>Please don't pirate movies! Support the artists!
Please don't pirate movies! Support the artists!
And what of the best boy electrics and grips? Are you to fucing stupid to realise that film is collaborative?
So instead of paying the actors less than extortionate amounts so they can pay the ancillary workers more, I'm expected to fit the bill?
If you think a movie is overpriced, don't watch it. Simple as that. Why do you believe you have the right to steal it?
>Why do you believe you have the right to steal it?
Because I can
If they're not getting the money anyways who cares?
I care. Thousands of people worked to produce that movie and you derived satisfaction from it without compensating them AT ALL.
You didn't even PayPal what you thought might be an appropriate amount for the movie, you just paid nothing.
Entitled millenial scum stealing everything is why China has so much influence on Hollywood. Chinese ACTUALLY PAY to see movies, so their standards now determine the content of movies. Thanks a lot you stupid fucs.
Maybe they should stop paying JLaw and the Rock shit tons of money for flops and brain dead movies.
So if you weren't going to watch the movie even if you could illegally, but decide to because you have that option you'd still pay them even if you don't want to support their garbage? Maybe if they paid those thousands of people a proper amount instead blowing a large sum of that money on shallow cunts nobody actually likes people would be more inclined to support them.
youre fucking retarded
>I'm going to pay for poor quality entertainment because it's moral!
Maybe you should stop stealing movies if you feel so strongly about the price. Oh but you can't be bothered to do that because you're entitled to other people's work.
I bet if movies cost 25 cents you still wouldn't pay because you're an entitled little fucker. Fuck you.
>country with a much larger population spend more on movies
you dont say
How can I take something away that still remains there? It's not like I'd bother to steal the bluray of some movie in a store. Piracy is about sharing a copy, there is no harm in that.
>if movies cost 25 cents you still wouldn't pay
People are actually more likely to steal things that are really inexpensive.
I just pirated Central Intelligence for my folks and it was terrible. So glad I didn't pay for it. It's probably getting a sequel so it doesn't matter either way.
Hippie dippie pieces of shit like you should be executed. Hope your PC gets hacked and every bit of personal information you have gets "shared". Fucing retard moron.
That example only works if a movie got leaked and even then it's not comparable. Unlike my personal information, a movie was released to the public ... besides, there is simply no harm for someone watching a movie for free if they would otherwise not pay for it, while releasing private information can harm a person.
Hell, if I watch something and recommend it to my friends who pay for this shit, I help to make a profit for zero cost.
Not him but I'd be cool with paying 25 cents if I like the movie, hell let's raise it to 1€.
Sounds like a new film making and distribution model is needed. Good movies don't need to cost $100 million and actors don't need to be paid tens of millions to play pretend, yet they do and they are. I didn't ask for a movie to be so expensive. They spend a lot of money on movies then cry when they don't make back the money and blame piracy even though it's been shown piracy increases sales.
Hollywood can die for all I care.
If entertainment is so important, maybe the government can employ actors and people who make films, pay them a decent salary and have them be civil servants like garbage collectors or people who work in sewage treatment. The Soviet Union had paid artists and film makers who were paid to make art. I don't see why we can't have the same for films today.
Oh wait, I do see. Studio executives want us to spend out hard earned money so they can drive sports cars, live in mansions, do cocaine and fuck models on yachts. No thanks.
I hear where your coming from, except there is nothing you can do. Adapt or die
>what is supply and demand
fuck off with your commie propaganda
but what if I want to support the staff?
like you know, lightning, make up, and all those shits
Then don't publish them. I am on the creator side too, nigger. Wrote episodes for TV, now working on a book and obviously I love to get paid too but if the choice is between someone experiencing my work but not paying or not experiencing it at all, I'd choose the former every time.
In the end the public decides and not you or me, it may not feel fair but that's how the word works and it's probably the lesser evil. Besides, if the movie industry adapts to customers who aren't willing to pay crazy money for 2h of entertainment, it'd be a pro for movie makers too. The current budgets are inflated as fuck and idiotic copyright laws only make competing for independent studios harder instead of helping anybody but couple execs and lawyers.
Piracy is part of supply and demand. Like it or not, they are part of the market. Netflix, Spotify and the likes manage to win pirates over due being not priced too prohibitively and offering a service people feel is worth paying for.
non american reporting, is it okay if I pirate, since hollywood basically doesn't care about me at all?
>it's an "art tries to integrate into the capitalist modus operandi" episode
Brought to you by blank canvas and friends.
>they have a lot of money so it's ok to steal from them
Eat a bag of dicks, you libshit retard.
>equating digital piracy to physical theft
they sure do raise them big and dumb in the south dont they
Please tell me you were pretending to be retarded.
>you have a car
>someone makes a copy of the car
>you still have your car
Yeah, no.
>fuck off with your commie propaganda
You conservative fucks are so dumb and predictable. Hurr he mentioned Soviet Union durr commie bad! America smash!
Many countries already do spend money on film.
>The new budget would increase government spending on cultural projects and institutions by $82 million, or 5.8%, to a total of $1.49 billion.
That's only an example from Germany, many other countries do it too.
It's only in America the working class is supposed to pay for rich people to be rich. You even have to tip waiters because they aren't paid a living wage.
Enjoy wage cucking for nearly 50 hours a week so that rich Jews who own movie studios can fuck actresses you only fantasize about. Then go on Sup Forums and defend the practice, KEK.
>According to a Gallup poll, the working week in the United States is almost a full working day longer than standard. While the 40 hour week is generally accepted as “normal,” adults employed full-time have reported working an average of 47 hours each week.
You don't find it a bit suspicious that all these celebrities are biggest libshits on the planet?
These fuckers love neoliberal capitalism. All that matters is me, me, me and my feelings and my identity, just so long as I don't have to feel bad for hoarding millions of dollars.
>Equating copyright infringement with extortion on the high seas and theft.
Oh no! Poor, poor, Mickey Mouse! How can we expect innovation and creativity if content "creators" aren't allowed unquestioned revenue in perpetuity?
>Instead of the Americans choosing to give money to jews, let the government FORCE THEM!
>That'll show 'em.
libtards actually believe this.
How the fuck are Aniston and Diaz making this much money, they are has beens doing nothing but Sudekis movies for years now.
They all realize how idiotic the system is but aren't in the power to change it.
Do you think any actor who gets paid millions would suddenly choose another job if their pay got cut by 90%?
why not pirate all your movies and then pay for it after if you like it?
>I'd rather Hollywood spits out Superherogroup 15 than pay a 10€ culture tax which the country uses to create culturally and historically relevant pieces of art
>you fucking commies
If something costs money, e.g. movie tickets, and you get it for free trough illegal means with intent to consume/use/make your own, it's theft. How hard is that to understand?
What does that have to do with anything? Are you the IRS?
Hollywoodfolk are overpaid, yes, but who the fuck are you or me or any of us for that matter, to decide that stealing from them is the right thing to do? The fact that they make millions because stupid people keep paying for their movies doesn't change things.
>American government spends half the budget on 'defense'
>American government cuts spending on public services and infrastructure
>dumb American pays taxes
>I don't want to be forced to pay for movies
You're cucked. The sooner you realize it, the sooner you can get better.
Fucking moralfag, who gives a shit about rights
I'm not going to give one red cent to those out of touch Liberal SJW kike douchebags.
Definition of theft
a : the act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it
b : an unlawful taking (as by embezzlement or burglary) of property
If somebody has this great recipe for bread, and you acquire it through any means and open up a business selling this bread, you have not committed any crime.
Intellectual property rights are being abused by media conglomerates and you idiots support them. There is no such crime as "destruction of a business model."
We live in the social media era and if I can't reach the movie I'm after (which is literally anything that isn't fucking disney) then I'm going to fucking pirate it.
>Cameron Diaz
I never have and I never will pay for entertainment. Be it movies, TV, music or videogames.
>They all realize how idiotic the system is but aren't in the power to change it.
They don't realise anything. They have the best lifestyles in the world. Their job isn't even a job. Acting isn't a real job.
Without the system, their job would be impossible, they'd have to make a living doing something much harder. So they speak from a position of genuine "privilege".
They have liberal political views so that they don't have to feel bad about being extremely wealthy and not working.
Then don't watch it you fucking mongoloid.
Name 37 movies that countries has produced that have "artistic value"
I'll wait
Now how many of those are kino?
>but who the fuck are you or me or any of us for that matter, to decide that stealing from them is the right thing to do?
Me, I decide my own morality.
Copying intellectual property is not stealing in the traditional sense. And "stealing" from the rich is not as bad as stealing from the relatively poor.
One simple question for you: Is piracy legal?
>Intellectual property rights are being abused by media conglomerates
100% correct, but still.
How many people work for any given movie? 500? 1000? Let's say a team of 50 people worked on a low budget independent film. Let's also assume all of them have families. Production, including pre and post, lasted three years and the entire budget came out of the team's pockets. The movie does well, both critically and financially. Now let's forget the law for a second, since all you people seem to care about is morality. Would it be moral of you or anyone else to pirate the film?
>expecting the government to be efficient with money
>Sounds like a new film making and distribution model is needed.
You can't sell something for less then free...
Hollywood is fucked because unlike musicians who can still play live for money, movies and tv shows must be distributed digitally and that automatically means people will pirate them and if people can pirate movies for free with just the click of a mouse, they will.
Sorry, but I don't speak meme.
I'll still gladly pirate hollywood shit and pay my culture tax though :^)
Keep pirating for all I care, but don't make up a bullshit "culture tax"
>Chinese ACTUALLY PAY to see movies, so their standards now determine the content of movies.
Only because China is a totalitarian state that strictly controls the people's Internet access.
>I conflate legality with morality
and how many times were you held back
>American government spends half the budget on 'defense'
Oh, you're one of those people that heard that somewhere and repeats it without ever verifying whether it's true. Educate yourself retard.
>Me, I decide my own morality
And that's exactly why we have the law. What if your morality dictates that it's perfectly fine to steal one of my cars because I have "too many" according to you?
>"stealing" from the rich is not as bad as stealing from the relatively poor
Stellar libshit logic right there. Stealing from pajeet at the liquor store down the street is just as bad as stealing from Rex Tillerson.
>Would it be moral of you or anyone else to pirate the film?
It is morally good to pay for the film, but it is not morally bad to pirate it, as it doesn't harm anyone.
But isn't it morally bad to not be morally good? Possibly, but you could say that about every decision you make in your life where you choose to ignore people in need.
Paying for a movie you could pirate is essentially charity.
>He still calls copyright infringement "piracy" as if to equate sharing a copy of a piece of media with extortion on the high seas.
Stop arguing dishonestly and realize that though content creators, from authors to musicians, may not like people sharing their works with friends, they are hapless to stop it and they should stop trying to. People will always support content that they enjoy. Look at the "crowd sourcing" revolution that has taken hold over many youtube channels. There are small production companies taking in several thousands of dollars a month because people want to consume content they create.
Your argument is shit.
You're the one who's conflating the two. You justify piracy as moral through God knows what kind mental gymnastics, which leads you to disregard its illegality while staying on that "moral high ground".
Only about 13% of the Federal budget goes to defense, though that is still a very high figure compared to other developed countries.
Social Security, health care, and education make up the bulk of the Federal budget. Over 50%.
>And that's exactly why we have the law. What if your morality dictates that it's perfectly fine to steal one of my cars because I have "too many" according to you?
We have the law because of reckless thugs. I wouldn't steal your cars, because I'm civilised.
I probably wouldn't even steal from the very rich, unless it was for the greater good. But like I said, piracy is not stealing in the traditional sense.
>Acting isn't a real job.
Ahahaha. No. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>Without the system, their job would be impossible
Acting was and always will be a decent job due simple supply and demand shit. It's a skill not many people possess. Without the current system they won't earn millions but no matter how things turn, actors will be always paid well. It was a decent job in the Soviet Union too or in the late middle ages before capitalism went full retard.
>So they speak from a position of genuine "privilege".
Which doesn't negate anything. Actually it gives them more credibility as insiders.
>One simple question for you: Is piracy legal?
Depends entirely on the country, and can change from one day to another.
Streaming sites make decent money, whether paid or free ones. Most movies with crazy budgets have crazy budgets due crazy wages for few top actors and directors, cut that shit and it's going to be easy to distribute movies for $1 per watching a movie due increased demand or even with free, ad supported models.
Besides even in current times where everybody can easy pirate, it's not that hard to make a profit.
>the rock makes that much
>people like his acting
>hapless to stop it
Did you mean "helpless to stop it"? Because what you've written doesn't make any god damned sense, you utter buffoon.
Also, what you dumb pirates have fostered with your foolishness are the perfect conditions for patronage models to come back. It's already happened with kickstarter and gofundme.
That's the future you've made. Prepayment required before any form of media gets created unless it's the lowest common denominator type which non-pirates are guaranteed to pay for.
You've set culture back by thousands of years. Nice job, millenials.
I'll fucking steal it and not even watch it. I'll just help seed so others can enjoy because fuck Hollywood and their bullshit. I hope this was fucking bait because if it was, 10/10 for fucking triggering the fuck out of me
Schwarzenegger made a shitload while being a terrible actor too. You can go far if you have good charisma user. You only don't understand because you have none yourself.
As far as I can see, all high culture has come from patronage, and none of it from mass consumption.
As citizens, we have a RIGHT to help those in need, but an OBLIGATION to obey the law. Morality plays a big part in the former and has nothing to do with the latter. Just because you have some money in the bank doesn't mean you have to give it to the poor. You can, but you don't have to.
It's that kind of logic that lead us to the ACA, squeezing as much as 65% out of middle class families to give to those in need because it was "the right thing to do".
Bust your ass to create some capital, bang your head on the wall enough times for a good idea to pop out, create a product that people are willing to pay for, have a million neckbeards steal from you and then reply to me.
Yeah, how exactly is patronage bad, it's certainly not self evident...
are you sure you're not projecting, user?
> Besides even in current times where everybody can easy pirate, it's not that hard to make a profit.
That’s the thing, it’s still not that easy to pirate stuff but it’s becoming easier and easier all the time.
Your average adult pleb (like myself, a 49 year old) doesn’t know how and/or doesn’t care to figure out to pirate stuff but kids nowadays have grown up pirating music and movies and can easily adjust to this or that pirating site getting taken down or Hollywood implementing new movie security software.
The more computer literate you are, the easier it is to pirate stuff.
Stay booty blasted anime grill
>Bust your ass to create some capital, bang your head on the wall enough times for a good idea to pop out, create a product that people are willing to pay for, have a million neckbeards steal from you and then reply to me.
>Implying that doesn't happen in any industry.
Destruction of a business model is not a crime.
Piracy is a crime.
Sharing is not a crime.
depends on the country
I make something, I charge for it, you obtain it through illegal means without paying for it. That's the crime.
just in case you didn't know...
Whose definition of illegal are we using here?
In a misguided endeavor, you're appealing to the authority of the state.
>slave morality
I am my own master. I live by my own morality,
By pirating Bad Grandpa I'm EXACTLY like Nietzsche
I'll stop pirating movies when there's a Spotify for film. Netflix is garbage and the whack a mole catalog availability is infuriating
All this butthurt for ART. kekekekekekekek
Your job is entertain us on our free time. Our job is to make the world function and move forward. Little shits
>Sharing is not a crime.
In 1994 he received a two-year suspended sentence for computer data espionage and fraud because he was underaged, and received a similar sentence later in 2003 for insider trading and embezzlement.[12] Dotcom was the founder of now-defunct file hosting service Megaupload.[12][13] Subsequently he has been accused of criminal copyright infringement and other charges, such as money laundering, racketeering and wire fraud, by the U.S. Department of Justice.[14] Dotcom has denied the charges, and is currently fighting attempts to extradite him to the United States.[15] The case is expected to drag on for years and end up being decided in the Supreme Court.[16]
>it’s still not that easy to pirate stuff
My little sis (21) is too dense to install a program on a macbook, she still streams series all the time, my mother (55) can't do anything beyond basic shit like Word or writing mails, still streams stuff. Both did it without any help from me or anyone else.
I also often fixed computers for super computer illiterate people who misunderstand anti virus update with warning about a virus ... all of them pirate shit. It's actually the more computer literate people who pay for Netflix, Amazon Go, HBO or Spotify.
Pirating can hardly get any simpler than it is now when it comes to movies (it's literally click and watch), yet many people still pay for stuff and go to cinema (something you can't fully replace when it comes to experience and getting stuff on time) and the big studios make a nice profit.
>tfw JLaw bitches about "muh wage gap" and frames it as a civil rights issue when she's really just a greedy cunt tricking movie studios into giving her exorbitant sums of money to prove how not-racist they are
>literally a SJW extortion racket but people think she's being so noble
Not that guy but the military is clearly a massive expense and while his comment might not have been exactly correct, the idea is still sound. You're getting upset over something that would be infinitesimal compared to the amount wasted on enforcing our policies overseas, except it has some potential for benefiting the populace as opposed to the current situation of movie execs, actors, and heads of giant defense contractors all getting rich.
You make something, you charge for it.
Person A buys it, travels to a country where it's legal to pirate stuff, uploads it and people start pirating. It's not a crime. Suddenly you realise intellectual property rights are a bit trickier than regular theft.
>women making less money than men
>which the country uses to create culturally and historically relevant pieces of art
they just make interracial breeding grounds propaganda
Gabe Newell said it about Steam vs. pirating games - people will pay for a service when it's better than pirating (and Steam became that service)
What about Brendan?
Sounds like smart business to me
>Bust your ass to create some capital, bang your head on the wall enough times for a good idea to pop out, create a product that people are willing to pay for, have a million neckbeards steal from you and then reply to me.
What good content is being disproportionately pirated? Name one. If creators make something that people give a shit about they're very willing to pay, and I can name many examples of this. Maybe you just make shitty content and are looking for someone else to blame.
The only legallly obtained music I've ever owned are the sample music that came windows 7 OS almost a decade ago.
>And then Country A hires a bounty hunter to kidnap you and bring you to Country A to stand trial because it believes in universal jurisdiction.
God bless Amerikkka.
U.S. law.
Congratulations to person A, then. He's a criminal here but only cunt over there.