This week: Turnbull gets asked "why aren't you a collectivist into big government?" for an hour straight.

No bingo because I saved my image lmao some cunt post it pls

Other urls found in this thread:

This is gonna be shit

First for leather jacket.

bingo where?

He's gonna get eaten alive


How are we all tonight?

Not bad, pretty comfy desu


Pretty good thanks m8. Bit of a headache.


We know all of his positions though.

It's just going to be "why should we trust someone proven to be bad?"

Watching this with racist family members. This is gonna be comfy

>Nige shot down Jo Cox

I've only got this one but unfortunately Fred Nile isn't on tonight.


is bingo qt dead?

yeah alright, missed the last few weeks here, did much happen?

Here we go lads
rip bingoqt

He's just so handsome...

>tfw you'll never feel his warm embrace

Oh shit when did q and a update it's set?

It's an organised smear, Turnbull is a dummy walking into a trap.

Tones saw the trap and stayed far away

Yes, it has been a two week absence now so she's obviously dead.

Here you go cunts.

>I want them to Remain but that is their decision

Could Malc be any more ambiguous.


nah, just the usual

I hope bingoanon is okay

muh gays off the bat

cheers lads

>is bingo qt dead?
Yes, the neckbeard who pretends to be bingo qt must be dead.

>"ultra-conservative wing"

You mean just the conservative wing.


What was the question?

"""i'm not a greens voter"""

>heavy cold
Don't worry, he's taken a million of these capsules

Blah, blah, where is our Trump?

He was ripping bongs before this, his voice is fucked.

I love how "far-right" now means anything that isn't open borders and free shit for niggers and fags.

Also Mal sounds like he's ill or something.

Haha, nice

Haha if you vote greens you just are not aussie



Mal has a cold, 'sounds like

did he just say pra tickable

Something like why should I trust you when youre catering to a conservative demographic smaller than the greens.

Simpsons against the Liberals will be all over this.

Yeah, he sounded even worse on the news the other day

oh shit did anyone get a cap of that sjw old lady

he sounds so sickly. its gross.

He mentioned it at the start briefly m8

hes fucking up already, lucky only cucks and pol watch qanda

He already said "not at all" Tony you rat.

Glad I've got a TV tuner dongle plugged into my desktop desu, Turnbull can't fuck my internet streaming over that easily

Sounds like it's impacting his performance really

I've been sick for the past week. Sorry... Missed my alarm for the night because I was baking this thing.

>He fell for the climate change meme

I wish we had actual conservatives in this country that people listened to.

ayy lmao

That's just his throat scraped dry by all the circumcised Schlomo-Schlong

Oh god why are we talking climate emissions? Im impatient to see bantz

>When you're so afraid of appearing with dissenting opinions that you demand they only have the show be your mouthpiece


Obama called me, kek, name dropper


I've got news for you sonny.

>Obama thanked me

what would you do if abc axes qanda?

Might be the first episode in history we won't get clapping time

>Pro gay
u dun fucked up

Check out this guys eyes

Spoke too soon faggit

What the fuck, Glen, get it together.

Voting Labour cause local Libcuck MP is a FUCKING INCOMPETENT OBESE FUCKWIT. Also libcucks fucked up NBN and are fucking up Medcare and fucked up TAFE so now we have a fucking 20 plus percent young unemployment. Coalition is useless.

what happened to bingoanon?

>penetrating glimpse of the obvious

dad joke count: 1

would smash

What the fuck was that question

It's so sad because it's so true :'(

>I'm not Malcolm Turnbull

i literally dontu nderstand the question

am i stupid?

a googly doogly

he tried to save face by throwing in that hes been marriage to his wife for over 20 years


feel great because my bloody will no longer violently boil

feel sad cus i will no longer be able to banter with you lads


Is this chick Jackie Lambie in disguise?

she's pretty hot tbqh Blight Turncoat

Didn't tones also say something about maternity pay and completely just back off on that

shitpost on pol

heyyyyy i banned myself form q&a

not good for my blood pressure.

Been sick and forgetful, sorry. I'm not dead (yet).

Sounds like a facsimile of his doorstops over the past few weeks desu

anal prolapse


What should I do lads?

Liberal cucks wont privitize Medicare

They're going to means test it

t. IPA

Labor fear mongering btfo

You the same cunt who got up me that night for copying your style?

1 Lib Dems

right wing meme parties first greens last

Go nick for the memes

>Didn't tones also say something about maternity pay and completely just back off on that
Yes because when you have to allocate 22 billion dollarydoos at every budget for welfare, you have to make concessions elsewhere.

Put simply - there's not enough money coming in. Privatization was a mistake.

anyone else see that pierced thing?

Anyone up for the project bingo thread?

draw a penis