Why does diverse media bother you? Afraid children won't grow up to be as racist as you?
Why does diverse media bother you? Afraid children won't grow up to be as racist as you?
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>1 post by this canuck
fuck off i don't want to see maoris in disney
>one post by this id
Say no to shill threads.
No I just prefer my main characters to be white.
Too bad
Can you tell us why? Why MUST the main character be white?
So i can relate
so we'll know they'll speak proper English.
If their actual characters I don't care
I just hate quota characters that exist for only one reason to appease you. Ever see anyone complain about the wire having niggas?
>Chick isn't twice as fat as the guy
It makes me sad they don't reflect reality
because you don't want to be reminded that you're white
By the looks of it they promote the image of a manly man together with a feminine woman who are from the same culture.
I see no problem with that.
> chick isn't topless
It makes me sad they don't reflect reality
>dog-fucking leaf
How come non-whites can relate just fine to white characters? This has been proven with just about every incredibly successful franchise there is which stars straight white people 99% of the time
why does white media bother you?
White media for white people, non white media for non white people. Most here don't hate foreigners, we only advocate for the right to self determination of various ethnic groups in their native lands
>One more ethnic Disney princess thrown at the public
>Ready to join the cave of forgotten creations like Lilo, Tiana and Merida
Shit's gonna bomb.
You are right, this is the purpose
On the other hand, western entertaiment has been pushed in the rest of the world to westernize them.
>How come non-whites can relate just fine to white characters?
because they live in a country ruled by whites
if they don't like it they can leave. but most of them don't bother to accept the place they're at.
forum slide thread
>Implying spearchucking niggers have the technology available to watch these films back or the currency with which to pay for it without the help of whites.
The reasons main characters should be white is because the film industry was a white invention, and until they find prehistoric rock cameras in Africa, spearchuckers of any sort shouldn't have any real representation in any entertainment films, and the worst part is, they do.
And the reason why is because the jewish mass media has been pushing this idea of multicultural ideas and race mixing, and the vast majority of people that keep up with the film industry are adults, young adults and children, and since they have swallowed the jewish lies since the beginning of their insurrection, they don't see anything wrong and are blind to it.
What? Native American countries hate themselves a lot.
Just see Bolivia or Mexico or Peru, more than half of them are Native Americans and they only have white looking models.
also check my digits
i don't think non-whites can relate just fine to white characters, that's why they want more representation in the media.
diverse media is fine but i just dont get why we can't have "Black" movies, "White" movies, latino movies, ect instead of mixing them altogether in everything. even the black shows are getting less black now.
I don't care, people getting mad about a cartoon being boyfriend are just as sad as people getting mad about then not being black.
Because it addicts kids to degeneract faster. Look at this shit. Evert 4 year old to 13 year old boy in America is gonna pop a bone for the check to the right. From there they'll soon realize that different races outside of the majority are rare. They'll seek out to fulfill their sexuality through pornography when they can't reach that fetisgsized programing they received from multi media multicultural productions. They already did lilo and stitch Hawaiian movie, but they have to bring it back to end trinity kids into Polynesians again.
They break races and community downs by intermarriage them all togwther.
That said i'm married to an American Chinese woman and Im a full Irish Whiteman.
that's retarded. you remind me of the sjw's who say white people can't use X because of cultural appropriation.
They can't, that's why they're constantly clamoring for more representation.
It's just that their dislike of having no black characters available doesn't matter when it's mostly white people who actually buy products.
Because it gives people the impression that niggers are people.
America is a 60% white country.
40% are minorities. They have lot of money to buy.
Capitalism doesn't care about beauty standards, they sell what people want to buy.
If people don't want to see more aryan couples on their TV, you just can cry.
>all major media owned by jews
Pick one you dumb chink.
Well lets see. A nigger covered in tattoos the size of a hippo that's friendly. Show me one in real life.
Because it's forced by progressives. How many Polynesian people are going to watch this movie anyway? The free market didn't chose this.
Im working on this movie, its going to be really big I think. The story is solid and she is a very strong well-written character, the songs are also well done. The "princess" line of products is a big brand now, so she will join the rainbow of them on items as a group since its all white characters plus mulan (asian) and Tiana (black). Moana will be the a good medium brown in that rainbow. She is a much better strong girl vs merida, I am happy she is properly written. Honestly every few years disney does a fairy tale that reflects the area its from, so at least this is not total race pandering like frog princess was.
Liberals love diversity when it comes to skin color or race, never diversity
Juan Rico from Starship Troopers was a character any man can relate to. He wasn't white.
Your country has more than 40 million of blacks, so it's obvious Disney want all of these consumers (Tiana)
Capitalism isn't racist. Capitalism sell what people want to buy.
>no race mixing
>no gays
>implies segregation works
>just teaches people to overcome obstacles that result from their race or gender, not obstacles that are created by others
>Judy tells a fox he can be an elephant when he grows up
>fox in the elephant costume scammed her out of $20
>Why MUST the main character be white?
>A movie made by whites (jewsnotwithstanding) Targeted at whites stars predominantly white characters played by white actors
I have a better question, why should they NOT be white?
its not for them, its for the masses to show new culture and settings for the story being told. Mulan was not made for asians, aladin was not made for sand people. The only movie guilty of anything was frog princess, they were so worried about pissing everyone off that they made her a shitty character as a result in a setting she really did not belong in.
>why should they NOT ALWAYSA be white
Because your country is not Poland with 99% of people white.
Polynesians are base. You will all see this movie. I will.
I'm a fucking millennial. I grew up IN THAT MEDIA. Every fucking kids cartoon in my childhood had an ethnicity checklist and diversity up the ass all through the 90s and 2000s.
Yet I'm here.
Maybe that only makes us more racist.
Maybe the only reason we all look so tolerant isn't because we're actually tolerant. Maybe it's because society had to beat us into submission through fear. Political correctness only made me more determined to find what it was scared to address.
Political correctness only made me racist.
People expect black men to be witty and friendly, then they meet them or read the news.
Are you implying that I am bothered by that movie?
Because I am not. I am in fact, looking forwards to it.
You can appreciate foreign cultures, and myths (on which Moana is based), while not wanting them to be forcibly imported into my homeland, and supersede my culture here (not that Samoan culture is doing that, just a general statement).
Well done in that no particular species directly corresponds with a human ethnicity. No easy way to pin a particular species as da ebil white men without conflicting narratives in the movie's universe. Plus the end acknowledges that reality is more complicated than "anyone can be anything" and instead encourages people to try in spite of their limitations, rather than demanding others be brought down for them to step up.
Just don't watch the 40 minute making-of doc on YouTube if you value the subtlety of the movie's message. Close to the end of it, an Asian member of the team starts whining that her newborn son looks "very Asian" and that "it's hard not to be white". Way to fuck over the subtlety of your movie, you stupid chink.
Because minority quota characters are infamously poorly written. Why? Because if you portray them as flawed in any way then that is racist.
I'm not against minorities being portrayed in stories; but I am against them being forced to be portrayed with the motive of pushing an agenda.
Though it's usually pretty easy to tell when that is the motive, ala Ghostbusters.
Still holds true after 50 posts.
The only thing i got from this movie is that there are no racial/ethnic/national conflicts when there is an abundance of technology and wealth.
I love all refugees from all countries around the globe...
but those fucking subhuman monkey slavs, I can even tell.
>being forced to be portrayed with the motive of pushing an agenda
>being forced
Why is Sup Forums so dumb about economy?
White American children are already a minority between American population under 10 years old. The minorities want to buy too.
I want my children to look up to people who look like them
I grew up in an area with a lot of non-whites and had trouble in my youth because I didn't know anyone who looked like me that was successful
Implying these beta racist cucks will ever gonna get any pussy
That hilariously failed, though. Though that might just be because it was 2D when 2D was already left behind.
I'm hoping it will be. Hell, I don't even dislike the ethnic princesses, just the pandering. Dr. Facilier was grand, though. I'm just worried that it's going flop because it's neither a classical fairytale world (Frozen etc.), nor is it set in an exotic locale that speaks to a lot of people (Mulan, Aladdin, etc.)
I am in Hawaii. This is not diversity. This is uncle tom niggatry. Are they tryin to say all Hawaiians look like those mutated whatthefucks? What happened to the guy's face? Does he have some water retention problem?
That isn't diverse media. It's a film about non-whites that's easily ignored if you don't like it.
Now if non-whites were included in Frozen that would be "diverse media"
It's not that fact that it's Maori but rather the stupid proportions of that body. Looks really fucking stupid. They did Lilo and stick great and they pretty much look exactly the same as these guys. Just less tattoos.
Racist is a made up word used by communist jewish russians to subvert nonconformist to communist ideals.....
This is the first time I've seen this image without the 'LOSS' tattoo
If it fits in the story then I don't care about the race of the characters. What's really bad is shoehorning characters just to appease nigs.
im afraid theyll grow up to be far more racist than i am.
and degenerate.
and violent.
I have no issue with this maori thing at all. Who doesn't love The Rock?
It's the blackwashing thing I don't like or shoehorning niggers into things SOLELY for the sake of "diversity". That agenda is what's caused the backlash against actual diversity. As little as 5 or 10 years ago, nobody would bat an eyelid at this movie or any all-black movie for that matter. But now? Now it's all clearly done to fulfil some kind of agenda or quota or some shit.
I'm afraid what happens once we have not managed to live in the utopia of understand you think we're living in, and we run out of money
People are not as noble you make them out to be
If maoris want cartoons about themselves why they don't make it ? White people are too fuking soft and nice with you shitskins.
>Smug face
God I'm tired of that shit popping up everywhere
They cant. They see us whites as a novelty.
To the asian the white man is a curiosity. He feels compassion for those pets of his that we eat.
To a black man a white man is something to be envied, for they can bring life to the desolate and create structures taller than any other, technological marvels that only the white man may comprehend.
To the jew the white man is something the most dangerous enemy, because they are our opposites.
>why does blatant social engineering bother you
because I don't want to live in an orwellian dystopia
never mind the leaf
never mind the 1 post by this ID
Meridia confirmed
You people don't realize that this film isn't diverse at all. In fact, it's pretty great knowing that the seaniggers are the only ones voicing seaniggers in an animated film about seaniggers with seanigger music.
>I'm absorbing his blows like I was made of some kind of spongy material!
Aren't you guys jumping the gun a bit? Not saying it isn't some fucking bot but how many people post more than once in the first 10 comments?
Didn't the doc basically go full SJW near the end?
I haven't seen it, but that's what I've heard.
Also even if no species directly corresponds to a race, and honestly it could just as well be men (predators) vs. women (prey) and anti-feminist, I guarantee you Byron Howard and Rich Moore (co-directors) aimed at making the film blacks/muslims vs. white. After all, I don't know them, but if they are like the rest of Hollywood they are massive liberals and, I'm sure, SJWs.
>thin samoan female
If refusing to call a neutered male "she" is racist, then yes, I am worried they won't be as racist as me, because that means "racist" is defined as "has the ability to survive in the real world" now.
Because that's what these faggots do, dumbass?
Literally 50+ posts so far and 1 post by id.
Kids that will grow up this shit will end up hating themselves and becoming cucks to minorities
Moana looks cute, will watch no matter what kind of crap they put in this movie.
>forced diversity
Because I hate shoe horned in characters that have no reason to be there besides to a fill a check box
>Implying I mind this
Why do people assume Sup Forums finds diversity bad? Putting everyone in the same place is bad. But diversity is one of the beautiful things about humanity and we want to preserve that.
Pocahontas didn't make me hate Aboos any less
Aladdin didn't make me hate sand niggers any less
Beauty and the Beast didn't make me hate the French any less
Literally this
post the edit
>Are they trying to make us look bad?
You tell me, your state is gone down the shitter, I'm sure there's similar people waking the streets looking for a handout over there.
That's a horribly inaccurate image OP.
We all know the women of that species are just as large if not larger than the men.
This one doesn't bother me at all, it is a Caribbean setting so I do not expect them to be whirte
What are you talking about, do you not remember Pocohontas, no one cared that she wasn't a white character retard.
All I'm asking for is realistic casting
imagine if white characters were playing these polynesians, just work it both ways
You mean, Polynesian? Learn some geography, fellow burger.