How can we make rugby more popular?

How can we make rugby more popular?

I am running a chilean rugby channel, and after 5 years I'm thinking about closing it because nobody gives a shit about the sport.

I have tried doing highlights, interviews, but nothing seems to work.

Should I just switch to football? FFS, I don't want to... Can you guys come up with any ideas?

Link? Is rugby really popular in Texas?

Start young. Get kids interested and grow it from there.

yes, switch. Yours was a stupid idea to begin with.

giv rugby gf

Yeah, I am already working with school from 6th graders all the way up to 60-year old seniors. Dads love it tho.

Just google Mad Chronic rugby. Just don't tell the other Texans what it means, ok? It's kind of a private joke. XD

>nobody gives a shit about the sport
rugby is fucking shit lol
give it up

I will if you don't give ideas, lol. But come on, try to think of something.

I was thinking, I don't know. Make memes and shit? Get drunk players to comment on their best plays? Ask for donations or threaten to close down?

There's actually a lot of things I could do... But I'm not sure they are good ideas, so I'm asking you guys. :) Be nice.

gay shit fag kys

By having a successful/popular Chilean rugby team/player.

Not within my control, haha. The best player is Anton Petrowitsch. I have an interview with him that got like 500 views, matches with his team that get like 1k views, matches with the national team that get between 1k an 4k views, plus he has a highlight with 3k views.

It'll be at least 4 years before we see a better player getting to where he is right now.

Now, don't get me wrong. The business model is actually quite good. I pay good wages, the videos are free with no ads, and the quality is acceptable.

I'm thinking of doing the same with soccer. If successful, it'd be the end of PPV. Chileans'd be able to watch everything for free, and the federation would see their income drastically lowered, which would lead to more decentralization and less corruption.

Am I just a dreamer? Did I smoke too much pot? Because it sounds fucking good, but for some reason most people just don't care...

mate rugby is shit. give it up

>Anton Petrowitsch
just saw a video, he fucking dabbed

Yeah, they do that sometimes, hahaha. I'm not sure if they know what it really means tho.

Now, little kids are dabbing after a try so they will be seen on Mad Chronic. I can envision the day when everyone finds out we're kind of promoting 420 and try to shut me down.

When that happens, I'll just say we were promoting the legalization and such... But in reality... I did it for the lulz.

didn't even know we played rugby honestly
honestly you should know here football is number one and all other sports don't matter unless we're world champions and even then,nobody gives a fuck about polo even though we're world champions

I know, I know. But my brother plays. So I made this whole fucking channel so he can be famous. It kind of backfired tho. Now he thinks he's the shit and won't talk to me.

But yeah, I completely agree. I'll just switch to soccer. Fuck this shit. :)

I've got my first rugby practice session tomorrow
wish me luck lads

at least link us your channel to check it out

>Texas getting into rugby
Football/soccer is your #1 sport, even more so since the national team has never been as good as it is now

Only rich gay guys play rugby here

don't make me regret this please.

It's @machronicyt on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Can't post the actual link because it's considered spam.

Good luck! They will beat you up. Fight back! Be a vicious motherfucker in the field, but be nice and friendly with those you injured. If someone shoves a friend, shove back. The yellow card only lasts 10 minutes, but friendship lasts forever.

I know. I don't live under a rock.

I used to think the same. My first customers are what you would call "cuicos", which is the contraction of the spanish words for fucked-in-the-ass and motherfucker.

BUT! With their money I subsidize the recording of non-rich teams. Turns out, like 10% of the teams get 90% of the spotlight. I'm sure you'll find manly middle class men in your city, if you look for them.

Say no to domestic violence!

>How can we make rugby more popular?
make it less boring.
All those mountains of muscles, all thense, ready for actions, there, they are passing the ball, they are ready to run, an exciting action is going to happen...
no, the ref stopped the play for some convolted reason. Now everyone is standing around in a circle and will stay like that for the next 20 minutes, with constant interruptions due to even more convoluted motivations.

You seem sincere chilebro but tying your sports channel to weed doesn't seem like a smart business plan. I smoke a shit ton of it but people get turned off by that culture and it's pretty gay anyway desu. Mad Chronic as a title doesn't even hint that it's something about sports

You may also have to accept that rugby isn't big enough in your country for this to be a worthwhile endeavor. Good luck to you anyhow