Women and marriage

Not sure why the last thread got pruned but user brought up this absolute piece of an article. I can already hear the echoes ringing from the walls.

s m h .com.au/lifestyle/life/why-women-lose-the-dating-game-20120421-1xdn0.html

>''Women labour under the impression they can have it all. They can have the career, this carefree lifestyle and then, at the snap of their fingers, because they are so fabulous, find a man. But if they wait until their 30s they're competing with women who are much younger and in various ways more attractive.''

>'They've swallowed the L'Oreal line: 'Because you're worth it!' There's a real sense of entitlement.''

>That leaves a lot of beta men spending their 20s out in the cold.

>Penny acknowledges part of the problem is her own expectations - that her generation of women was brought up wanting too much. ''We were told we were special, we could do anything and the world was our oyster.'' And having spent her 20s dating alpha males, she expected them to be still around when she finally decided to get serious.

> ''In my 20s, the women had the total upper hand. They could make or break you with one look in a club or bar. They had the choice of men, sex was on tap and guys like me went home alone, red-faced, defeated and embarrassed. The girls only wanted to go for the cool guys, good looks, outgoing personalities, money, sporty types, the kind of guys who owned the room, while us quiet ones got ignored.''

>''I can't believe how many men my age are only interested in younger women,'' wails Gail, a 34-year-old advertising executive as she describes her first search through men's profiles on the RSVP internet dating site. She is shocked to find many mid-30s men have set up their profiles to refuse mail from women their own age.

>but he's confident he will soon find someone with her feet on the ground. ''I'm lucky,'' he says, ''to be in a buyer's market.''

Other urls found in this thread:



Why lad

baka is still filtered?


Could it be any more true four years down the track?

The beta meme was alredy mainstream in 2012?

Looks like that uprising was a long time coming eh?


This is nothing new amigo, men in their 30s have always gone for women in their 20s.

Nobody wants to start a relationship with a woman in her 30's. Long passed her best years and will become a hay bag in less than 10 years.

Retarded investment desu

It's a poor investment to buy something second hand that's showing it's mileage.
If you can afford a nice, fresh car that hasn't had 10 miles worth of dick in it, then you'd probably be better off getting the good ride.

Any comments on the site?

Woops here it is

The difference is women weren't actively choosing to wait until their 30s to start looking, every 20 something woman was looking to settle. Now the dumb bitches are holding off and are shock that men aren't dancing to their tune

Good. let women suffer for once.

Chad thundercock here.

We don't want 30 year old women that have been drilled into the ground like tentpole.
They were on the cock carousel for too long and now they're whores.

No self respecting man was.ts to marry someone else's good time.
The best way I can explain it is with a analogy.

A lock that can be opened with one key is a good lock, a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.

Same concept applies to washed-up Stacy and her ilk.

one of the few things i respect about islam is the way it handles women

Yeah good. I'm not sure why the other thread got deleted.

So it was pretty much confirmed that the wall starts around 28-30 and can happen as early as early 20s.

Also how can a guy in his late 20s lock down a pre-wall 18-22 woman?

>two weeks
what kind of normie is he


>two weeks

two years here

git gud

alphas don't say 'chad' or 'stacy'
and the good lock and key meme is like the beta first commandment

First half of the text : Thing that never happenned


Jenna Fisher?

That was surprisingly good

Schizoid much?

Could someone post the same article in today's political climate?

Wow I just saw how old the article is. I think SJWs already existed in 2012 but weren't nearly as influential and whiny as they are today

Actually a well rounded human being can pick up on your basic slang very quickly.

All I had to do was laugh at a few /r9k/ threads for the shadenfraude and BOOM, now I know loser speak too.

You will never know when one of my kind is parading among you in the guise of a welfare wizard NEET spending coon dabloons for animus.

You guys are nothing special to be honest.

>I don't know you yet but I'm so ready to date you.

First sentence and nope. You can chart my sexual activity with a comet calendar, and I would still run, not walk, run from a woman who is that desperate.

Damn, subtext in that is that I should really become an attorney I'd be swimming in the MILFs.

You virgins too m8s?

comments on that were golden

Hellooooo, Newfriend!

""""Alpha"""" women want alpha men. It doesn't work that way I'm afraid. Psychologically you're better off with a beta male plus you don't have to wait THAT long.

Psychological: you're better off because only one person can lead in a relationship

To be honest it doesn't really matter to me who's alpha in the relationship. My dad's alpha, mom's beta. Me and my younger sis ended up alpha as fuck.

She's settling down for a beta as fuck guy because she realized the bitter truth she can never date or live with another alpha unless she betas down.

It's absolutely true and life is fucking hilarious.

I'm pretty average looking and women were fucking cunts to me in my early 20's. I think I had two partners by the time I was 22.

But now I'm about to turn 29, I'm an engineer, and by all conventional standards, modestly successful. And those same women who rejected me in my 20's are fucking THIRSTY.

The girl I'm dating is 21. I wouldn't even talk to a woman over 24. Fuck 'em.

l m a o

This article was written by a total cuck/beta. Holy shit.

There aren't any on the site though, where did you see them?

This is why sexual liberation/ feminism is not good for men OR women. Yet whenever you bring this to their attention they act like you're satan himself. People need to get married earlier and stick to their marriages. Sex and racial based affirmative action needs to end, and gender roles need to be established again. Women say they were "oppressed" under these rules yet at least they have children and a husband under them. They certainly were a lot happier in 1950 than they are now.

The inevitable Eurowar could not start fast enough. Then we'll see the true values of what each gender can bring to the table.

I think the special snowflake upbringing of us millennials (fuck you dumb niggers who don't act like you aren't one. Either you are, or you're +36, or you're underage ban) has really fucked up the men and women. The former has fostered the growth of nu-male 'nice guy' sycophants and the latter has produced the spoiled princess syndrome.

>coon dabloons

Hello Chad.

I am an Australian shitposter of some renoun, I always work to improve my shitposting and was wanting to know the meaning of this term.

Can you enlighten me?


>and the latter has produced the spoiled princess syndrome.
>implying marriage laws have nothing to do with it
Good goy.

Next to the title there's a hyperlink that says View Comments. Not working for me though.

On a slightly related note, I found this in the related articles section.



assuming welfare

>10/10 looks
>Great bants
>Love reading ect ect

And nothing gets me harder than turning these fucking harpies down, fuck all of them. From 14 to 19 I've learned my lesson, now I just want a comfy hut inawoods away from them. Damn my generation and the cunts the raised it to the depths.

No. Nice guys already have nice girls. You've got 10.42 miles of dick in you, and I don't any part of it.

Hilarious part is desperate women knowing you're already married. Turns the dial to 11 trying to win your affection/dick.

Women are so fucking stupid

>Wowee I can be an "empowered" wageslave who spends her life working for a soulless corporation to achieve little of value
>being a housewife and birthing and raising the next generation of human beings isn't fulfilling or "empowered" at all
>it's better to die an old woman with no family and nothing but to look back on besides nights alone in the office slaving away to make my jewboss richer

Does anyone get off on this sweet revenge? All these cunts are going to be raging that they can't get married. They are going to make it political issue. Shit is going to be funny

This is surprising? If you're a woman in her 30s that doesn't still look incredibly hot, its time to pick up a beta and settle down.

Alpha males are alphas until mid 40s-50s, so they'll always be able to pick up dumb college sluts.

I cant believe it took a news article for anyone to recognize this.

You laugh now but they'll make an issue of it and suddenly we'll get fucked by it.


The fallout will be glorious. We have an entire GENERATION of women raised on these delusions. Think on that one.

I think the whole thing is still bashing men.its the "provider" meme but in fancy words. "find men that are good enough" just means that they are still unworthy but you are tired of looking, its a very selfish way of putting things

Yeah but then there's nothing worse than single, old women.
They have too much time and too much need to be heard so they'll just devote all their time to fucking everyone else.


>Does anyone get off on this sweet revenge?
80% of men and women are screwed.
>at least we get revenge
Yeah, nice. Oh wait, it is not and is very sad.


I love being around 30 something year old women, they are smart and can have an intelligent conversation with you.

I hate being around 20 somethings cause they are stupid sluts with no goals in their lifes and their answer for most questions is "i dont know"

Sup Forums tells me the 20 something are better, and the 30 something ones are useless used up sluts. I have a dilemma here folks.

dont judge redditors my friend ^__^

I was reading about this shit in "The Game" and similar books back in 2007.

Nothing wrong with preferences, it's just more likely to encounter significant mental issues and unreasonable expectations from older women.

Though if you're picking up girls under 30 at places like clubs and bars you're doing it wrong.

Get a 20 one and shape her up.

>czech in charge of shaping women
kek, maybe if we actualy knew how to shape women 50% of them would not be doing porn.

Women compete for social status , when their friends are getting married they out ranks them and they want the same thing

Go any much lower and you get accused of "grooming". Cover your ass

That's a highly accurate translator.

located a pedo, sending twitter message to your local FBI office. enjoy kid.

The ladder theory .com rocked my world, funny how the whole world is conspiring to make you believe everyone is totally equal that in your teens you can't see the obvious differences.

I believe the correct term is Christmas cake, a woman who has passed the age of 25 and is no longer wanted. So she has to find a man at a clearance sale or settle for the very beta that she rejected in high school.

Women win the dating game by importing desperate beta shitskins.

Or so they think....

The majority of women look like crap in their 30s. I am just not attracted to most of them. Found myself a 22 year old.

Why would any man want to start a relationship with a women he finds unattractive? Also living in a one bed apartment is far less expensive than sharing a home with a women who will want kids.

10/10 looks - lol no.

Couldn't even get through a paragraph of that.

Whoever wrote that is certainly not "nice." Definitely beta. I think betas somehow think that beta and nice are mutually exclusive.

Second, he said "five star restaurant." Fine restaurants are not typically rated on a five star scale. Maybe it was five stars on Yelp? Culinary pleb.

>mid 30's
>not attractive for being single in their mid 30's
Evidence of the cock carousel is very easy to spot even for the blue pilled.

All the women in my masters course are just turning thirty and they are gross and single. Great jobs but men arnt attracted to that.


Sorry slags, this bwc is for Asian pussy only.

Cuckold the article

Most of the women who stay single in their 30's but had an active sex life in their 20's usually aren't fun to be with and are just bad in relationships. The good women who also had it good in their 20's usually do get a relationship by the time they ''should''

Is it true women who give birth in their 30's produce defective children or just a meme? I have a woman in her 30's who is interested in me and marriage is a likely option in the future.

Yeah it was pretty badly written. I've only just looked at it - saw the article name and just copied the link

>tfw 22 dating a 26 y/o rich girl

If you don't give a duck about how many guys she's been with then dating older chicks is great. They have lower standards and are still pretty cute

>uni teacher
>6'4 fit
>kissless virgin
>not a single bitch to swim in

i-i 'll get dem tasty horny milfs right guys ...?

It's real. It's one of the contributors to the rise of autism in the west.

it's a meme

no it's not.

>If you don't give a duck about how much STD's and mileage her pussy is carrying then dating older chicks is great


If she is not virgin, she can fuck off. No ring, no marriage, no commitment.

I'm sure this will end well... kek

>''I'm lucky,'' he says, ''to be in a buyer's market.''


Sure thing Colgate. What's your theory?

you're the one making a claim. proof it

All of those cuck comments tells me this article is merely the exception to the rule

I'm not alpha enough to be aggressive/assertive but not beta enough to be pushed around by any woman. I would consider myself an omega. The whole idea of a struggle for power in a relationship really turns me off from relationships in general.

That's an..... Oddly specific number.

Well, what's changed between men and women in the last century? There's birth control pills, vaccines, and people having children later in life. At the same time, autism, allergies, and other disorders are on the rise. I'm not going to dedicate my life to researching it, but you're retarded if you don't think that's a trend.

when I repeatedly said on Sup Forums that younger women are better they ridiculed me

now I know they are just a bunch of low test retarded weebs

Same here.

The chance of a child being born with a chromosomal abnormality (ie tard babies) doubles by the time a woman is 34.
