Why should I be proud to be a french?

Why should I be proud to be a french?

I didn't choose to be born in that country and believe me if I had the possibility to choose the country in which I would have liked to be born, it would not be France.

Then don't ruin it for those who love it.

If you're not trolling, where would you have chosen?

The land of the free.

Norway or Ireland

why Ireland though?

Nobody should be proud to be french. I'm proud to be not french

Why would anyone be proud of living in a country that hasn't been relevant since before my own's existance?

"Another white country...." Quite telling my leftist friend.

Then don't live there you piece of shit.

You don't have to be proud of the country you're born in to be nationalistic.

You're nationalistic if you're proud of the country you call home or want to call home.
People who have no pride in their home are just miserable children.

it's becoming harder to be proud of European countries.

I know know, you wish you were born in Italy, as everyone does. Well, I can't help you eith that but just think, after us, you are the second best!

I'm white.

I'm not a leftard.

Everybody should automatically be proud of where they were born. And as such should try their best to better their country.

I don't want to hear you moaning about France OP. Just do something to improve the country. Appreciate the good points. Its not like Somalia or Chad or Belgium. Yet.

France the bureaucratic islamist utopia. It's a goner.

>If you don't obey your landlord you hate your parents
Love your nation hate your country

honor ur ancestors, be grateful to the country who fed you and allowed you to have a decent life, your country is an extension of your family if you cant understand that youre retarded and you should leave

Ok, I don't get the context of this post. Are they Antifa?! What is going on in the picture, exactly?

>Its not like Somalia
You never been to France?

> France is > Belgium

They are both third world shitholes bro.

why are they all bald ?

Not being a leftist but simultaneously hating your own country doesn't really go together very well. Almost everyone else on the spectrum is at least indifferent or usually has some form of attachment to it.

It is supposed to make you think

>Why should I be proud to be a french?

because that is the country that made you the person you are today

>I didn't choose to be born in that country

true but you might be, since you are already there

>if I had the possibility to choose the country in which I would have liked to be born, it would not be France.

then find a country you like and move there

But we all know what you will do. You will try to force your nihilistic anarchism to others who do not share your stances. Instead of coping with your spinelessness you will try to debone everyone else. That's what people like generally you do.

Jesus the EU really did kill all patriotism in their countries, didn't they?

Hell it's like asking why you should be proud to be talented at singing, you were born with a better ability to do it, sure, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be proud of it.

cuckservative spotted

>You buy a house
>It's an old house, many people lived there before, just a bit dilapidated
>You put down your hard earned money to renovate it, trying to restore it to its former glory
>You pay for the upkeep, clean it, tend the yard, taking good care of it
>You didn't build it, though, nor do you really have any part in its history
>Still it stands there, a splendor for your neighbours to look at

Are you proud of your house, Pierre?

The op is a muslim or a leftist, as 1/2 french Sup Forums guy, don't waste your time by answering him

Didn't you change your anthem last week? You really aren't one to talk. I guess you at least have a monarchy

Alright....about fucking what?! All I see are a bunch of folks walking down a street.


Belgium isn't that bad mate. Brussels is a shithole, but most of the people are very conservative and anti-immigration.

>pic very related

You're embarassing everyone with the same flag as you, at least take a moment and go and learn about to whom "cuckservative" refers you imbecile.

You're currently talking to someone who is in favour of gunning down refugees if they try to force entry into Europe, rounding up pretty much all muslims and unceremoniously dumping them in Lybia for all I care, aswell as tearing down the EU in its entirety aswell as lining up people like you and have them shot for the good of all others.

I hate the fact that we changed out anthem, though.

Also, there's a difference between changing an anthem to be more "inclusive" which is pretty cucked in and of itself, mind you, and just not being patriotic at all.

>Be black or female.
>My ancestors got opressed cruelly centuries / decades ago but be absolutely not involved in this at all.
>Complain about this shit so you can become a special snowflake and gain attention.

Hahaha. Yes I've been to both France and Belgium.

As a visitor I loved them both. I understand there are problems to both places (you cant fucken miss it) wouldn't want to live there but then I'd never want to leave my own country.

A country isn't the location, or the buildings. It's the people.
To be proud to be french , if you have a french mom, is to be proud of your parents.
You weren't constructed like a car inside a fucking building you muppet.
You were grown protein by protein in a womb. The far left talk about countries and deliberately don't talk as if countries are people.
To them people are objects.

To make the metaphor moe fitting, make it a house his family built.

'stralia bringing the truth.

As a Frenchman, if you're not proud of the contributions your country has made to the sciences, mathematics, philosophy, art and cuisine and don't want to spend your time making your country and its people better, fuck the hell off you dirty degenerate.