>transsexuals are mentally ill
>gays aren't
Why is this manlet so inconsistent?
Transsexuals are mentally ill
Homosexuals and Transsexuals are different things you know.
They'll change the definition for transexuals soon enough, don't you worry.
Eventually being straight and identifying as the gender you were born will be considered the mental illness.
He's actually pretty fucking degenerate. Loves to talk about 'traditional values' but then starts talking about how this one time he was in a threesome and his dick slipped into the other guys condom.
>Man thst enjoys taking it up the ass and it's honest about it.
>Manchild who won't stop going on a tirade untill the world adapts to his distorted self image.
There's no difference at all.
Hes not really a manlet.
He is a fucking joke. He is so try-hard. Its not even funny. He actually brought Sam Hyde to one of his 'talk shows' and it was so fucking bad. Sam Hyde made him look like a dick sucking bafoon.
Another thing. Sam Hyde is now working in Adult Swim. This makes Sam Hyde more successfull that this fuckwad who I don't even know his name. So I call him fuckwad because I don't care about his name. No one cares about this guy lol its funny.
Transsexuals are advanced gays.
He is. He's like 5'9.
Gavin is degenerate as fuck. He's also PC when convenient. He knows shitting on gays keeps you unemployed but trannies are a much smaller group so no one important cares. His (((boss))) at Rebel Pundit didn't like it when he found out cuckservative inferred sucking Jew cock so Gavin stopped using it.
because that's reality, m8.
Gays are attracted to someone of the same gender, while that's not your cup of tea that's not mental illness.
Howver, wanting to mutilate your genitals to turn yourself into a chimera of body parts that is neither male nor female and then play dress up while taking hormones to grow tits?
That's nuts.
Both are wrong.
One is easibly fixable, the other isn't.
They're also different faggot.
He's also an open advocate of race mixing, he supports capitalism, he supports Israel, and he thinks he's a man when he's just a skinny midget with a beard.
He stands for modern Western civilization which is already got corrupted. Modern means progressive so gay right activism. Some day transgender rights activism will become the full part of western civilasation and this faggot will be obliged to suck transgender dick in public. But he will say "despite me acting as degenerate, i oppose muslim and chinesesavages, i am the good guy".
because he's a fucking faggot, obviously.
They are both mental disabilities related to ones ability to reproduce.
They are also both dilutions,
And they both inevitably lead to the host killing themselves.
celebrate failure,
pride in shame.
do what you feel like and don't follow your conscience, trust me it will lead you to happiness, end white race forever good goyim.
He also said he likes to taste shit when he eats ass. He's a total degenerate, but he's pretty entertaining and BTFOs liberals so he is alright by me.
>that's not mental illness.
So it isn't an abnormal, destructive, and irrational mindset?
because he wan't so virtue signal
he is gay himself, no hetero would kiss another man
>he supports capitalism
You don't?
homosexuality is degenerate, a sexual fetish, not a way of life
transexualism is mental illness, they don't like who and what they are and refuse to accept it, not a way of life
we have a zillion different types of autism, and they are hard to tell.
but i can tell from miles away, you are a fuckking GAY.
Faggot detected. 50 years ago homosexuality was a mental illness. Now transsexuality is the mental illness being advocated for. In 2056 you'll be saying that transsexuals are normal and only paedophillia is a mental illness. The cycle continues.
>looking for consistency from an employee of (((The Rebel)))
Unless you're checking me out, the fuck do you care?
50 years ago we didn't know what we know now.
Way to go champ.
Why would I? I hate liberalism. Capitalism is a corruptive force that pits racial brothers against each other. Capitalism caused the migrant crisis, it causes the poverty of whites, it destroyed the family unit, and it is the cause of all the degeneracy you see. This is a National Socialist board.
You'll be saying that to justify trannies and paedos in the future.
Where did he bring Sam? I can't find the show.
It gave us the highest average wage rate in the world, therefore the best standard of living.
You're confusing Corportism with Capitalism. I'm not even white so your argument means nothing to me.
White pride world wide God bless Glen Beck. Down with decadence, up with Islam!
i'm multicultural and i like todlers do i get special rights? im clearly an oppressed minority, and i cannot control my sexual orientation.
LGBTQP equality!!!!
No, not everyone is a brisbane hipster. piss off.
National Socialism gave us 100% employment, racial hegemony, a living wage, no homelessness, and a strong nation state. You're basically bragging about your Jewish master giving you more scraps.
Capitalism allowed corporations to take control. National Socialism makes the industries accountable to the people's government.
he did in this: youtube.com
I have mixed feelings about Gavin he does say some really based things, like when he btfo that feminist, and that video on "how to go to canada if trump is president" but thene he also says some really dumb shit, he called roosh a feminsit in the same video mentioned above
No, he said he likes the FAINT smell of poo when pounding from behind.
You have to permanently disfigure your body and distort reality to be gay by definition?
So he is average height in the U.S
They are different things as in different delusions. They are still the same thing, a mental illness.
>Capitalism allowed corporations to take control.
No. Corrupt politicians and their (((masters))) allowed it.
National Sozialism needs an ongoing war to keep the economy on top, though.
Not that I'm a friend of "profit first"-ism or what we should call our momentary system of economy, but every set of axioms has its weaknesses.
Remember that he created Vice. Like a lot of people in the "alt right," he's a complete liberal degenerate who failed to capitalize on progressivism and is looking for money elsewhere. Some of them don't like the whole SJW movement, but they'll still happily promote drugs, promiscuity, and race mixing/immigration. They'll just criticize Muslims and safe spaces too. They're useful idiots at best.
One is about denying reality and irreversible self-mutilation, the other is about degeneracy.
I know what I prefer.
He is not inconsistent.
I'm not saying he's right, but trans and gays are different things.
One is a person that has such a distorted image of reality that thinks they're a person/thing they actually aren't.
The other is a person that fucks anything (males in this case). Now, you can call a person that fucks a goat mentally ill or just degenerate. Which one is right is something I won't dwell into in this thread.
Tell me how homosexuality is irrational. Gays are attracted to men, so they rationally pursue their self interest by fucking men.
shut up. you're just lucky to have the right upbringing and everything. straight people are lucky and chosen by God. God is fair, huh ?
>supporting deadly ideology
you belong to gulag
Okay you know what :
There are hundred of mammels that practice homosexuality. Saying its unnatural is a incredible poor excuse because humans are the only race on earth that acts unnatural in nearly every aspect of their life.
Wouldnt homosexuality die out after 1 generation in the wild? So how does homosexuality appear in all the other species?
Transsexuals on the other hand are mentally ill:
They want to be the other gender, something that impossible. You can ACT and BEHAVE like a women ( taking dick, acting feminine , taking care of kids and dont be aggressive and docil ) but its impossible for any mammel to switch gender.
Would people say i'm mentally ill if i wanted to switch from humane male to dolphine male?
Transsexuality also doesnt appear in natur, so taking the "normie argumentation from above that liberals took for decades doesnt apply to these people
I'm gay and think it is an mental illness. What can I do about it.. fuck it
No they are both the same, one just likes dressing up as the other sex so they can tell themselves they aren't gay.
Yes. Under 6' is a manlet.
They wouldn't have been able to do it if there was a National Socialist government. They could only do it under liberal (((capitalism))).
No it doesn't. It just needs a productive economy. But the ultimate goal of National Socialism is self sufficiency and staying within one's national borders in a hegemonic racial state.
They irrationally ignore their biological imperative. They're mentally malformed human beings.
Why in the world would national socialism require wars to fund itself? The only reason nationalism is so related to a strong military is that if you seek independence and a self sustaining economy, removing yourself from the rest of the world, expect to meet heavy resistance.
you've been here for too long. here, a good dose of replenishments
Prove that they have a biological imperative to reproduce. Biology does not guarantee that every organism wills to pass on its genes. In this way the will to reproduction is almost a reproductive skill. In the same way that you must survive and gather food to be able to reproduce effectively, you must have the will to reproduce effectively. How is a creature that is unfit to reproduce mentally ill?
Biological imperative isn't rational, its an instinctual drive and that drive is replaced by all the sodomy because they rationally discovered a loophole to get most of the pleasure and less of the problems (women and children) associated with the biological imperative.
That place is riggid with faggots, no thanks.
Gavin has borderline personality disorder
Whats your excuse?
but you are. just like me. you're lucky to live in a place where you can be honest to everyone about who you are. use your priviledge.
Fuck off to /lgbt/ faggot
Because he is literally a faggot.
Gay's are perverted, not mentally ill. Cutting your dick off and saying you're something you're not is akin to schizophrenia
I have some wisdom: we're all mentally ill. It's part of the human condition.
>implying animals can't be mentally ill
Speak for yourself, I value my own mental health and strength.
Why is it always (((Americans))) who have a warped view of rationality?
Willingly destroying your genes is irrational.
He doesn't bring him on in that senpai, just talks about him.
Why is it that Australians have a warped view of arguments?
Because the difference is trans people genuinely believe they were born the wrong gender so they try to change their sex, same as people who believe they are a dog or some animal. They can dress up, fuck and like who ever they want, it's their freedom, but when they start believing they are "born in the wrong body" and try altering themsleves through surgery, that's where the mental illness part comes from.
Look up the definition of fetishism in a psychology book, it literally fits exactly with homosexuality.
It is, but it depends if you're coming from a hedonistic mindset.
accepting homosexuality opens the door to other degeneracies.
there was a furry at the orlando funeral. that is the gay future.
Oh come on these people are obviously mentally ill
>3-7% of Thousand different mammels around the world get mental illnes somehow
Okay shitposter
All you're doing is trying to normalise degenerate behaviour with hedonism.
No creature on earth is hedonistic in your sense.
Gays are sexually attracted to their own sex. Trannies believe they were born the wrong sex. You can believe both to be a mental illness if you want but no sane man would consider the two alike. Adding T to the gay community is the dumbest thing the fags have done. Seriously, any gays reading this you guys fucked up big time.
He's a Gen Xer
Which mammals are exclusively homosexual?
its the gay future. you can't put your foot down on gays the next day you will get furries and trannies.
On what basis are you judging a rational choice if not on the basis of self interest?
Mentally ill degenerates generally have poor judgement.
>Why is this manlet so inconsistent?
because he is literally a faggot
a complete hypocrite waste of organic material
Rationality refers to what is logical, not what is beneficial.
What is logical action for humans if not achieving the greatest degree of happiness?
It's abnormal, but it isn't irrational or destructive. Transsexualism is all three.
>no, not everyone is a [insert time-appropriate insult for the 1950s]
but now there we are
you see this goes many ways
one step at a time
Becouse he is a numale homosexual. And it is vice versa, nearly all gays are mentally ill.
That explains the abnormally high gay suicide rate.
very nice dick. shame on God for not giving me exactly like that.
The fuck is this senpai?
Uncle T-Bone art \m/
That is why you don't fuck vacuum cleaner attachments.