are russians white or not white and what are not whites
Are russians white or not white and what are not whites
You're white enough Ivan, you're white enough.
Some Russians are white, some are clearly admixed with Tatars or Turkic people
>Ethnic Russian = white
>Russia as a country = multiethnic state
All Europeans are white, but some Europeans are more white than others.
>Groups MENA with Europeans
>Noticeable Amerind admixture in European populations
Your chart is garbage desu
woah there bj blazkowicz dont you have some nazis to kill
Americoids and Mongoloids are more closely related to Caucasoids than the three black races (Capoid, Negroid, Australoid)
That's common knowledge
White. Still niggers.
>what are not whites
People who don't "act" white.
Not a refutation to what I said at all, buddy. Leave the meme anthropology in the 20th century.
Not white
Russia is a big ass piece of clay.
You got everything between Ivan Drago to Djinghis Khan.
>Oh yes goyim, those ____ are not TRUE whites! Be a good Goy and hate on them
so are Ukrainians Russian or Polish?
Middle Eastern, North African, Asian and American native populations are not white people by any stretch but are obviously more closely related to us than all those groups that historically lived much further away from white people
You literally have 100+ nations in your country. I say you go from "old white republican congressmen in the middle of the snowstorm" to "Djinghis Khan surrounded by his most trusted warriors in the middle of the horde"
Ethnic russian = Finnish Slavic and a bit scandinavian.
What are slavs in their purest form? Eastern Poles? Ukrainians?
I'd say eastern polack and western ukraine.
This, this and this.
Slavs are white.
Finno-Ugrics, Mordvins, Caucasians, etc. are white.
Most of Russia's other ethnic groups are not.
White russians are white. Just like white south africans are white and white hispanics are white. If you were the person on the left, you would be white.
Poles, I guess. Although it hard to say, because Slavic tribes was everywhere here. Ukrainians are far from "purest".
Not white.
You'll be hard pressed to find any ethnicities with the same identical genes as those who came 2000 years before
>mfw I just wished I would have not fucked up with that one russian girl I had when I was younger
>that sexdrive, that redpilled, that body
>mfw no face
Spaghetti nigger lets be real you're browner than a fucking mexican. at least the mongol meme is just a meme- italians are actual africa-tier.
Actually, if you look at a PCA map you'll see that the genetic distance between Europeans and Amerindians is roughly approximate to the distance between Europeans and Africans. But yeah, the rest is obviously true but doesn't address anything I've said. Your chart is shit because it clusters Europeans with MENA and South Asian people, and registers substantial levels of Amerind DNA in European populations where there should be none.
dunno, i think i'm a pretty pure slav and my Family is from Galicia (Polish & Ukrainian Border)
Do you know what I hate in the pic?
He's pretending only on the right picture.
She's pretending in both.
Don't Poles have lots of jewish dna though
he's potatonigger dipshit
pretending what
Where is "Germans"?
All the European peoples are white.
So yes ofc Russians are white
We have a word for those who disagree, they're called juden.
I think he's talking about the ducklips
cum stains
Are Albanians white?
roach genocide best day of my life
Turks are not native to Europe silly goo
you mean kebab leftovers
Pretending emotions you faggot.
Left pic is meant to be "normal". Right pic is meant to be "pretentious".
In the left pic he is just relaxed and in the right one he is pretending (as expected).
However, in the "relaxed" pic she is everything but relaxed.
But if I have to explain this shit to a 67 IQ ape as you are, this means the world has fallen way below I thought it had. Consequently, I'd better retract my views 'cause ppl in OP's pic might indeed be the saviours of Humanity, compared to morons like you.
Fucking this... so sick of kike slide & divide threads.
Go away shlomo
what's her name?
>North atlantid
>Gracile mediterranid
The real master race
Turkey is white?
Russia is a big country, you guys can be everything from white to chink
We are not white, we are honorary mountainniggers.
Daria :^)
learn it.
Is mummy white?
Wrong country vodka mongol.
I was thinking it, he said it.
How do roaches reproduce, matting seadons?, rape seasons?
Hows life after your ex president sold you to the shlomo? What about the new one? Is he better?
people have told me I post really high quality russian memes, here a little sample for you kiddos
Russians are white, but there are many different subgroups of white.
Most russians are slavs, but there is some nordic blood there to.
they lay eggs ??
He is better, but seems pretty normal and weak.
IDK but that woman looks like she would have a penis if she didn't cover it up with makeup.
Bits of them are white; you have to figure out which bits.
looks like a man kek
if you're not rich and good with women, whatever your race is, you're never gonna be superor to anyone.
no such thing
it's just a social construct
I fell in love 8 times now, alot of qts.
{Slavs=related to Byzantine}, Russians are related to byzantine.
Being non-pale and be Russian is possible, but rare. Man has to suffer for the Russian World and Nation to become honorary-Russian.
Rus is the name of major and most ancient scandinavian people. But we are historically represented all across the Russian Upland, to the north and south of Alps, in Siberia. Also Honshu, Hokkaido and Kuril archipelago natives are heavily related to Rus.
why no paddys ??
> 100% of dna of japs is different from french
Yet another evidence, that genetic preachers are even more retarded, than usual progressivists.
> mixes race and ethnicity in one infographics
> see flag
Oh, ok.
Theyre cancer
This is true. the Rus were Vikings who settled in the lands now called russia. Slavs came from around poland and ruined the glorious colony. Slavs ruined Russia.
But yes, you are white. Its just that alot of you behave like chimps.
things russians actually believe
NW Russian Finnics are whiter than Irish potatoniggers will ever be
>what are not whites
Not whites are a forced meme to divide and conquer the white race.
The jews want the aglos to hate aryans and to hate celts and hate boers etc.
It's as simple as that. They don't want whitey strong and unified.
What do you think about Tatars? Are they white?
>mixes race and ethnicity in one country
>see flag
all checks out
me in London
Racially Ukrainians are made from mixed marriages of the traitors to the slavs with turks or with kikes. Mostly with turks.
Installed by korenization on the rightfully Russian territories.
Polish are sarmats. I.e. mongol-turks. Installed as a nation by Napoleon.
So Ukrainians are a little less, than 1/4 Polacks (trough their turk ancestry) and about 1/2 Russian trough their commie-soviet--yet-Russian ancestry.
This is based hard on region.Ukrainians are ruthenians, poles, and nomads mixed mostly. genetics doesn't know such thing as russian or ukrainian.
> Ukrainians are ruthenians
Have you asked Rutheni ("Russians" in latin) or you need another referendum?
Korenizators declared them to be the turk relatives, prescribed them to racemix with shitskins and worship mudslime.
They are still white and christian, but this will end sooner, than anyone thinks it will. Their way lies to the another failed shiskinistan.
I don't care about their opinion.I know that slavic russians and most ukrainians are genetically similar and our most differences are political and cultural, not genetic.Whatever western or eastern apes think, I don't care.
>diluting those pure aryan genes
shame, really
all east euros have gook in them. more so russians and ukrainians.
the girl is prettier than most slavs.I am actually weak to such kind of girls myself though I am whiter than 90% of pol.
lol i thought us northerners were the whitest
just fuck my shit up senpai
Mordvins are genetically the closest thing to Proto-Indo-Europeans despite speaking a Finnic language. Irish are basically R1b Mordvin rape babies. You should have some respect for your ancestors in Volga because without their cucking you would be a filthy Sardinian-like niggers.
You know that Ukraine was a part of Ruthenia as well?
> I don't care about facts, all I care what mediakike tells me to inflate my ego, that is in a major decline after the fact of ukraine being failed state was made public.
> Declares that Russians are not ethnicity
> while being turk cooksucker for life
> thinks he is in position to point out anyones assimilation politics gaps
If you are not Danish, you are not white.