Why do people take out loans they do not intend to pay back?
Why do people take out loans they do not intend to pay back?
The jew promised them it's almost "free money"
no idea
You get nothing for free if you join the military. You earn that shit.
even then the GI bill and military scholarships have taken a hit in recent years.
Because there's no interest charged on it, we can ignore the loan indefinitely while inflation makes it cheaper. HECS is fuckin awesome.
only lazy ass millenials don't know loans aren't free money
95% of the military is comprised of complete faggots who got bullied in HS
there, I said it
loans used to be great till the housing market crashed via sub prime mortgages to people who coulndt afford them. Then the predatory loaners fucked em. used to be great: get a loan for a house, car, boat, the file bankruptcy and keep it all
kek very nice btw pay denbt
The only place that will PAY you to educate yourself.
They pay for your training then pay you for any time served
It's better then """"""free""""
Nice digits, but the only person I know who complain about debt are, of course, college kiddies. The biggest culprit is the Valedictorian of my HS who decided it was a good idea to go for a Liberal Arts Degree at Texas A&M. What a fucking idiot.
You must be in the military then
i was bullied and im signing up by the end of this year
cant wait rly
Most of the people I know (myself included) never got bullied. Are you sure you're just not salty the recruiter wouldn't let your fatass enlist?
How is it for socially awkward betas in the military? Do they get treated like shit by other members?
I'm physically fit and everything and sometimes I think about joining but I have a feeling it's be high school all over again.
Good goy
there are lots of betas in the military
are you dependable?
can you perform your assigned tasks to standard?
most of military life is just a job
do your job
don't make me do your job
then you will do fine in the military
No touch with reality
Just blame the poor and immigrants like your jewish Wall Street overloards told you, good goy.
Ive wanted to join the army since I was 16. Now im 21 and still cant fucking hit the weight requirements. So much for eating 700 more calories a day to gain a lb a week
Your betaness will be a lot less substantial once you finish. What branch?
Dude you'll learn to elevate the volume of your voice and talk in groups fast. I went in as a fucking loser and now because I've been out for 2 years I'm back to being a fucking loser... I miss the confidence and the pussy.
My social skills are almost autist-tier and I'm extremely beta but I'm good at being reliable and getting things done. People make fun of me outside the military sometimes so I have a feeling it'd be the same inside except it'd be required for 3 years.
o you
Because we were told we could get jobs that would allow us to pay them off.
That was lies.
Haven't joined yet, it's just something I think about sometimes. I already have a decent career ahead of me desu but the military interests me.
>Be working for only 2 years, by which time I've established enough credit I can get a loan.
>Use credit to get a car
>Buy a house
>Pay for girl's diamond ring
>Pay for shitty wife's son
Only 1 year into paying bills, and I already own more than I would if I were to save up money for the next 20 years.
How does that make sense in a free market?
Bread isn't a static asset; therefore, using credit to buy bread doesn't make sense, as the time that you might actually pay back the credit, the bread would be a green blob of mold.
Credit cuts into society's resources by re-allocating them to people who would otherwise already have that money in a real "free market" wtihout credit.
Alright well if you want to stay beta and be around other betas go to the navy but if you want to attempt to lose your betaness go into the marines
What's beta about the navy?
>Why do people take out loans they do not intend to pay back?
ask (((trump))), he loves to do this.
Nothing is wrong with it its just where most betas go when they want to go into the military but not go to "war" my friend is in the navy and he has a group of friends there that play video games and play magic and watch anime
They probably don't love Israel like the other branches.
Why havent they been bullied and raped to death yet is the armed forces really that cucked or are you bullshitting
t.beta in high school getting cyberbullied at this very moment
To be fair, if someone offered me something free I would be suspecious because no human does something just because... There is no doing it to be nice or whatever. When someone offers you something for free there is always a catch and behind it an evil human. That is why humans can never be trusted nor should they be praised as a great species.
Take constapating drugs eat potatoes every fucking day workout no cardio 3 meals a day easy as that
>military members were the bullies
>military members were bullied
why is it always one of these?
Because the navy is mostly schooling and barely any action it's mostly just repairing/working with computers and all stuff like that
Its the "nerds" military branch
This is true for my high school at least. The alphas either join the Marines or enlist not immediately after HS.
Some fat girl who couldn't finish the mile in gym class joined the Navy for god knows what reason.
I thought that was the Chair Force
>Some fat girl who couldn't finish the mile in gym class joined the Navy for god knows what reason.
Is it bad I'm jealous?
>ywn be a fat navy chick
Because it's money you fucking moron.
>ywn be the skinny Navy kid that swabs that poopdeck
I want to crash academia with no survivors
>The alphas either join the Marines or enlist not immediately after HS.
Those "alphas" are out now hanging with the leftists about muh benefits because they learned no skills in the military. Good job, you were a fucking Marine that fought for the Jews. Meanwhile, I have a master's degree and an MBA and now make double or more what they made while enlisted.
>m-muh benefits!
Life is cost benefit analysis. Don't join the military if you don't plan on staying 20 years for the retirement benefits or plan on learning any new skills besides how to shoot a gun and take orders from your superior.
I remember back in HS 10 years ago everyone thought these faggots were cool, brave, honorable for joining. But let's be honest; they were too low IQ to do anything worthwhile anyways besides being told what to do daily.
Had a fat asian chick that couldn't get past 2.5 on the beep test or do more than 3 pushups at my fitness assessment day it was fucking pathetic
Its also full of literal cucks
>Get married
>Get deployed for months on end
>Come back and find out you missed the conception of your wife's son
Thank you for your service goy
Lol theres more jobs in the military than infantry you dumb twat. The saying "choose your rate, choose your fate" in the Navy is true. Im an IT and ive learned a shit ton so far. So you can fuck off.
Every branch has it's share of dudebros, nerds, and everything else in-between.
The on-going constant since 9/11 is that anyone who's worth a fuck gets out when their time is out because they'd rather take their chances then live under the heel of intellectually challenged, thirsty ass senior NCOs, bootlicking junior NCOs, and officers creating redundant policies to score an OPR bullet.
Then, all the stupid people left behind decide to stay in because they're afraid to take their chances because they're not worth a fuck. The stupid fucks that are barely a cunt hair above the rest get promoted and the whole cycle begins anew.
Kek, you're fucking cucked m8. Do you HONESTLY believe faggot high schoolers who signed up for a two year term or a four year term learned life changing skills? You're probably low IQ too if you think they did.
Good job learning IT though, prob as good as it gets in the JIDF.
so sue your high school's college counselor.
don't make the rest of us pay because you fell for their bullshit
Im out in a year. Saved up a good amount of money. Learned a good trade, got a free bachelors pretty much, got a security clearence and got to travel the world. Military is what you make it. If being cucked means those things then im fine with it. Thanks for your input friend.