Tell me why the Imperial system is better than the metric system.
>You can't
Tell me why the Imperial system is better than the metric system.
>You can't
remind me, was it the imperial or metric that went to the moon?
then, NASA switched to metric to never have to deal with imperial again
0 degrees C: cold
100 degrees C: dead
0 degrees F: cold
100 degrees F: warm
0 Kelvin: dead
100 Kelvin: dead
>Ameridumb believing the space Jew.
Go fuck a donkey
It's better for everyday life, but absolute shit for science.
>It's better for everyday life
Metric is just as shitty and arbitrary. Base 2 numbers times natural units is the only logical choice.
>tfw maintain the King's Standard Units while the UK autocucks itself to the metric jew
Frog in 100 degrees F: warm
Frog in 100 degrees C: kill
Frog in 100 Kelvin: can't even surrender properly.
That's because NASA is run by communist globalist jews. You'll also bear in mind they don't even go to the moon anymore.
1km = 1000m
1kg = 1000g
1kPa = 1000Pa
that's not arbitrary, nigger
>i'm such a special snowflake, temperature units must adjust to muh feels instead of science
Typical murican.
How tall are you?
>You'll also bear in mind they don't even go to the moon anymore.
it's almost as if your retarded government cut their budget by 80%
Nice try, T-800.
The UK still uses imperial for everything.
>It's better for everyday life,
Are you retarded?
What's a metre?
a measurement unit for our big European cocks
I think it's just that the Germans who ran the space program and built the rockets have died out.
I've never learned the difference and use a mix of both lmao
My car looks retarded with KM/h on it
Lol 100km/h is not even that fast
I am 6ft 3 and 13st 10lbs
Looks better than this 188cm 88kg or whatever it is
It's an old meme.
>Alan Turing is dead, we can't build computers anymore!
>Ralph Baer is dead, we can't make video games anymore!
that's how retarded you sound
really? what size is your car engine?
6ft 3 = 190cm
13st 10lbs = 87Kg
I'm sorry, user, you're fat in both systems
I think a lot of it probably comes from being able to say my dick is 45.000cm long when it turns out that's only just over 4".
>metric is arbitrary
It's a joke that implies that the Americans can't make any shit on their own and require foreigners to do it for them. Seriously, how mindblowingly stupid are you?
Mate, I lift
I knew that the French were sissy boys but I didn't know it was THAT bad
lanky jealous weakling detected
Germanfriend, I'm all for metric as a scientific standard, but the imperial is so much better for daily measures because it's quite easier to estimate shit, given you use body parts as standards
362 cubic inches mate
In fairness to him most people are fat as fuck here, people who "lift" included.
I'm 14 stone at 6'1 and according to every dullard on /fit/ I'm underweight.
That is funny 14st 1 will have a belly though and will look skinny fat more than anything
He want to know when you'll learn
It's a japbox so obviousy liters.
But my soda, my weights, my urinal, my milk, my speedometer, my road signs, my water pipes, my lumber, my sexual lubricant, even my dirt. Those all come in imperial. As do my troy ounces of gold and silver.
When you brexit, we can share glorious american steel tools with you.
lmao manlet (that's 5'7 for americlaps)
Can you really not imagine how long something is unless it says 'double as long as my dick, nigga'? This is some fucking caveman bullshit.
I weigh just over 15stone at 6'3 height and have no visible belly hanging out from my side profile, but I do know people who are pretty fat at same height but who weigh less.
It depends on the person.
>how much energy does it take
In Canada we turn the fucking stove on. Metric system doesnt tdo that for me Not some third worlder fire dance and pray the warlords don't tip our bucket on the nightly kill rape mission
The normal imperial system makes sense
6ft/fathom = normal height for a man
10st = normal weight for a woman
60mph = an hour a minute
1 pint means we get big drinks
fahrenheit isnt imperial by the way
>60mph = an hour a minute
>60mph = an hour a minute
So THIS is why my great great grandfather ended up stealing a piece of bread to get off that island, you're all fucking nuts.
>13 st 10 lb
I still don't know how much he fucking weighs
He meant a mile a minute.
A mile a minute, Im tired m8s
If you travel 60 miles in an hour, and there are 60 minutes in an hour, then you're going a mile a minute.
I thought the whole point of metric was so that elementary school arithmetic could be used to work out these kinds of problems.
>Tell me why the Imperial system is better than the metric system.
It is better suited for drooling illiterate retards.
192 pounds.
hungry skeleton
Just woke up, laughing my ass off
>100 degrees F
Ease of use is actually a significant factor in the desirability of a system. Given that they are both equally arbitrary in their set of standards, Imperial wins because FUCK YOU, SINCE EUROPOORS CONVERTED TO METRIC JUST TO GIVE AMERICA THE MIDDLE FINGER AND CALL THEM BACKWORDS SLOBS WHO COULDN'T GET ON WITH THE TIMES, SUPERPOWER ENVY MUCH
>Northerner detected.
pretty much the only argument for imperial is that it's easy to estimate in real life situation since you use body parts and shit. this is only an advantage for dumb burgers though, literally everyone with tripledigit IQ can draft the length of a meter, centimeter, decimeter with only miniscule error margins
i mean even if you're dumb as a burger you can still help yourself by measuring your dick once and then in your mind using projections of your dick and it's multiplies as a measuring tape. a meter is half of your body length if you aren't a manlet etc.
Metric doesn't relate to day to day life. One hundred degrees is reasonably the hottest temperature I'll be exposed to, zero is the coldest. A mile is how far you can walk in ten minutes, a man is six feet tall, six being half of twelve, twelve inches to a foot. Your thumb is an inch long.
Because the metric system was invented by the French.
>thumb is an inch
Wow you're a faggot aren't you
Are we talking lake humidity or southern breeze, cause on a trip down to NC, 110 degrees was pleasant and going back up we rolled the windows and turned on the A/C because even though we lost thirty degrees of heat, we hit 80% humidity
it's barely lunchtime user
go to bed earlier
>muh body parts
Has it ever occured to you that peoples body parts have different lengths?
You will always only get rough estimates with imperial as well
Because a 12 based system allows for a greater number of dividers while not straying from the collection of integers than a 10 based system.
i.e. 10 can be divided by 1, 2, 5 and 10 and result in an integer.
12 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 and result in an integer.
That's about it, though.
That's all we need. Unless you're building something you don't need to go to the milimeter
fucking help i can't breathe
he's just algerian m8
Why did the French reform this, and not their counting?
Build to fit nigga. All you need is literally a stick and a way to put a mark on it.
>A mile is how far you can walk in ten minutes
>Although walking speeds can vary greatly depending on many factors such as height, weight, age, terrain, surface, load, culture, effort, and fitness, the average human walking speed is about 5.0 kilometres per hour (km/h), or about 3.1 miles per hour (mph). Specific studies have found pedestrian walking speeds ranging from 4.51 kilometres per hour (2.80 mph) to 4.75 kilometres per hour (2.95 mph) for older individuals and from 5.32 kilometres per hour (3.31 mph) to 5.43 kilometres per hour (3.37 mph) for younger individuals;[3][4] a brisk walking speed can be around 6.5 kilometres per hour (4.0 mph).[5]
This is, my dear friends, typical Imperial system users. Making everyday measurements with 200% error.
And I can guess what 30 cm are with the same margin of error as you fuck up by thinking your foot equals a standard foot.
Not to mention fucking stone. Do you have a standard stone with you at all times?
Someone never played any sport or did manual labour.
i like how the system accounts for the average american man being 6 feet tall with a 12 inch foot and a 1 inch thumb(before the spic invasion anyway), but then proceeds to imply that an average amerilard can walk a mile in 10 minutes
>his foot isn't almost exactly a foot long
>he's getting mad about "other" body parts
Pic related
>"Go fuck yourself"
Report mass repliers
If you're so triggered by arbitrary measurements, why don't you devise some base-10 unit of time.
>Sup Forums talks about nationalism, and prefers sovereign countries to make their own decisions
>derides Americans for their fondness for firearms and imperial units
Nice try amerifat, bet you cant even see your own dick.
Maybe you should also add a "lost foreskin" length to the imperial system, thats something you can surely relate to.
I'm not aware that circumcision is part of the imperial system. I believe that to be a jewmetric ideology.
But its a body part and you need those to measure stuff.
Would even make a great business idea, buy back your sons foreskin so he can always meassure lengths with his own body parts. Just like you want it.
Foot is elbow to fingertips
>There are 12 sides of a 12-faced object.
You sure showed me. I'm not even rguig against you.
Mobile is aids.
r u a midget
I always give myself 15 since I tend to stop and talk to people
no hes a t-rex
SI units are tight as shit. In fact the US military and NASA both use them.
Book is Wild Thing by Josh Bazell in case anybody is wondering.
>t. Ben Shapiro
I'm 5'11. It takes 12 thumbs to get elbow to fingertip, roughly.
Go measure your arm
Metric plebs BTFO!
Peasants on suicide watch
Thumbs are legit dank for estimating inches, but I eyeballed elbow to finger at close to 2' and the measuring tape confirms it's about 20".
>mfw my foot is exactly 12" long and I can measure things with it
stay assblasted metrifags
>Cubit: In ancient Egypt, a cubit was the distance from the elbow to the fingertips. Today a cubit is about 18 inches.
Face it, you're tiny.