Multi Culture at its best
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Wow, they punched that guy with an empty hand. They're like 10% as bad as cops are.
thumb made me think it was a muslim lady that got knocked out for a sec
Fuck, thought the same thing.
It's his own fault
He turns and sees them following him
His mind struggles
>I'm not a bigot I shouldn't be worried about these urban youths
>remember black lives matter
>negative stereotypes are not true
>maybe if police officers didn't disproportionately target young black me.....
Here is some more multi culti crap straight from Germany.
It's like I'm reading his mind.
Reminds me of this guy
hahaha the pasty jew enabling white goy got his shit rekt!
>Implying that knockout game is "real"
>Implying that getting punched in head one time is worse than 200+ years of racial, economic and emotional oppression
>Muh white nation
Actually flag says it all: dirty jew trying to incite more race war.
Fuck off manipulative jew
Bunch of baboons
typical niggers
>being this much of a nigger
Step it up murika
haha lol'd tbhfam blacks are the best at vines and social media comedy.
Coon, coon
Black baboon
Brutal, worthless
Thieving goon
Often high, thrives in jail
His welfare check is in the mail
Some forty kids, he will have
Not one will ever call him dad
Is there a full video of that?
And yet he hollers, day and night
Its de white man put me in dis plight!
>200+ years of racial, economic and emotional oppression
Niggers live for so long?
>Study of Holocaust survivors finds trauma passed on to children's genes
Muh 6 gorilion DNA.
So let me get this straight. When Russian neo-nazis do this Sup Forums supports it but when blacks do it they condemn it?
Talk about double standards.
Fukn niggers....
>double standards
wanting bad people to get hurt and not wanting good people to get hurt isn't double standards
redpilling whites. good for them.
Here Lads, enjoy, poor Denmark...
in case you dont notice, niggers go for punches to the head which renders the person unconscious.
the russians push you to the ground and wail on you, without knocking you out.
this is because russians have honor, and not looking to be senselessly violent, like a pack of apes.
If this was a white person the child would be taken away by social services and the mother would be in jail.
Look at the fucking way the nigger with the puffy jacket is walking.
I swear it's something about how Westerners look, your facial expression, moves, you look autistic. I noticed that myself.
I was in shitty places but no one ever attacked me and I'm not a big guy at all. Never had any problems in clubs and shit like that.
Lowlife like niggers knows who they can strike.
Not saying it's your fault, on the contrary, but maybe change your mannerism and facial expression a bit for safety reasons.
the dad that filmed it beat the shit out of her and got off the charges when he showed police the video
Judging by the video and the whole situation in Africa : Niggers behave better as slaves.
>living in America
>not having a concealed carry licence to drop coons at a moment's notice
Deserved it, that's what you get when you relax around blacks.
>nigger discovers momentum
What does one do in this situation? Obviously preemptively fighting them or defending yourself unarmed would result in getting beaten to death. Using a weapon would get your face all over the media and a prison sentence. What is one to do?
He obviously the guy doesn't browse pol otherwise he would of remembered that around blacks to never relax.
>but maybe change your mannerism and facial expression a bit for safety reasons.
But see that's the thing, I shouldn't have to change anything for safety reasons
just because you look like the offspring of a goat and a 1-month old ham sandwich and you can't contain your envy for a westerners superior looks doesn't justify violence against them.
People in that video and people like you should be thrown in jail no questions asked.
slash his tires, then his throat. fuck that faggot. kill kill kill
because the holocaust and slavery are similair
What a piece of shit. I hope the sheboon got some jail time for this at least.
Smartest thing is to run away if you can. If you're a good fighter, fight and be dirty.
I agree but as you can see your governments and law enforcement don't give a fuck.
You missed the point of my post buddy.
I know they're inbred and monkey tier but why can't nigroids learn to walk straight like a human being instead of that apewalk?
Why do you think it's ok to harm people who had nothing to do with any of that? Are you mentally retarded or just stupid?
Maybe with some, but a lot of them look like kids. they are going for a sneak attack, turning and calling them out might get them to back off. Its at least better to see it coming and get a chance to defend yourself. taking a direct hit to the head and going down on the pavement is what kills a lot of people.
>fighting a pack of apes on your own, all on film
This projection.
White skin is awfully nice though. And the symmetry that comes with it is a plus.
Stay brown and butt bothered.
Germans got Erbschuld.
Jews got Erbtrauma.
Utterly convenient (for gibs me shekels purposes), isn't it?
Ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt.
Niggers are awful fighters, they are incredibly dumb. They just lack brains so they are agressive. And I said if you're a good fighter, if not then don't fight. Not fighting is always better but sometimes you can't avoid it.
>Europe having walls
Maybe you should stop promoting multi culture in white nations then, merchant
oh and she was a babysitter not the mother
he looked back, but then he turned his back again to these animals
this is what liberal media does to you, you trust these subhumans until they they attack you
I'm pale and blue eyed, I look very Slavic.
And I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the way you act, your facial expression, do you understand English?
OMG he transformed him in a seal!
get 'em
get those pasties
how dare they let their women walk down the street unaccompanied ?
right but our governments and law enforcement are incapable of protecting us
only about 60% of americans actually understand english
Please, source me. I wanna see this justice porn
can you post some videos of this expression youre talking about?
>when people who are a majority in their own country fuck up people who,if they were a majority themselves, would fuck them up worse is good.
>people fucking up a person belonging to the former majority of the country is bad
what's hard to understand
They fuck them up so they know who is in charge, unlike the niggers in the OP video.
>westerners look autistic
I rest my case.
This. For every instance of something like this, a new redpill is swallowed.
If you manage to face them before they do shit you'll be alright. Call them straight out on their bullshit and their arses fall out. Everytime. I guaranfuckintee it. Niggers are pack scavengers and do not want to know if there's a chance they get a bloodied mowt.
Have to hit the cunts hard though because their skulls are concrete. Stamp on the knee of one of them and the others will melt away.
We should just let poor people die and nuke the middle east
I think he meant that the guy walked kinda goofy instead of walking straight with his chest out
what is the source to this? I was in Italy and the only blacks i met were from Ghana and were really nice people.
Just to add. This is true of the niggers here in UK. Not sure about Burgerville(?) But even in USA videos there's always at least three on one in nigger favour.
I'll bet it's the same in London when a nigger gets stabbed. There is usually a gang of them chasing one. They are cowards. Around blacks, never relax.
I really don't know man, it's something I noticed, I can't explain it really.
But I can easily spot a Westerner.
Point is, these shitheads notice that, they analyze it subconsciously.
Yeah, I didn't mean that as an insult really, just how it looks from my perspective.
I probably look weird to them too.
>in a near vicinity of blacks
USA don't deserved to developed country.
Their crime rate is 3rd world tier.
But they can easily to entry to other country by first world passport.
My father was in the army, which part of the government can I sue?
This is uninteresting. It's expected.
What is interesting is that white kids are starting to act this way more and more.
ready. my lippes.
find. a. video. on. the. internet. of. a .westerner. walking. funny.
post. it. here.
we. would. like. to. be. red. pilled. about. your. weak. ass. troll.
I thought the same thing, its like a slightly hunched ape like walk.
Jesus Christ I give up, you people are retarded.
Will Japan be able to lead the world into a new era of science and morality now that the West is collapsing?
lol rekt
You wanna straighten out a community? Every time one of them pulls some shit like this, go in a crucify random 10 niglets and another 10 black mothers. It will work wonders. Niglets will behave out of fear of being crucified. Mothers will pull their head out their ass out of fear of being crucified. The young niglets who have aspirations to become decent black men will straighten out the niglets who can still be saved, leaving the niglets destined to be niggers to slowly die out or be straightened out.
>inb4 harsh upbringing made them this way
I don't give a fuck about how difficult it was without a father. Just know that life will be a lot harsher when you're posted to a poll via nails in your arms and throat.
You're the fucking retard.
Quit impersonating a white person too. Quite pathetic.
Whelp, for you...
Attempting to run and being pursued without using any legal definition fight words is grounds for lethal force against an individual or group of attackers. At least that's how I understand it. Good chance some cunt attorney will press charges where a normal one wouldn't.
Around niggers and sandniggers you need to have a knife or a tear gas-bomb this is a well know truth.
>urban myth
>surveillance of the game shown
>This isn't real
>but even if it were you still don't deserve to be happy
Liberals are so deep in cucking, that they will blame the white patriarchy for the actions of this poor oppressed kids.
Social justice is all about the weakest individuals avoiding any responsibility for their weakness and only blaming the strongest.
We can't just win like that, sorry.
just show us some evidence to back up your claim dude. if you can get me to see what you see, then yes, id agree with it. shit, here in the US, we could even do a study on it.