What the fuck is going on ? We are at DEFCON 3
What the fuck is going on ? We are at DEFCON 3
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Fuck you
Also link defconwarningsystem.com
Go be american somewhere else
What we know so far
*shady things were going on in Russia for the past two days
*Russia and nato planes almost shot each other down in Syria a day ago after the Russians bombed a us backed group by accident
*about 6 hours ago large scale military movements began inside Russia
*3 hours ago large contingents of military aircraft were detected taking off from nato bases in Europe and from STRATCOM bases in the US
*rumors of a large flight of b52s headed out toward the north Alaskan control point
*confirmed navy TACAMO planes airborne
*confirmed c17 left Washington DC about an hour ago
*increase in military radio traffic
*very unusual EAMS and all stations calls by "iron gate"
This is all confirmed btw by various apps and websdr.
Should I start stashing Iodine tablets ?
Just because some Russian fighter decided to out-loiter an US fighter and bomb some US funded Syrians (not even US soldiers) does not mean we are at Defcon 3. Anyone who believes that we are at Defcon 3 needs to rope themselves immediately.
>Russians bombed a us backed group by accident
>by accident
if that site is legit as german superiority then nothing is happening
Do you have migrant cum in your eye Hans? Did you notice that it isn't .gov? The US military will not show the defcon clock.
>bomb some US funded Syrians
so ISIS?
Take one.
By the way, there is still operation "ANACONDA" going on, so no stress
Stop fucking shilling this allready
Do themselves say they have nothing to do with official DEFCON status which is secret.
Useless fucking faggot learn to read a fucking FAQ
>Does the DWS report the DEFCON status of the US military?
>No. We are not affiliated with any government agency and DWS does not represent the alert status of any military branch. Military DEFCON levels are secret. We don't know them and wouldn't report them even if we did as that would compromise US security.
More or less
>wake up
>world in on fire
finally, the alpha happening has happened.
It says it's not affiliated with the US military or government and it's their opinion.
We arnt actually at Dumbcon 3
>The DEFCON Warning System is a private enterprise which monitors world events and assesses nuclear threats against the United States by national entities. It is not affiliated with any government agency and does not represent the alert status of any military branch.
:The public should make their own evaluations and not rely on the DEFCON Warning System for any strategic planning.
here is a (You)
Thread reminder to watch Threads.
greetings professor Falken
Last time we were at Defcon 3 was 9/11.
Oh no! Should we warn our loved ones to stay inside?!
Fucking retards.
Who fucking cares, I hope shitloads of retards die.
>We continue to receive reports which collaborate each other. Still seeing concerning movements by both Russian and NATO
no fuckstain it was defcon delta on ninewunwun
What is that? Also please no rude.
> we
Gee, i wonder what kind of group it was.
what is with these constant defcon shilling threads
>captcha: select all storefronts
indeed lol.911 was at defcon "delta" .the highest level whereall air traffic is grounded nationwide. there is defcon 1, 2, 3, 4, and delta(5)
peaceful moderate muslims of course
Defcon 5 is the lowest level and is described as normal readiness.
defcon 5 is peacetime, dumbass
prove it faggot
can you not google it you degenerate mongoloid?
finished three days ago, started on the sixth and only lasted ten days
these are the events that happened today
Oh shit my nigger there's more than one of us posting this
I have a sinking feeling it's something in Asia.
This happens sometimes. You can't say properly from the height 5000m, are they moderate enough or not.
wiki? really ? what a fucking chode.
If you already don't have potassium iodide you are already 100% fucked in a radiological event. I hope you have a mask that doesn't have cadmium in the filter faggot.
no one gives a fuck about asia specially after the shit the dinks did to american pows
Holy shit! I guess we have to do it now.
I work in DC and I drive right by Andrews air force base and I saw two V-22 Ospreys flying over the road heading into DC and I've literally never seen those planes or any planes flying that direction in the morning.
Why is Sup Forums so slow today?
This thread is evidence that JIDF and others successfully infiltrated this board.
FFS, when was the last time you saw a redpill thread?! When I started lurking Sup Forums a couple of years ago, there were always at least ten different daily redpill threads helping the goyim learn about the Jews, the Synagogue of Satan, Zionism, globalists, White genocide, Frankfurt School, cultural Marxism, communism, black crime, race & IQ, etc.
Sup Forums has been infiltrated and we're losing...this thread is one more example.
Don't know for other. I had no access to Sup Forums for some 10 minutes, just around the time this tread emerged. And now my internet work slow suddenly.
I'm legitimately concerned right now.