are albanians subhumans?
pic is distribution of albanians in europe
are albanians subhumans?
pic is distribution of albanians in europe
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Why do I never hear anyone complain about them? I only hear about Romanians and Poles
i dont mind albanians. They make the best co workers
Yes,they fucking are
Albanians are like muslim gypsies.
When people complain about them its usually against either gypsies or sandniggers
Nah they are quiet and very conservative bunch.
no they don't, they are complete wankers
they usually are funny, especially in the army
they're pretty much turks aren't they
why are they so many in Switzerland in particular?
They have nice whores though
>They have nice whores though
Why do all roaches say this when trying to bants? Try to be more creative you moonworshipping sheep
remove kebab na maksimum xD
Can confirm.
I have a albanian family as neighbours, they have more than 10 kids, some of them are disabled (probaly incest). Parents are unemployed and get enough welfare to live in a good neighbourhood.They are screaming all night at each other and always use their retarded kids as an exucse. I dont think anyone will ever buy my house under this conditions, so I cant move out. Albanians are indeed the worst kind of humans I've ever seen in my entire life.
They are also one of the worst shitposters on Sup Forums(thankfully not many of them know how to use a computer so the shitposts arent that frequent)
why cant everyone just keep out of norway
what bantz?
you know that meme leftists spout about criminals committing crimes and acting like assholes because they are poor?
well albanians are the exception to that, their parents might be making $3k per month (after taxes) and they'll still be a piece of shit that steals and acts like an asshole to everyone
I think slav genes were not supposed to meddle with those of turks/arabs, the end result is horrifying
aryans my ass
All the Albanians I met were alright people, maybe that's because they were all women and children though.
Actually, I agree on this one fucked Albanian girl in Germany once.
I'm Hungarian btw.
Yes, they are fucking cancer
Yes, as a Croat you probably never had to live near them but let me tell you, as any other muslims they're quiet and unnoticable when they're in small numbers but that changes
>t. Alija
>t. Hashim Shaqiri
Well, thanks for appreciating my well thought educated post.
>t. Ramush Krasniqi
nice cherrypicking
Two famous albanians, Rita Ora and rapper Noizy.. cringeworthy stuff m8 pic related
its not bants senpai, eastern european and balkanite prostitutes are widespread in turkey.
most prostitutes are from russia though, so much so that the name natasha is used as a carpet derogatory term for whores/prostitutes/sluts
albanians are dank af
holy fuck we really need to deport those subhumans
you say that now but that kid on the right is gonna shoot up a nightclub in about 10 years
That's quite a lot, 1% of finnish population. I'm not sure I believe this graph.
Is not a single person on this planet in the fucking country he belongs to anymore? Jesus christ.
>500 000
>Attack frogs for singing their national anthem in their own country
Well, they're definitely muzzies, so...
TFW my village is almost 100% alboshit and arab
I think they're mainly in western Greece, actually. Macedonia has mainly Bulgarian and FYROM minorities afaik.
They are kinda fucked up.
Everyone who is not somewhat involved with the Albanian mafia is a communist.
Like what the fuck?
Yep, there's "only" 8000 shiptar speakers in Finland, no chance there is 42k of them who don't speak their own language.
I don't think so. They are very little muslim, they have a lot of strong tradition and are basically anti degenerate. Many of them are orthodox or non caring muslim (areligious), etc. They have pretty good food too.
They're rather based, more so than many current westerners.
Albanians are Bros. One of the few non-Turkic ethnicities Turks love without restriction.
(Others are Japs, Koreans, Hungarians and Mongolians)
nah man he's gonna be a surgeon :^)
>how to spot alboshit diaspora.
im not an albanian. all the albanian who i worked with were bro af and incredible hard workers
They are just muslim gypsies
we lost vs albania at football
just kill me already f@m
yes they're like rats but worse. heavy breeders. they grow like cancer when placed on fertile ground
they deserved to beat us desu.. we just suck! amateur level
A-are we welcome?
>Non turkic
Try harder osman. Albanians are rape leftovers from ottomans
There are couple of whites in many countries, does not mean they are aryan hurrrr
temporarily yes
getting raped by islam is a serious problem, they used to be our greatest ally in the medieval times for fucks sake
All of the balkan people are subhumans
yes definitely.
please take them away
>Albanians are like muslim gypsies.
Literally came here to post exactly that
They're muslims so yes they're subhumans.
in my country we say: an owl mocked a chickadee that it has large ears
Well,yes,since they're muslims
To be fair, they're one of the purest Europeans, despite being Muslims.
In your country you have a saying:
"Yes sir master Turk sir, please fuck my wife, I will raise your seed"
The diaspora is bigger than the homeland population? What the fuck they are like roaches
Coming from an American. Holy fuck LMAO.
Oh Sup Forums I'm flattered.. Thanks.
Albanian women from Kosovo are not attractive.
Albanian women from the Orthodox parts of Albania are very, very attractive on average.
(based on experience living near Albanians in North America and Switzerland)
Because they all look about the same so we just give them the same names.
Yes. They are turks who stayed in Europe after the fall of ottoman empire
top kek
Why did some Albo's remain christian? Are they less subhuman?
LOL no.
they have a distinct haplopgroup from turks and the rest of europe though
>they have more than 10 kids
I never met an albanian who had less than 6 kids. I hope they aren't planning some shit in the future
Kys albanian
Too late for that
You are literally Orthodox Turks.
Raped by Cumans for 300 years. Ottomans for another 500.
95% of your genome is Turkish sperm, balkanshit. :)
Kinda glad we didnt import those guys.
t. Turkish homo