Rogue One

Why are virtually all YouTube reviewers hating on this movie? It's like everyone is desperate for the chance to be the next Plinkett or something since the real one is starting to become a parody of himself (Mike Stoklasa's legitimacy as a modern film critic is starting to crumble).

R1 was kino, and everyone just needs to accept that and move on.


Music to my ears when a manchild gets BTFO not only by Sup Forums, but by the pathetic Youtube "critics" that they worship.

Rogue One is shit and irrelevant.

>shit and irrelevant

it's spent it's third week on top of the box office while up against a Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence space flick, a musical animated film, and a Michael Fassbender starring video game movie.


Every big blockbuster spends at least three weeks at #1, you dumb cunt. The fact that you feel the need to compare it to huge bombs like Passengers and Assassin's Creed to make it look good is kek-worthy.

The film's only saving grace is that legions of dumb American male manchildren will flock to see the film no matter its quality. It is underperforming hard overseas and at the moment, fucking 55.7% of its gross is domestic, which is a hilarious testament to how poorly the film is doing everywhere but the US. I haven't seen a blockbuster do so badly overseas in the past two decades. Usually films are at a 40/60 domestic/overseas split before China; Rogue One is at 56/44.

You better fucking hope that your fellow manchild compatriots don't wise up and stop blinding gobbling up the shit they're being fed by Disney, because domestic is the only thing propping up Star Wars films to be even remotely comparable to Marvel blockbusters at the moment. Even Fantastic Beasts, a film from a dead movie franchise, is doing better than Rogue One in almost all major markets.

Nobody cares about this dumb flick, and nobody is even discussing it on Sup Forums two weeks after release. Enjoy irrelevance.

>redlettermedia drone

opinion discarded

I despise Red Letter Media, but I can't help but support the way they blew the fuck out of you dumb manchildren in their Rogue One video.

You can't even respond to the international Rogue One flop because you know it's true.

I can't even respond because I didn't bother reading all your drivel in the first place. That corny ass RedLetterMedia Webm you posted already told me all I need to know about you le contrarian self-proclaimed "manchild slayer" of dreams.

As someone who hated TFA, but really enjoyed Rogue One, I have no idea why normies like what they like at this point. I watch the reviews and their perspectives and complaints seem completely foreign to me.

>la la la I can't hear you

Sounds like the typical manchild alright. Go back to your reddit hugbox where you can circlejerk endlessly about how good Star Wars is without anyone ever challenging your opinions.

Sup Forums hates this movie, and so do the youtube reviewers you hold in such high regard. Nothing you can do will change this.

Don't ever reply to me again.

>YouTube reviewers

no ewoks, that's why

TFA criticism was haram due to the massive hype. They couldn't criticize it when every pleb was trying to fit in with the rest by praising that piece of shit.

Now they're trying to show that they're above being influenced by hype. Being negative about something is perceived by plebs as being intelligent.

I'll do what I want faglord and I'll get the last word too

Scarif was great

Everything before Scarif was garbage

So the movie was 70% garbage


It's saved by it's third act. If the third act was of the same quality as the first and second, then the movie would be a real stinker.

Lol user that guy manhandled you.

>Sup Forums hates this movie

Yes, sure

Nah it's just a bad movie

t. manchild videogame player


>movie is bad
>disney buys reviews
>youtubers and normal people start waking up

Basically this

R1 is good, but it has real flaws.

Aside from Jyn and the Iberian spy guy, who of the main cast has any real character development?

Chirrut has absolutely none, and Baze only rediscovers his faith in the force when Chirrut dies

K2SO's a robot, sure, but his only noticable character development is moving from distrust of Erso to trust.

Now the pilot's main development seems more or less to be slightly more willing to die than he was at the start of the film, but he must of been somewhat willing given how he's first captured by the terrorists.

I don't want to go on, so I'll just sum up by saying the movie looked more like a condensed TV series than a movie. The characters were severely underplayed which was disappointing.

That aside, the fight scenes were well choreographed, the cg was brilliant especially for Tarkin, and the final act was some of the best cinema Star Wars has to offer.

It's a good movie, but there's plenty for critics to talk about.

>The galaxy far far away was actually hell the whole time

woah.. that just... doesnt that just really make you think?

TFA was garbage

R1 was slightly better than utter mediocrity, making it the best thing since the OT

Just because the movie has no character development, no structure and no conclusion doesn't make it artsy french kino.

It's Star Wars. It's always gonna be #1, no matter the quality of the movie.

>It's always gonna be #1

#3, now. Third behind obviously James Cameron and the Marvel franchise in terms of box office relevance.

Well yeah, I mean when it gets released. Obviously it's gonna be beaten eventually.



rogue one isn't perfect but it's a zillion times better than TFA. so i get confused when cuckboy reviewers like reddit letter media lavished TFA with endless praise but then totally shit on rogue one. it's like we're all living in some parallel universe.

Movie was racist as shit, they had every stereotype down to the Arab guy blowing himself up

>Mike Stoklasa's legitimacy as a modern film critic is starting to crumble
I like RLM, but come on. He never had any. Just like every her youtube "critic"


People wanted Star Wars and Disney played so safe no one could really complain, despite the movie being so safe it was actually fucking awful (rehash of ANH but much worse). Now you can't play the same card twice can you, another piece of shit relying only in nostalgia pandering is not going to be well received again.

It checked all the boxes to be a Star Wars movie but had none of the soul

This. I think RLM's influence has something to do with it, since they came out with a negative review pretty early, and they're held in high esteem because of the prequel reviews. Since a lot of the negative reviews I've seen just repeat their points, but are dumber about it, I'd guess it's at least one of the reasons.

All these critics built their name on trashing the prequels. Rogue One is objectively better than a lot of movies they give passing grades to, so I have to wonder what kind of agenda they really have. R1 had some cringey callbacks that were wholly inappropriate for any movie trying to take itself seriously, but those moments were very few and far between. I would argue R1 is probably a better movie overall if you're a total SW newb and don't "get" the references. These critics are just retarded, thinking they can relive the glory days of when it was cool to shit on Star Wars.

Except Rogue One didn't play it safe at all. "Everyone dies" is a horrifying prospect to any big name studio when Stephen Spielberg isn't the one pitching the idea. A movie like this simply does not get made. It runs anathema to the very idea of commercialization.

When's this coming out on DVD so I can download the rip?

Like clockwork. Sup Forums BTFO eternally.

"Everyone dies" is literally the selling point of this flick and probably was one of the many (if not all) decisions made by execs and not the artistic team. Even then having shit characters kind of ruins the whole thing