tbh. if everybody had that philosophy there'd be less conflict as people stop trying to change others, whether with preaching, gay camps, stoning, ostracizing, etc. and we'd have a more peaceful, technologically advanced, tolerant society
Sorry you ain't getting any though
enjoy your inevitable midlife crisis
You're completely missing the point of what these anons are telling you, or maybe they just cant articulate it properly to you.
The issue isnt whether animals can give consent. Sure, its debatable whether they can (they cant because they, like children are not of the mental capacity of an adult human and do not understand the idea of sexuality and consent as humans do and therefore cannot consent to what they cannot understand), they are inheritly disgusted that you hold yourself to a completely subjective moral standard where you think raitonalizing fucking an animal is okay. The "each to thier own" point of view so to speak. Fucking an animal that is not as conscious or intelligent as you for your own sexual gain is inheritly disgusting on a biological level and is behaviour that shows that you have no ingroup sexual preferance and displays you are not mentally healthy or stable. No other species willingly mates en mass with another and for good reason. Whenever two species have actually cross mated through force of humans (see liger) they are born with birth defects and severely limited lifespans. Fucking animals is not compatible on a genetic level and is therefore seen as sickening by others. It can also carry diseases, harm animals and is seen as morally taboo in every culture. You can try and rationalze it all you want but de facto you are abusing an animal for your own sexual gain to fufill your own base biological needs at the expense of another sentient being. Theres a reason gluttony is seen as disgusting. It displays physically unhealthy behaviour just as beasiality displays mentally unhealthy behaviour. Also saying that an animal is enjoying you fucking it is completely subjective partly because animal's levels of communications are completely different to ours and that most animals only mate for procreation.
this senpai
glad to see that an international holiday won't stop you from pimping this monster's shitty youtube channel. kys
>Life is short, dude. As long as you're healthy, happy, and not negatively affecting the lives of others, do whatever you enjoy
is basically my subjective moral philosophy. And, I have an innate sense of empathy thanks to evolution. Whatever looks like it's making someone/thing else uncomfortable is something that I can reasonably confidently say is a bad thing. I've had a dog for many years and while I wouldn't want to fuck him, he can definitely convey his few likes and dislikes to me
Humans don't understand sex differently to animals, or to children. It's the relationships built around sex that are different between animals, and adult humans. I don't see much of a human-animal intimate relationship blossoming
>Fucking an animal that is not as conscious or intelligent as you for your own sexual gain is inheritly disgusting on a biological level
Women often try to appear less intelligent than they are to attract men. The innocent, beautiful and helpless (and hence probably not very intelligent) damsel in distress was a widespread staple of fairytales in general for a long time
>and is behaviour that shows that you have no ingroup sexual preferance
Just because you eat oranges doesn't mean you don't like tomatoes.
>and displays you are not mentally healthy or stable.
Unfounded ad hominem desu
Just because a lion and tiger are put in the same area doesn't mean they were forced. Also, I can't find anything about lgier birth defects and limited lifespans
The purpose of this really isn't for procreation. Anyway, we'd be looking at other primates for that. Japanese girls recognising the attractiveness of a gorilla online recently might be pertinent
The disease transmission is a reasonably valid point. However, diseases are often specific to a species, and if not, condoms are a thing.
It can definitely harm animals, if done incorrectly, same with adult-child relationships and adult-adult relationships. Tbh, this is the only point worth talking about.
It doesn't have to be at the expense of another sentient being, which has been discussed earlier.
>Also saying that an animal is enjoying you fucking it is completely subjective
Not really, the reactions to pleasurable stimuli can quite easily be identified with a scientific approach. If the animal initiates, particularly, that's an obvious sing
>most animals only mate for procreation.
Intelligent mammals like dolphins do it for pleasure, some other primates and elephants do it to keep their children safe. In short, there's more to it than that.
>hatever looks like it's making someone/thing else uncomfortable is something that I can reasonably confidently say is a bad thing.
Terrible indicator of good and bad
What about taking bitter medicine, a parent punishing a child, a drug intervention, doing homework, exercising, going to prison for committing a crime, etc...
A lot of the time what is good for us is not always pleasant.
Those would be false bads, which can be overcome with logic. What's worse is a false good
A more related statement would be that a lot of the time what is bad for is can be pleasant
Mentally ill gay furry faggot.
Dude you're a faggot.
Eh. His top 10 lists are actually pretty damn good but otherwise his content is sparse and not all that entertaining.
Even if I don't respect his opinion I think he at least watches a wide variety of movies which is more than 90% of YouTube reviewers like rlm or stuckman
>entirety of his reviews are just nitpicks of technical mistakes and minor plot holes
>rarely critiques structure
>a leaf
Credit where credit's due some of his YMS reviews are mildly amusing but by giving Her a 10/10 I haven't taken him seriously since.
>all these fucking virgins ITT calling sex degenerate
Dog fucking aside, his reviews are wildly inconsistent. Sometimes he makes good videos that make valid, well-reasoned points, and sometimes he puts out absolute dogshit that's incoherent and makes it clear he has no idea what he's talking about. For example, compare his Walking Dead video, which discusses the history of why the second season was terrible very well, with his Room 237 video, which was manbabyish whining that made it clear he didn't understand the movie. Most of the time, it's just pointless nitpicking, though. Overall, a pretty shit reviewer.
I like him even though he feels like a poor man's RLM at times.
He's a critic that can appreciate popular/high production value movies on occasion. That wins points with me.
Yeah, thank god for social pioneers like Adam and their race thought experiments exploring the edge of thought. I guess what we learned from this one is that Adam is personally offended by society's relationship with beasitality, and believes it is important to be an intellectual voice for those who wish to suck a dog's dick (his words).
>It doesn't have to be at the expense of another sentient being, which has been discussed earlier.
the animal can't consent because it is not as conscious and intelligent as we are, we understand sexuality way more than animals do.
That's like saying it's okay to fuck a 12 year old girl if she enjoyed it. I don't know if you're playing devil's advocate or if you actually agree with these things you're saying but it's just messed up.
Sex for humans is, at its core, identical to that of dogs, wolves, horses, etc. The only thing that differentiates it is the relationship (of which there would be very little with a human).
As for the 12 year old girl, that's a very iffy area. Some children can be smart and have a good understanding of what they want, some are more open to manipulation. Children are babied quite a lot, when they are more capable of decision making than they are given credit for. The problem with a young child is whether or not the child is abused in the relationship lies pretty much entirely with the adult, as opposed to the roughly 50/50 split in a two adult relationship. So, it can be okay to engage in an intimate relationship with a 12 year old if the adult treats the child well, ensures it thinks about what it's doing, etc. This would rarely happen because most people just want cunny, hence it's illegal.
Using myself as an example, when I was 12 if some of the teachers I liked had consented, I would have 100% destroyed them, and the same for almost everybody on here, I'd wager. So, it depends on the person and how mature, ready and willing they are.
How many colors of pills are there
I just actually watched the relevant video ( reddit.com
The rest is pisspoor analogies, ad hominems and patently not impartial cries of "fuck you", combined with a definite lack of argument. Kind of like the "muh degenerate" posters in this thread
Oh I see, so what you're saying is that it's actually highly intelligent, and a symbol of peace and modernity, to discuss the finer points of dog fucking? We'd be doing a disservice to ourselves, after all, not to really focus on whatever semantic argument we can make that really cracks the code that has kept human society from the enlightened act of having sex with animals. It really is the thinking man's fetish.
nice strawman, my man
The point was that being free to discuss all things, having the time, energy and resources, is indicative of a tolerant,
The specific topic is immaterial, what's important is that it's controversial but we're still talking about it
*tolerant, debating, healthy, wealthy society
Here's the normal progression:
Blue Pill > Purple Pill > Red Pill > Iron Pill > Black Pill > Dad Pill > White Pill
Currently at the dad pill, famm.
a lot of his recent content sucks, all he does are quickies where he recycles trailer footage and watches pokemon episodes, once in a blue moon he'll review a shit movie and it won't even be a complete review
>Do you guys think he's funny? Do you take his reviews seriously?
For me it's impossible. I already didn't have a high opinions of him because he considers minor nitpicks to be valid criticism, but when I learned he was a furry is when I completely dropped him.
It's just one of those things, like being a brony, that totally invalidates any opinion you might have on a serious subject. It's proof that you are a stunted individual with the mental age of a child.
>not being a God-fearing celibate citizen that recognizes the sacredness of sex between a husband and wife.
It's all a big, multicolourful rainbow of pills, celebrate diversity user :)
I'm unsure whether you're trying to add ti thwt guy's joke, or you unitronically think thyat
So basically what you're saying is anyone who is disgusted by bestiality cannot be at peace with the world and is destroying their own life with hate? You sound like a self-important faggot who thinks everything he says is valuable and intelligent just because you're life is going on the right track.
Is this really a responsible argument you are making, or are you riding the high of young adult freedom by arguing for the acceptance of bestiality on the internet, while never having ever met a single person in real life who has Adam's chip on their shoulder enough to demand your acceptance of the act?