>denies rape of Nanking
>forcefully employing tens of thousands of comfort women by their imperial forces in Southeast Asia
>1 stupid jap girl raped and killed
>whole japan and weebs from other countries protest
This is really retarded.
Denies rape of Nanking
Because we don't care about subhumans while nip lives matter. We should have let them do their thing durin WW2, we wouldn't have that fuckin chinese invasion today.
what the fuck are you talking about
I'm not sure the point of your post. Are you saying that because those things happened like 70 years ago that people shouldn't protest a rape and murder today?
I assume you forgot to put some line about not apologizing but Japan has apologized for that shit already so that would also be stupid.
brainwashed retards
Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity. To get filthy Amerifats out of your country. In one moment. Would you capture it, or just let it slip?
have you taken your medication today? who I need to contact to get you the help you need
You're just an English teacher from the west. It's hard for you to understand such an insincere apology. I wouldn't think Japan would accept insincere apology if it was their girls that got raped by other countries especially the Chinese people that they treat as inferior race. It is unfair to let the Japanese apologize for such grave sin.
>1 stupid jap girl raped and killed
do you have a pic of the girl?
A pic of the murderer is more important in this case.
I don't think my country has plans to reopen US bases in the future. US brainwash over West Philippine sea is also not helping on the economy of the country. The new government has plans to be more friendly to China.
While I think its dumb that Japanese will protest whenever they have the chance to against Americans I can't but envy their ability to come together over one of their own being killed.
If whites rallied like this every time someone was killed by a dindu we wouldn't have any more dindus
Philip is right you know.
>Imperial Japan
>not based
>b-but muh rapes
No one gives a shit. Rapes are common in wartime, get over it
sins of the fathers eh?
okay let's weigh each WW2 players with their rape crimes
1. Soviet Union
2. Imperial Japanese Army
3. Germany
4. US
5. Italy
6. UK
7. Canada
It's the sin of their pathetic society of that time for letting such things happen.
>Imperial Japan
>being this brainwashed because muh shipgirl waifu game
>70+ Million dead in WW2
>thinks anyone cares about rape
Take your Feminist Bullshit somewhere else, Philcuck
"Pathetic society" fits your country's current state well
Most flips would fap to being americanized again desu
You're right, why would anyone care about some jap girl getting raped and killed.
Huh? Thought it was czech
1945 != 2016
caring about rape in WW2 != feminist bullshit
>still salty ASIAN soldier #237681469834 raped ASIAN civilian #2353245234523's great grandmother
Fucking pussy, get a grip of yourself
Okay then these pussies should get a grip of themselves to stop their stupid protest because they're just stepping their own landmines. Who the fuck do they think they are to protest against rape?
t. grandson whose grandma got gang raped by Jap solidiers
We dindu nuffin, yellow yank. We wuz good bois, no dresden
Putang ina mo and go back to /leftypol/ because most Flips I know are leftist faggots I know still bitch about Japan because MUH IMPERIALISM AND COMFORT WOMEN WE NEED DEM MONIES and you must be one of them.
Stop complaining about your enrichment, Asian Mexico.
>this is what he literally thinks of all the victims are looking for
How sad of you. It was Japan itself who offered financial assistance to these victims. They didn't want money, they only want those surviving rapists to be prosecuted which never happened. It is unfair that Nazi Germany, Italy, and the Allies prosecute their soldiers for rape but not Japan. Japan even has Yasukuni Shrine for praising their WW2 soldiers.
>implying the nukes were the solution of Japanese surrender
You should have let Ivan crush Japanese population beneath their threads.