Trump General — Light edition

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important crisis updates


>Trump signing autographs in Phoenix 6/18/16
>Phoenix, Arizona 6/18/16
>Las Vegas, Nevada 6/18/16/

>Sessions on Fox
>Trump on Meet the Press 6/19/16
>Trump on CBS 6/19/16
>Trump on ABC 6/19/16

>Trump: Consistent for 30 Years
>Trump calls Orlando Terrorist “S.O.B.”




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anybody got working FOX and MSNBC streams?

who /morningjew/ here

Reminder to text SAVAGE to 36500 to vote for Doc Weiner for the talk radio hall of fame.

OP should include this. Savage is a legend and the ultimate pro-Trump figure.


thanks dear time traveler

Im rage watching the mole man cuckservative


Better off hearing Don Black recap it on this mornings stormfront radio

>watching Morning Jew

God tier Morning with Maria is 100x better

Is it just me or is joe slowly looking more and more cuck-like?

> still watching morning jew



Not even 3 minutes until


joe within two minutes already throwing the sink at trump

DEAR Sup Forums

I stood as a Conservative Candidate in the last Scottish Election and would very much like to attend/meet Trump at Turnberry this week.

How can I contact anyone who could pass me on to his campaign team? I have applied for media credentials but these will be limited.

Is there anything from now to the convention? This shit is boring now


>Trump at Turnberry this week

why would he be in scottland now?

The media cucks really can't get their narrative about a contested convention go.
Nothing is going to happen, there will no "rebellion" and Trump will get the nomination at the convention.

It feels like I am getting flashbacks to when the media was saying that Trump has no path to 1237 delegates and now he has over 1500.

What are you guys watching? CNN, FOX and Friends or Joe?


I like watching the first 20 minutes of Joe just to see how delusional they are becoming.
It's really good for a laugh.

>Is there anything from now to the convention? This shit is boring now

in presidential elections this is generally the slowest period (post-presumptive, pre-convention). of course this is a unique election year but narrative wise there isnt much to talk about (polls still not predictive, parties haven't had their platform fights yet etc)

the biggest thing to pay attention to is how the GOP will go into the convention, this is the last stand for anti-trump GOP members so they will ramp up their attacks on trump until the convention




3 hour summary

Why is Trump saying so much stupid shit this week? I mean he's right but this is not gonna help him with independents .

He actually compared him to Hitler in the first 2 minutes this time.

Let's not forget anti-Trump GOP members are dropping like flies to local challengers now.

I've done this. No-one in my party is offering press relations which is unusual for any visitor.

Keep up.

Do not question the God-Emperor; he is making the discussion of real and important topics possible for all of us now.

>joe still doesn't understand that trump has always beenn building support for him as a person and not as a politician

This is why he mentions debate polls and cable news and other "meaningless" things. This is why his core followers are the most loyal several times over. This is why he creates controversies on purpose so that he can always be battling something and make his supporters take his side to strengthen that bond.

After the conventions, after this bonding is complete, you will see Trump starting to go hardcore on things "that matter". Hillary will no longer be able to replaced. Trump can't blow his load yet.


Omar should've had some fun and had a 3d printed gun, a new prepaid encrypted iphone bought with a gift card, and a Linux PC with encryption enabled.

There are 4 states where it is legal to carry where alcohol is being served.
So far I haven't heard a single issue with that.
Kinda funny to see how the media just completly ignores it.

Okay MJ fucking sucks, gimme something else

>do not question
This is how things go off the rails, user. Stop being a cuck.


>Trump is LITERALLY Hitler
>Trump is LITERALLY insane
>Trump is LITERALLY running for President and we need to stop him now

Trump is a racist and a fascist, prove me wrong

you can't

so I take it wikileaks hasn't released those new emails yet?

Has anyone tries converting anti-trump supporters yet?

If this actually works we might be able to disillusion some of them and the rest may follow

Did he actually say "literally Hitler"?

Adam "Please kill me, I put the bet on the wrong horse" Scott?

>trump general did not exist for about on hour on Sup Forums

is this proof of his actual declining support?

5 seconds in he said Trump's statements were from Nazi Germany

Do you have any evidence Trump isn't doing well with independents or are you merely making concerned animalistic noises out of fear?

If you think about it, it wouldn't even make sense

>highest voter turnout ever
>way beyond 1237 delegates
>hillary presidency incoming if he drops out

Literally no way that they refuse him the nomination.


Warren is fucking UNBEARABLE HOLY SHIT

Mika is all giddy after Elizabeth Warren clip.




I wonder if Joe also called France "Nazi Germany" after they did this last year:

>Since the devastating Nov 13 Islamic terror attack in Paris, French security officials have searched at least 2,235 homes and buildings, confiscated 334 weapons, and taken 232 people into custody.

>In a raid of a suspected radicalized mosque on Wednesday, security officials found jihadist documents. Cazeneuve also noted that they placed nine people under house arrest and banned 22 from leaving the country.

>The clamp down on problematic mosques is only just beginning, with reports that French authorities have their eyes on between 100 and 160 more that pose a national security threat.

>against a weak field

Holy goalposts batman

Mika also on the anti trump ride? Or is it just joe?

He might be rigging it for Hillary. Or he is very incompetent. Either way, I am still voting for him. It is either him, or Hillary.

>illegal immigrant kills people sets building on fire

Trump wins again.

wtf Ivanka

You have a problem with that Racist Trump supporter?

I think she just likes to talk shit.

>Trump ran against a weak field in the Primaries




thanks obama


>inb4 the left justifies it because he was homeless

It's the newest spin.
George Will and Charles Krauthammer called it the strongest field of candidates of the last 30 years.
And both of them are not Trump fans.

>16 other candidates
>well known politicians
>weak field

sure bud, kek. The dellusion is growing stronger by the day.

Donald, if you don't apologize for being a racist white male, you are disqualified from being the nominee for the party of Lincoln, Reagan, Al-Baghdadi, Roosevelt, and Count Chocula. THE PLANE.

>get sick of Morning Jew
>switch to FOX
>see footage of cucks saying that Republicans were the cause of the Orlando shooting
>others blame guns
>some of them even say all religions should be blamed, even Buddhists
>one says Islam is peaceful, therefore it's impossible for a muslim to be violent

>Trump ran against a weak field in the Primaries

lmao this is one thing they have said that is not wrong

remember that before Trump entered the race the GOP was saying it was "the strongest field of candidates in decades"

those same people also said that Jeb Bush was the top of the field, the strongest candidate overall and the most likely to secure the nomination

Sixty seconds on google.

70s, 80s, 90s, pick your decade, he was accused of racism in all of them. Are you even trying?

trump is a supermodel!

>donald is racist maymay

You knew the media was going to take the mask off and shift into maximum shill mode.

Which Trump?

Dumb fuck. The poster's retarded little graphic stated specifically that he was never accused of racism until the 2000s. He was. Repeatedly.

Your brain is like a bowling ball and the three holes are full of dog dung.

He is on all the covers like a supermodel. Im watching the morning Jew.

Taking heart at Donald Trump’s plummeting favorability numbers? You think he maybe finally jumped the shark by taking a victory lap over the Orlando massacre? You think the Republic is now safe?

It isn’t. The Republic is already sick. It’s like we had a bad clam — a steady diet of bad clams - and the convulsions aren’t likely to stop soon.

Whether or not a particular martinet ignoramus wins the presidency in November, America and our idealized notion of it have been sullied forever. We thought we were sooooo special. e pluribus unum. “Give me your tired, your poor...” Equal protection under the law. The American Way. How we flaunted our exceptionalism and condescended to the lesser democracies, with their ugly nationalism and crappy militaries but our KFCs.

Old-world losers. Look at us! We’ve got ethnic news anchors and rainbow bumper stickers and chief diversity officers and female CEOs of dying tech companies. We’re practically a Benetton ad! Aren’t we something.

Yes, we are something. We are self-deluding on a grand scale.

Let’s start with the inconvenient fact that 13,300,472 Americans cast their primary votes for Donald Trump. Notwithstanding his recent popularity plunge, if polls are correct and the election were held today he’d still collect 40 percent of the vote. Which is in the neighborhood of 50 million.

Fifty million — pulling the lever for a pathological liar, peddler of vile racist, misogynist, xenophobic ravings and sneering trampler of our most fundamental American values. Not to mention the Constitution, with which he seems unfamiliar. Not to mention a personality I’d call infantile, if I weren’t afraid of insulting infants. And tiles.

Fifty million Americans are for that. If you took those voters and laid them end to end around the circumference of Mars, you’d get no argument from me. Because to support Trump is to spit on the American flag and all it stands for.

>When I said that if, within the Orlando club, you had some people with guns, I was obviously talking about additional guards or employees

>dolan is racist because he said islam is radical

How does he keep getting away with it!?

fucking faggot. armed citizens have stopped more would be mass shootings than a single rentacop


But let’s just pretend for a moment that the 50 million number is deceiving, that just as there’s a structural unemployment rate that will never entirely vanish, there’s a structural disenchantment rate — ordinarily populated by the dumbest, the most gullible, the most irritable, the meanest, the hurtingest, the most selfish Americans — whose numbers swell during certain frightening moments in history. Such as war, economic recession, globalization and inequitable concentration of wealth along Gilded Age lines.

That’s the narrative we’re hearing in the press. The problem is, what’s happening now isn’t some transitory blip; it’s the culmination of a 40-year campaign, an incessant drumbeat of grievance against minority rights, gun control, same-sex marriage, secularization, tax-and-spend Big Government, climate hoax, “job killing” regulation, feminism and the rest of a sinister Liberal Agenda that amounts, of course, to tyranny.

Yes, Trump is riding a wave of resentment, but this isn’t a natural ocean, it’s a wave pool at a bizarro theme park, operated by the Heritage Foundation, the American Family Association, Fox News Channel, the NRA, Mark Levin, the Club for Growth, the American Enterprise Institute, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Breitbart and the Tea Party. Trump’s calumnies are little more than a “Best of” collection from the Great Rightwing Conspiracy.

Go back to 2012 and the last set of Republican primary candidates. Newt Gingrich called for the arrest of federal judges for “activist” decisions. Michele Bachmann denied the separation of church and state. Ron Paul said the United Nations was going to usurp American sovereignty and take away our guns, property and rights. Gingrich called the Obama administration “socialist” and Bachmann called it “gangster government. Rick Santorum said Obama “has a deep-seated antipathy toward American values and traditions.”

Sound familiar at all? It’s a never ending chorus, Ted Nugent-style.

>fucking faggot. armed citizens have stopped more would be mass shootings than a single rentacop


They can't even be consistent with the lies anymore.

Not drunk armed citizens.

Why do you guys like Trump when he says, and does stupid shit
An example of saying stupid shit
>Thinks vaccines cause autism, even though time, and time again it's been proven they don't
and for something stupid he's done
>Attempted to sue The Onion for making fun of him

Creeping extremism has defined deviancy way, way down. Remember 2004 when the Howard Dean caucus night “scream” got him painted as too excitable and undignified for high national office? Six years later, Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle won 45 percent of the vote in her U.S. Senate race against Majority Leader Harry Reid, despite musing about armed insurrection against the government.

“I hope that’s not where we’re going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.”

In fairness, she did make her case for violent sedition in a pleasant, measured tone of voice.

And many of her Tea Party confederates, dog whistling similar sentiments, actually won their elections. What used to be the lunatic fringe is now called the House of Representatives. And what used to be at least controversial is now the mainstream. Today, today, three days after Trump painted the president as a terrorist conspirator, the chairman of the Republican National Committee tweeted this:

>Flying to Dallas now with @realDonaldTrump...Reports of discord are pure fiction. Great events lined up all over Texas. Rs will win in Nov!

Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, endorses Trump. His predecessor John Boehner endorses Trump. His former nomination rivals Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul endorse him. Senators John McCain, Orrin Hatch, and John Cornyn endorse him. Rupert Murdoch and the Wall Street Journal editorial page endorse him. Jerry Falwell Jr., the pastor of the Gospel, endorses him.

imma #Man4Maria

Alright Ted, you convinced me.
I'll vote for you in the next election

If we go all the back to the old west, you might be wrong

she hates Clinton too. Did she see the video where she almost started crying after an interview? HAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAAHHHAHAH


I'm not making noises of any kind, cuck. Like any red blooded American, I harbor an inborn distrust of all politicians, even and especially the ones I like. The role of politician is a necessary evil for governance, not something that is above scrutiny, criticism or rebuke.

Always question.

Besides, if I point to the recent polls, you'll dismiss it as hurrrr concern trolling shill.

Are you just making things up and pretending other people said them and arguing with yourself?

We have a name for that, it's schizophrenia. Seek professional help.

Also, you're a fucking Australian, no one gives a fuck about you mate. G'day