Why didn't he just tell Red he was escaping instead of making Red think he was gonna kill himself? Did he not trust him?

Why didn't he just tell Red he was escaping instead of making Red think he was gonna kill himself? Did he not trust him?

was it power play?

why would you trust a nigga in jail?

the noose was to carry shit on his leg thru the sewer

was it rape?

why didn't he just shit himself when they fucked his boy pussy?

He was Irish.

because he told him earlier about the rock by the tree

Why not just tell Red that's what it's for? Why make him worry?

It was a trust thing. So what if Red thinks he's dead? It wouldn't impact anything

Hell, Red only thought he was dead for a few hours. Once they found him not in his cell in the morning Red knee he got out

>Shawnshank redemption
>The MC doesn't need redeem himself since he commited no crime
>we never see the chief warden redeem himself
>the prison director kills himself before he could redeem himself

Remember the conversation they had earlier? It was Andy trying to teach Red to have hope.

kek only in the book

Plausable deniability for Red

What if Red told the guards to keep an eye on him that night because he was acting suicidal? He would have gotten caught then

I liked that they kept the line in the movie.

Why would the guards care?

Who was Red?

How did Red redeem himself?
By realising he is an old man now and not the same as before?

Andy was running the Warden's money laundering operation and did all the guards taxes for them.

This, if the warden or the guards even suspected Red knew about the escape they'd have beaten the ever loving shit out of him. From his reaction in the Duprees cell when they confront him about it they could tell he was just as shocked as they were.

Never trust a potato nigger

Probable deniability. He didn't want Red to get the shit beaten out of him or never get a legit shot at probation if he knew his entire plan.

because the movie is about hope and belief, idiot

death redeemed the director of his sins

he didnt want red escaping he is a criminal.