What does Sup Forums do for a living?

What does Sup Forums do for a living?

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Fuck you. Where's Robert!


last day working the part time job i've done for the past 2 years (as well as studying part time). now a full-time student, for the next 3 years provided things go somewhat to plan.

don't feel bad about yourself if you're working a shitty and humiliating job. try and make time for nice things instead, stay in touch with friends and family, keep ya head up.

last week i meant. same difference.

your baby sister

i'm a neet and my wife works as a dental assistant. will be working within a year, though. neet life is breddy gud

I'm a first year uni student but I'm working summers as a retail clerk at a chocolate shop in my town. Pretty sweet gig, pun intended.

part time farmhand

Play music and teach

Touring, it’s where most of my money comes from anyway


I work in an office doing test kitchen work with the R&D department. pretty lame but I can listen to music or podcasts all day so it's chill

>neet guy with medical field wife/gf

wew lemme guess you live in the 2nd floor of an apartment complex built in the 70s/80s too

nope, live in an old house that is owned by her mother (doesn't live with us) but it's very old.. we rebuilt most of it so it's very modern.. just on the edge of the ghetto.. so we'll leave the place eventually



I run a small old used bookstore in a tourist city. Should have been closed a couple times now, but my spouse works for PepsiCo so we're I'm still in business. Been here for about 18 yrs and I'm 33.

Just got out of school and looking for work.
Have an interview for a customer service rep position on thursday.
Really just want something that pays the bills so I can focus on music.

Im a chef at a seafood restaurant .
After this summer ends though I'm going to apply to become a flight attendant

i literally churn out project proposals and apply for grants before selling the projects away. the projects can be anything from installation art concepts to film scripts/treatments.

it's a fucking retarded idea, i split the work with two friends and we basically have to be constantly applying to like 15 different grants before one bites. once it bites we're safe, first we get money from the grant and then we sell off the idea to somebody else under the banner "hey, selected by _______ committee"

i've NEVER actually seen any of the projects i've proposed be finished so i have no idea why anyone would actually want to take them off my hands, even if it's just for pennies.

Work at a grocery store and go to school. the jobs not really bad I just hate waking up at 4am. The NEET life was comfy as fuck but it was ultimately self-destructive and embarrassing.

A smart on in the bunch

>What does Sup Forums do for a living?
carpet cleaning. it's an easy job most of the year, but sucks dick during the winter.

I’m a manager at a restaurant.
I fucking hate it, but I’m good at it, and I’m almost 21.
Going to school to be a CNT major, that and music are the only thing keeping me going.
I stay in my room and listen to music and go out to get food occasionally if I’m not working.


calling bullshit. no one ever gets a manager position under 21

My AGM is 19.
At Noodles and Company.
I’m sorry, shift manager is my position.

Not that guy but at the restaurant I work at one of the Floor Managers is only 20.

came here to ask this

Radio production assistant, University TA

Senior in mechanical engineering. School is so easy I don't want to work a 9-5 fuk.

listen to music

Do deliveries for a good company but the management for my department is just bad. Got a final warning due to parking, 2nd one this year. Really made me just go "dude, lets see how creative I really am." So im fast fowarding my dreams because i can not honestly do this job shit again, every year feels the same.

tl;dr blog post and venting

prison guard