In campaign there is one girl but other than that this games pretty clean. Didnt go to SJW shit like titanfall and COD
In campaign there is one girl but other than that this games pretty clean. Didnt go to SJW shit like titanfall and COD
Also thread dedicated to non SJW games
>Not playing Doom 4
Just post a pic of doom you queer
Im getting that game anyway
Nice country btw
Did CoD go SJW?
Bruh theres like a shitload of stronk womyn
Really? I haven't seen that many in the ones I've played.
Or are you talking about Infinite Warfare?
>tfw you havent money to buy a PC for doom requirements.
>playing cod in 2016
>not playing supreme bf
BFBC 2 was the most based online shooter. Can still find a full server occasionally. Great game.
I do play Battlefield you Eurofag.
then buy a console poorfag.
Best shooter m8ey. Never seen one that gave me the same feelz.
The new ones aka infinite warfare and advanced warfare
Ironic considering the original Doom code was designed to be as efficient as possible to keep required specs down. Seems they lost their way.
Cost of console is my 2 months salary.
>tfw 4 year old comp still meets recommended specs
kys, faggot.
Black guys in it (historically accurate?). But no grills thank God
bought a copy yesterday
glitchy af
gay dialogues
forced drama
wouldn't reccommend
Add me on PSN faggots, bORSUK7000. PS4 only. Lets meet at locker cucks
Old but never really implemented anything into the game
I guess token black guy
Very hyped for this shiet. Finally someone goes back to the good old ww. The french and murrica prob had black peeps. Dont know about the others.
>No France
>not playing strictly multiplayer
the character's from the Harlem Hellfighters, a real all-black WW1 US unit
I switched over to ARMA2 shortly after and casually played BF3. A good ARMA2 milsim server is the most insane experience ever. Still got my custom Vietnam and WW2 dynamic missions if anyone is interested in some online play with a couple of other likeminded people.
Dice said implementing in future
They should be in the base game. There's no excuse in having a WW game and not having France.
Ironically most American Black units were transferred over to the French army. Yet they're not in the game.
Costs of development is an excuse
>So much Hyper for No Man sky/We Happy Few/Dark Souls III
AW had one chick who died like a bitch
France and Germany should be the first two countries in the damn game.
Looks like shit desu.
I'll just play Verdun if I want ww1.
Super edgy shaved head sjw tho
>has ugly, nigger protag
>Infinite Warfare
>has white male protag
the Titanfall female playable characters were better than the male ones.
They had smaller hitboxes.
Plus, it doesn't hurt a future combat game to have female characters, what with drugs and genetic enginering to make women comparable as men.
It's like you're some sort of filthy casual or something
This guy is right, the US didn't even have a major part in WW1
>Not playing the best kebab removal simulator, Insurgency
Stay pleb
(but da waite man do wut he alwees do n keep us from celebratin n sheeittt)
Has a shitload of stronk independent womyn
>Nick Reyes is the main protagonist of the upcoming Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
pick one
>still weaker since men would get drugs too
>mfw mid battle period
get a 480x on the 29th
It doesnt work anymore for me, literally just freezes when joining match
The only game I'm waiting for
>he actually thinks having women in a game that hardly even matter is worse than a nigger on the front cover of the game
Plenty of people with Spanish last names are pretty white.
Anything a tumblrina would look up to
Look up "cod aw feminism"
nah she has hair
At least niggers are strong
Women are both retarded and weak
A game series where playing as a woman is harder than playing as a man.
I'm wondering if they're going to have special achivements for playing as women in Bannerlord.
Why waste drugs on men when they're fine as they are?
Feminisim in action.
Plus you can also use drugs to prevent menstraition.
How is titanfall sjw?
I dont think they did in Warband, not sure they'd bother for this one either
I remember there being a shaved head shitlord or something, maybe it was black cops 2
How are nig nogs strong? When have they ever conquered anyone other than themselves?
The US sent 2 million troops and pushed everything over the edge, our role was hugely important - just late.
Shitload of stronk womyn
Just as strong as male characters but with smaller hitboxes
I've mostly forgotten about bc2. The only fond memory that I can recall is a match where we're down under 50 tickets to 300. At 20 we managed to get them 100 or so. I died at 7 left and we won with 2 tickets to spare.
Womyn in AW and BO3 have exo suits and bio mechanical augentations so at least with those it makes sense.
Having a nigger on the front cover of a WW1 game when there were hardly any in the first place is twisting history.
You went full cuck
That is fucking stupid man.
Youre paranoid as fuck
Check again bro, they added in a load of woman specific achivements.
>Man Eater - Kill 50 men as a female character
>Sassy! - As a female character get into a duel with a male lord by insulting him.
>Talk of the town - As a female character, raise your renown to 50
>Lady of the Lake - As a female character, give a companion character a great sword.
>Girl Power - As a Female character, help a female claimant reclaim her throne.
And more.
They dont make bad mules in war , at least they carry their own weight in the army. Women always need assistance
Tried putting it in borderless, getting rid of mods, verifying integrity of cache etc?
My game freezes loads in loading screens but if you leave it for a bit it sorts itself out
How is titanfall sjw?
The game has no story and is in the far future halo also had female Spartans and everyone in the game wears supersuits which is why physical strength matters less.
Titanfall isn't sjw
Ah well I never played as a female so I never saw them, they probably will add in female-specific achievements then
Literally half the army is girls Krystal
It's like 4 days work for me. Get a better job.
Makes sense since in Titanfall they are apparently fighting a civil war or some shit
>WWI game
>No French
>No Russians
>Niggers everywhere
>Even a fucking woman in there
BF1 is disgraceful. Who cares about BF4?
You do know that you need to have strength to use the augments?
Why give augments to weaker people when giving it to stronger people yields better results? Its a waste of money
Niggers did take part, should have been a german or french soldier though
cod: aw did it pretty well though
Girls should be at home making sure population stays up you numale
I got the impression in Titanfall that there was no home.
Giving suits to weaker people is a waste of money, its like investing in a shit company over a good one
>defending a nigger protag over a female side character
Also, in bo3 augs replace limbs
That is what you do in civil war where all humans count as soldiers ya dingus
Kek, they did WWI without France but with a nig ?
Reproduction user
Periods user
Brittle bones user
Physical strength isnt the only reason women make bad soldiers
Women dont participate in civil wars like that user
Read some history
Limbs not brains
Spacial awareness, keen vision, reaction time, stress management, and testosterone cant be added through augments
>Can still find a full server occasionally
really. I can't even find one
Oh rly read about the Revolution of Russia with reds vs whites there were lots of women
Vision and the likes can actually be augmented. Take Prophet's goggles (that replaced his eyes)
>not having debuffs for females in any way at all
>can one hit ko males
Im not buying it sarkeesian
Spacial awareness is critical when using augments, also stress management and focus
Look up how male vs female brains are wired, they are not meant to focus on one task for prolonged periods
You need more redpills
That's very exciting. When are you going to publish your memoirs?
>. Didnt go to SJW shit
I guessed you missed the part where they talk about accepting refugees.
I almost never want games but this convinced me that piracy is good. I want my money back.
nah son, you need more redpills. Which is not accepting historical revisionism.
Besides, if you really were redpilled, you wouldn't even be playing your shitty manchild hobby of vidya