>Post yfw not even a single person on this board can debunk his latest episode
Post yfw not even a single person on this board can debunk his latest episode
If the UK citizens vote to leave the EU thats there decision.
Because it will have been made democratically.
As opposed to now where they have no control over what goes on.
Whats up with him making kids swear, is it funny, is that the only way he can get a laugh now. To make a kid swear, That the only thing funny about him now is the shock value. It really irritates me that he is the standard of comedy that lefties have, that they cant do much more than shock humour.
Imagine if he told Americans they need to give up their democracy and sovereignty to a panel from countries all over the America's, make them pay for the privilege and then call them crazy racists for not accepting this.
he would be shot
saying we 'may' not get control of our borders is very different to saying we can not have control of our borders, which is the situation we're in now
i actually don't really care about immigrants themselves- if you want to go to a different country to make a better life for yourself and your family, that's great. however, a huge influx of people- an unknown number as well, though we know it's in the hundreds of thousands- is going to put strain on our social services, especially during a time of austerity where we simply can not afford to increase public spending
This guy is actually serious...What a piece of shit...167 traitors voted for him.
Unfucking believable.
>Have a look at this list of banks and big buisness that say the UK should remain
>1 post by this ID
We have had exactly that from Academia and fucking politicians here in the last month.
No, he would in fact not be shot.
You have as much control of your borders now as you would have outside of the EU, you're not in Schengen.
>mfw new cheeky john oliver upload
What the fuck is wrong with people?
15 minutes and not a single argument
that is really obvious sarcasm
The EU takes away all of the democratic power from the people.
They literally have elections that mean nothing because the elected officials hold no power.
Please stop the shilling. I can't take it anymore
This. While I'm against Brexit, at least they're telling Merkel to fuck off with her rapefugees.
Thank god Denmark has the deal it has now, or Brussels and Merkel would be asking us to import loads of goatfuckers.
Holy shit. I felt bad for Murricans with the whole Drumpf shit, but this is pushing me over the edge.
Spineless little runaway worm telling us what to do from the other side of the Atlantic.
that's a lie, EU citizens still have the right to live and work here though we opted out of the schengen agreement. granted leaving the EU won't fix all of our problems, but it's a step in the right direction
It's a joke dude, it's sarcasm.
Read the responses and comments...It's serious.
disliked this fgt
every id has 1 post dipshit
He Told Canadians who to vote for too, even though it's illegal.
I'm never letting that go and telling every cocksucker who defends him how hilariously hypocritical it was to watch him use his money to break the law and get off with little punishment because he could afford to pay it.
I cant believe he went on for 15 minutes and did not present a single argument.
Stefan "Oven that Jew" Molyneux would not be happy.
>"well i mean really"
>crowd listens in intensely
>"Do they not understand..."
>Crowd is on edge of seats anxiously waiting
>"I mean its not the medieval ages anymore.."
>Crowd is teetering over their seats about to burst out laughing
>"Its the CURRENT YEAR!"
>Crowd busts out laughing chairs are flung and people falling glass breaking
>UK leaves EU based on the current year mans affect on world outlook for brits
Stefan hates Anglos too I remember one podcast he said that Anglos are a type of Jew and should be put in the gas chambers side by side with them.
>The House of Lords is democratic - why are you shtting all over the EU?
>You have HIV and Cancer and you start chemo - WHY ARE YOU IGNORING YOUR HIV?
I hate remainers desu.
They must be genocided.
of course, the British Crown is in bed with the Rothschilds
the eternal anglo teamed up with the eternal jew
Ah yes i believe he said that the jews should come in first, then the single mothers, and then the anglos.
Or something like that
But it's [current-year]
its just patronizing eye rolling shit with concessions to try to sound "reasonable" followed by ridiculous assertions with a straight face.
In other words, pure sophistry. No arguments.
Rhetoric of the millenials.
>tfw I wasted 15 minutes on this
The only "argument" he really had was that it would cost more if Britain would leave and, maybe, make things harder for Britain for a while. Brexit still sounds worth it desu
The comments are jokes too.
Is English your second language? They are all very sarcastic comments mocking typical leftist lingo
nice digits
>Is English your second language?
What do you think, retard?
He could be a dumbass American overseas
Literally fallacy after fallacy after fallacy, why doesn't he tell the audience that David "Pig fucker" Cameron has turned Jo Cox into a martyr for the remain cause against the evil, brain dead, racist, Islamophobic, Britain-hating brexiters.
Honestly, he should be hung off the white cliffs of Dover with the rest of the traitors.
>they don't show the full video of nigel ripping that ratface a new one
I think you misapply the word "debunk" here as there is, in a John Oliver spiel, invariably nothing to debunk.
He has a tediously simple propaganda technique, which he deploys in the service of every topic on the SJW hit-list.
His engagement with the arguments of people he disagrees with really goes no further than flashing up a photo of them and then combining some bald ungrounded assertion about their politics with some alleged resemblance between them and a character from trash TV.
"Boris Johnson has both the appearance of Bam-Bam from the Flintstones and his knowledge of economics"
The former may be kind of true, on a grade-school schoolyard "yo momma so fat..." level of infantile trash-talk. The problem, though, is that when his libtard audience have emerged from the screeching paroxysms of laughter that Oliver's "Boris Johnson looks like Bam-Bam" zinger induced in them, they think that Oliver has somehow also scored some point against Johnson's views on Brexit and made the man ridiculous as a political thinker.
But in fact his 15-minute routines are completely devoid of any actual original political analysis or insight. He'll jiggle and giggle about for 2 minutes with his funny-animal photos and trash-TV references and then he'll become deadly earnest and read out, word for word, a page or two from the "Remain" campaign literature. Then back to the funny animals again.
So as a comedian he works at the level of a clown at a five-year-old's birthday party. And as a political commentator he could just be any tedious bog-standard talking head that David Cameron rolls out for his "Remain" campaign to spew cherry-picked, misleading statistics and meaningless virtue-signalling platitudes.
Listen newfag, grab yourself a fucking eagle and join your burrito eating cousins.
This was surprisingly weak even by his standards.
I suppose it's because they've switched tactics from insulting the plebs to the Wife Beater Sydnrome;
>I'm so sorry. I won't do it again. I promise. Give me one last chance. Do it for the kids!
>implying Sup Forums watches some unfunny britcuck who is shamelessly doing his merchant overlords' bidding just so he could get his own tv show
This is one of the worst issues of our time, Americans are pretending to understand it.
I've seen fucking idiots carrying on about "MUH FOUNDING FATHERS - LOL HAMILTON IS DA BEST!" wile also opining that it's disgusting and backwards for the U.K. to want to destroy the E.U. and be an independent self governing nation.
I've seen plenty of intelligent Stay voters protecting their own vested interests - but I've not seen one American understand it beyond "LEAVE IS DA RACISSSSSS AND STAY IS DA PROGRESSSSSIVES"
His points were really soft.
>The 300+ million pounds is a lie!....I mean...sort of...kind of...if you look at it from this perspective....
>The fabled long winded bureaucracy....is slightly less Kafkaesque than presumed....and you might have to deal with it ANYWAY, so why not just keep it...
>THERE ARE RACISTS IN UKIP! (lets ignore the fact that there are also open anti-semites in Labor)
>Farage called that guy names - I know I do it too, so I'll be self deprecating
Then finish with a fucking song that wasn't really funny or clever.
He really could have gone hard on the racist front - But I guess they're worried if they insult the voters too much they'll respond at the ballot box.
Stupid democracy. People always voting for their own self interests and not for what is on the right side of history.
How do you feel about the fact that NI's on both the Republican and Loyalist side are going with Brexit?
I also hate that he uses a really simple communication tic of leaning in and framing with his hands while yelling and talking quickly like what he's saying is REALLY IMPORTANT AND YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.
Like he's talking to a dog.
Then he says something like;
Then leans back, arms outstretched, looking around shocked.
He does it over and over and over.
It's the body language equivalent of "I CAN'T EVEN!"
>It's another entire season of "Freedom wins now and forever"
Feels good.
Why does every Remain spokesman's argument go "My country is about to make a horrible, world changing mistake that doesn't matter in the slightest and won't change anything"?
muh racism
Went, disliked, left
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
The song he ended on had me cringing.
Exactly. The only reason he's spouting this utter nonsense is because, as british people, we won't react/give a shit and the US love our self-deprecating humour. This dude is a 10/10 cuck. Not a real brit imo.
>Laugh track
is that a picture of yourself Ahmed?
Well done FInland.
All these butthurt kiddie-fidlers are crying cause the remain camp is gaining support in the polls again.
I think it's a much better presentation of the facts than that looks-like-his-mum gove ever gave, or boris I forgot to brush my hair, could ever manage.
They are the kind of dumbfucks who think Britains fishing fleet is some kind of 'national asset'. Go back to school summer kids.
He's wrong about EU's founding and the only argument you need for brexit is self determination
Hyperbole and character assassination; the video.
Even if Brexit was entirely about immigration, it's completely worth it. When this cuck refers to rampaging invaders as "refugees", he shows his true colors.
They must be terrified they're going to lose. Without a hint of shame or irony, they call people who want to leave racists and bigots, try to connect that MP getting offed, and finish it up by literally (used that word correctly BTW) begging Brits to not vote leave. Pathetic.
Favorite part is where they say the UK can't slow down by migration even if they leave, because they have to have open borders to remain a part of the EU's economy. Pretty sure a leave vote means they don't want to be part of the EU's economy. And LOL at the thought that the fucking UK would be left out in the cold, economically speaking. I'm all the corporations and banks will leave all those pounds on the table. God damn.
My time is valuable. I don't waste it watching propaganda.
The Drumpf incident was the last straw. Oliver is dead to me.
>literally (used that word correctly BTW) begging Brits to not vote leave
There is no correct use of the word 'literally', user.
The word 'literally' is a social construct.
He would not be shot. Which is why all the guns in America are useless. Only the police are ever 'allowed' to shoot at anything that isn't a paper target.
And we know what that gets us.
Everytime my boy John makes Sup Forums assmad I pop a chub desu
aint watchin that shit nigga
The current year rat man want's to tell me how to live my life and be an authoritarian dick weed?
>I am so shocked
Fucking EU shill's trying to destroy the damn country, make Britain Great again.
Brexit doesn't have a chance, even if they somehow win the vote (they won't) it'll be ignored
you mean like the 70's. When britain was so great they was all immigrating to straya an saffa? Cause they was so poor in blighty, if they didna eat their supper mum would serve it again next night? Or do you mean great like after the second world war when britain was still on rations in the late 50's even tho the country they 'beat' got rid of them by the early fifties? Or when was it that you was talkin bout lad?
>South Africa
Ohhhhh boy oh boy
This fucking nerd is so bad at comedy. How did he even get his own show
He is right, you know.
There's no reason to leave.
Thats up to the Americans, They have him now
is that all u got? u like a fucking dindu. u one of them halfbreedbrits?
go ahead criticize my country, I don't care. My president can't count ffs, you think u can come up with something that hurts more than that? fucking british dindu
american audience ratings. go figure. look inward to find the answers you seek
Yes there are. Plenty of reasons. Most of them boil down to xenophobia and a serious lack of understanding macroeconomics, but they're reasons nonetheless.
Are you so fucking autistic that you can not sense sarcasm?
>french are literally too stupid to understand sarcasm.
that was funny
Fuck this talentless rat faced hack
He's like if some smug hipster blogger got a tv show for making unfunny snide comments.
I mean come on [laugh track]
Fellow Britons, heed my call!
We must follow Lord High Prime Minister Oliver's example!
Vote, er... leave?
Fixed his poster photo.
I think it is in their right that they should be able to leave or not.
The people need to choose for themselves and I do not mind the UK taking care of itself.
For fuck's sake, I'd be pissed too if I had to deal with all the shits coming in my land and I couldn't do shit against it because mama Merkel has the sand dick fever.
I want a place where countries just trade with each other and we focus on building our own country rather than helping others.
>1 post by this ID
Because otherwise they'd have to think of reasons to stay in the EU, which is actually pretty hard.
And this is why modern left in America is such shit. As for you my fin Finnish friend. Seems you need to Finnish doing more research on the topic rather than excepting the rantings of a comedian.
Can anyone explain to me what is so bad about the UK leaving and what Bretix or whatever is?
Oliver has done what he has never done before. He has given unbiased arguments about a specific topic regardless of whether it conforms to a globalist agenda or not. He has done so in a simple and funny manner that even intellectuals will love.
OY VEY GOYIM, listen to HM Treasury, BoE, Oxford Economics, PWC, OECD, IMF and NIESR!
>thinking anyone gives a shit about this whiny prick
What part of "Politically Incorrect" do you not get?
>muh refugees
Who does this fool think he's kidding anymore?
Basically it sets the precedent of countries voting to leave the EU.