What would pol do if a race of humans arose that was better than whites in every way?

what would pol do if a race of humans arose that was better than whites in every way?

Sup Forums already hates East Asians.

>what is jews

Rape them, of course

But Italians exist user...


omg hitler was the leader of the nazis.... you guys are so dumb

Long Answer: Well, they'd have to outcompete us in every facet of life to prove that first. And then we'd have to have a war of supremacy to solidify the results.

Short Answer: demand mo money for dem programs for ah chilluns, kuz dey racis bastads what got too much prihlige

OP said every way and Ahkenazi Jews (the smart ones) are technically white anyway.

>Everyting about the modern world is thanks to the Roman Empire
>Italians aren't white
They already exist

You seem to miss the point of Socialism or nationalism. There are no better people, there is your country and your family is the best, always.

Mix with them so that Humanity can better themselves as a Race.

We would label them as aliens
and insult them
for being filthy alien sub-human niggers.

Oh, you mean Jews? Ashkenazi average IQ 120, whites 100.

They are called...Americans.

IQ is a stupid test, the higher you score, more international retarded you are, dumber you are. International people don't solve problems with their high IQ, they are dumber in solving problems than a suicide bomber. Nationalists solve problems of any country on this planets. All migrants and their shitty international smart tests do is exploit and cheat. Testing for IQ means you are below average by default.

Jews are an evolved parasite. They don't build, only destroy.

Doesn't matter if they have the potential since they only use it for destructive purposes.

Whites and japs are the only ones that could take us to space.

Eh, they gave me a spread back in elementary because I had trouble focusing in class but consistently aced every test they threw at the class and could answer to a subject being taught when called on despite have my nose in a book.

135IQ and college reading level in third grade and three points above the autism scale, so I'm "normal and gifted with some social awkwardness".

And IQ doesn't matter after primary education when you're the most capable of digesting abstract information, it only matters a little in secondary unless you're constantly placing into advanced classes where more abstracts are being taught; after high school, as long as your grades are decent, IQ doesn't really matter at all unless, again, you're submerged in abstract knowledge fields and constantly taking in new information. Otherwise joe schmoe with a little elbow grease, a little elbow rubbing, and a lot of experience can get much farther than a socially awkward half-Einstein.

Seriously, when you're in a blue collar job and they start talking about IQ and you get drug into the covno, saying anything above 110 gets you looks and the question "well, what the fuck are you doing here?" gets tossed out first thing. If you're even reasonably smart, people don't allow any excuses for not getting a high-grade STEM doctorate.


IQ tests and every other test made by international people exists only to enslave humanity. First of all those tests are written by some foreigners and no human on this planet should be told by foreigners what to do, especially not if he's smart. Those tests are there so rich families who know test results and write tests to their liking can buy scores and control other people, by telling them how stupid and worthless they are, while at same time those high IQ international monarchs are dumb as hay irl. When an foreigner comes and tells you how smart you are, you feel low, when a foreigner comes and tells your wife how a foreigner is smart, then your wife cheats and always looks for something better, it's an neverending degenerate enslaving process. Competition is cancer. Nobody on this planet should do things just to get started. We should get started and then promote. It's pointless to prove how smart you are before you even get a chance to be king.

I seriously don't care what picture related people consider smart. All i know they wage thousands year old wars over an old wall and bump their heads into it. IQ is the definition of stupid.

Don't pretend to be on our level buddy.
