>The world only makes sense if you force it to.
Truly the greatest capekino since Watchmen
>The world only makes sense if you force it to.
Truly the greatest capekino since Watchmen
Isn't that what Joker would say? I guess it's more evidence that he's killed everyone because he was broken by Joker.
>This movie only makes sense if you force it to
Was this some kind of haiku?
I can't imagine how Leto's Joker could break anyone.
By killing Robin?
Literally laughing right now.
BvS rivals the prequels when it comes to dumb lines.
Did you watch the Stuckmann cut?
Leto's joker didn't break anyone. Leto's joker is a broken robin.
What's that?
Deepest lore?
Is Affleck's Batman taking place before BvS or after JL?
>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- S. Pegg
>"The movies are for children but they don't want to admit it. There's a small group of fans that do not like comic sidekicks. They want the films to be tough like The Terminator and they get very upset and opinionated about anything that has anything to do with being childlike."
- G. Lucas
>"SW ate the heart and the soul of Hollywood. It created the big-budget comic book mentality."
- P. Schrader
>"A 12yo boy told me proudly that he had seen SW over a 100 times? I said 'could you promise never to see it again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his 30s, isn't living in a fantasy world of secondhand childish banalities"
- A. Guinness
>"I don't think they are making [comic book movies] an elevated art form, I think it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core."
- D. Cronenberg
>"I don't want to see or make films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- W. Friedkin
>“They have been poison, this cultural genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”
- A. Iñárritu
>"Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire, this religion... It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States."
- A. Jodorowsky
>"To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence"
- A. Moore
>still this shit
Look up "Tell that to Zod's snapped neck", new friend.
after, obviously.
the reason they went that route is because WB, for some reason, can't touch anything nolan touched.
its been proven inside and out. They'll never actually do anything with it though, because its just there so it won't overlap with nolan's batman at all.
That's stupid. After fighting Doomsday and whoever is villain in JL he is going to stand against Deathstroke who is literally a human mercenary, much less dangerous than Doomsday.
wtf I hate fun now
>its been proven inside and out.
What did I miss? The extended cut did some shit that I don't know about?
>wtf i love being braindead now
>That's stupid.
If by that you mean "par for the DCEU," then yes.
if a movie can make you braindead then you're probably already braindead
>Truly the greatest capekino
unironically this (not memein)
No, the Joker literally doesn't gives a shit about the world making sense or not.
BvS, outside of killing, is completely on point with its take on Batman.
yoyu are like lex luthor, a crazy neurotic insane man that wants to destroy everything good in the world, for no reason at all
i bet you look like a fag as well- you are only missing smarts and money
get fucked, and cower in the shadow of the thousands memorial threads dedicated to the greatness of Snyder' vision
but bvs is not nerd culture; it's culture
for nerd culture look at disney stuff (avenger and the star wars stuff)
So you are as i said before, thanks.
>S. Pegg
If he hates nerd culture so much then why does he take part in it?
>G. Lucas
If it's for kids why was Episode 1 about trade disputes and why did he show Anakin's skin melting?
>A. Guinness
Can't have been that smart or he wouldn't be dead.
>D. Cronenberg
My movie about a man turning into a fly is on a higher level.
>A. Iñárritu
The Revenant was ok, you're not god.
And the last two are mentally ill.
Oh shit, i can believe this what we have come to: Manchilds thinking that their pastel-colored children books are "culture" in any way, taking some magazines and calling them "graphic novels", taking edgy film school tier flick and call it masterpiece.
I thought it was the board trolling everyone again, but now, i think you are being really stupid. Brainless bearded niggers.
That line is from The Dark Knight Returns