
>California GDP is bigger than france's GDP
>GDP growth rate is 4.4%
Is diversity really that bad? California seems perfect place to live in

You've clearly never met one. They are all extreme leftist cunts.

Also, they have the worst accent ever. They are responsible for most of the hatred people have for Yanks.

Would have to agree; however, big mountains, big titties and the finest herb sounds quite satisfying.

california sucks more because of the politics than the diversity. i know i'll be the odd man out here but i don't really think minoirities are a problem, it's the liberal politics. our school system sucks because of unions and we have way too many unnecessary regulations and taxes. our economy is doing good because tech is the way of the future but it could be doing a lot better if we elected that indian republican instead of jerry brown.

You must ethnically cleanse California of the men and enslave the women.

Give California to a decent state, like Texas.

I live in Commiefornia. It's a shit hole. France is worse. Too many welfare heads that wish we were Zimbabwe. Fuck California.

None of this GDP means anything when that money doesn't go back to the state's infrastructure. Making some transplant Jew company money doesn't mean jack shit.

Our roads are god-awful, we have no water, our education system is laughable, our manufacturing is gone, our tech companies' offices are nothing but a paper-pushing facilities, and we have illegal spics, a nigger problem, a hipster cuck problem, feminists, and what's worse, just to top it all off, ANTIFA, yes Antifachiste Aktion are crawling all over the northern Bay Area region.

our school system sucks because spics wave knives around and can't do arithmetic.

I hate unions, but teacher's unions are NOT the reason spics stab each other, you fucking idiot

Our schools in california have lower test scores than MEXICO now if you take the asians out (there aren't many of them.)

NorCal is the greatest place on earth, but all you lesser states send your faggots and yuppies here to fag it up.

California was like Arizona 50 years ago before Reagan and the shitlord yuppie invasion.

its only booming because of entertainment and silicon valley.

>California GDP is bigger than france's GDP
I'm showing France is 30% higher at 3 trillion and California is 2 trillion

>what is the green rush

Worst part about it is the gun laws.

Truthfully, it is pretty awesome.

>1 post by ID

first, you need to calm down, it's obvious you're upset while not knowing what the problem is.

teachers unions are a problem. one reason teachers unions suck is that they are against separating the violent disruptive students from the rest of the class because they think it would further damage their learning ability. so they are part of the problem, get your facts straight.

Cali would be a Banana Republic without the Federal Government to subsidize their roads, schools, and military. Not that the France/EU relationship is much better, but not comparable.

okay, so we get rid of the teacher's unions, and now, teachers that are pro-separating students are called racist and fired, and hte mexicans still have knives

mexicans with knives who can't read seems to be the primary problem.

illegal immigrants make up 90% of all fatal collisions, and some 80% of the homicide in california (note that's ONLY the illegals, the legal ones make up most of the rest.) that's not a problem with teacher's unions.

social welfare spending spends some 40k per illegal immigrant, per year. that's not a problem with the teacher's unions.

the problem is the mexicans. get. them. out.

do you have a source for those stats?

>okay, so we get rid of the teacher's unions, and now, teachers that are pro-separating students are called racist and fired, and hte mexicans still have knives

That's not how it works, teachers seperate disruptive students in red states all the time and they don't get fired.

they were discussed at my recent town meeting and given out by the chief of police when we discussed the rate fo drive by shootings coming from the interstate.

red states don't fire their teachers because they're red.

the problem is mexicans, you fucking spic. there's no tuxedo you can give to a monkey to make him a man,and there's no set of rules you can give him to make him read. get out of my country.

>You've clearly never met one. They are all extreme leftist cunts.
no im not fool

Your anecdote is not a source. I'm going to see a document of some sorts proving that illegals cause 90 percent of all fatalities. Until then, you lose this debate by default. Sorry :/

OK, sorry, the vast majority. Congratulations on being the only sane man in a Communist state.

it doesn't realy matter what your race is. if you're white, the mexicans will kill you just the same. if you're mexican, the whites will also have your revenge.

your smarmy remarks aren't going to stop the bullet entering your skull

>muh statistic

you really are buttfuck clueless as to what purpose statistics for lefties serves arent you Takeshi?

Is it because Japan was never really ruled by lefties and commies?

whenever you get called out on your unsubstantiated claims do you just say dark and edgy shit to distract people from your lack of a valid point or do you actually think it's "cool"