Raiders of the Lost Ark

Is there a more perfect movie than this? I've watched it about 5 times in a row now, and I can't find a single thing wrong with it other than its campy, if you can call that a complaint

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The only Spielberg film that really impressed me. It's a masterpiece

The Thing

But Raiders is up there

yfw george was in charge

There's nothing wrong with it except for a total lack of diversity. Where's the representation for persons of color? LGBT? The differently abled?

>Spielberg fans tell you George Lucas is shit
>The best Spielberg is based on an idea by George Lucas

Is this the oldest meme

this is bait right? theres black people, aborigines, arabs, a leading lady whose tough...

Indie has no effect on the story at all.
With or without him the nazis would have found the ark, opened it up and died.

>theres black people, aborigines, arabs
None of whom have much of a part to play in the story. In fact the only ethnic character I can recall that has any lines is played by a white Welshman.
>a leading lady whose tough...
She's literally only there to fill the damsel in distress role.

Shit, you're right. I'm genuinely lost for what to say, that's really fucky

Really made me think

Jaws is actually way better. It's the only true Spielberg kino.

>None of whom have much of a part to play in the story.
um the black pirate captain guy has a lot of lines and is a big part of the 3rd act, not to mention his whole crew is mostly black.
>She's literally only there to fill the damsel in distress role.
except she doesnt end up getting saved by indy, Indy surrenders and after the power of god kills beloch and the nazis, they both go free together. would you rather he just blow up the ark and kill her too? wat, also she saves his life during the bar fight, not once but twice... shes partly a damsel but it's more because theres nothing she could have realistically done against a whole squadron of nazis or even beloch himself. she tries to out drink him and escape but we find out hes an experienced drinker. shes not completely as helpless as you describe, pay attention to the film maybe or better yet take off those stupid marxist goggles that tell you women are just as capable as men even in a hostage senario

What about Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

In fact if Indy didn't stop them they would have opened it up in front of Hitler and killed him and the Nazi elite.

not true youre assuming god or his power would have still killed anyone who opened it, but Marcus says in the beginning "any army who carries the ark before it is invincible". you're assuming god would find the nazis unworthy to carry the ark when thats purely conjecture. beloch primarily was killed because his lust for power was only rivalries by other leaders in the world at the time. He also explained how he's just trying to use it as a communication device to God, instead of respecting what it is. How do you know hitter would have done the same thing granted in this hypothetical?

Is Indiana Jones real or fake?

Real. The entire trilogy is a documentary.

Key word is idea/story and not screenplay.

>the black pirate captain guy
Literally there as stereotypical evil person of color #23174. Where's the positive representation of ethnic minorities?

True life story filmed in real time, like The Highlander.

But..the captain wasnt evil. He was trying to save them from the Nazis.

He actually saves Indy from the Nazis by covering for him. You haven't seen the film.

>You haven't seen the film.
Correct. I wouldn't watch this misogynist male power fantasy if you paid me to.

>Where's the positive representation of ethnic minorities
Salah is literally one of the best characters in the film and he's an arab, so idk what the hell youre talking about. also Harrison ford is Jewish by the way

Last Crusade is perfecter.

not a bad film, but plays it too safe

Kingdom of Crystal Skull is better

Enh, it was pretty average, I think. Lost Crusade was better.

misoginst implies that it degrades women, when the main heroine is tough and doesnt take shit from any man and even punches the main character

How long do you think you'll be able to keep up this bait? I'm surprised it's worked this long.

Salah doesn't count as he is played by a white man in what basically amounts to blackface.

And Indiana jones is played by a Jew when hes suppose to represent the American "mans man". you are running out of arguments

>can't handle the truth
>can't refute any of the points made
>so I'll call it bait
Truly pathetic.

That was my first post ITT. Just being honest. Harrison Ford is a Jew anyway.

So you're saying a Jewish person can't be an American? I already knew you were a racist piece of shit but now you have provided concrete proof.

The hell does that even mean?

I'm saying the iconic adventure serial character is typically a white American male, not one who is Jewish by blood

not only speilberg is jewish but the fact he makes indy played by a Jew even knowing everything about the classic serials means he understands that the character has room for diversity and can be played by someone who is not the stereotypical white man tough guy action star

doesnt take any risks and replies too heavily on what made the original work. its not a bad "Indiana jones" film but as a stand alone its just pretty good not great like raiders

>There's nothing wrong with it except for a total lack of diversity
You have something against Jewish people?

It was the 80's. Nobody gave a fuck because cocaine. It wasn't called 'Indiana Jones helps a colored, differently abled, genderfluid faggot find their sexual identity"

you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel now
>not diverse enough!
>turns out its very diverse

You seem to be implying that a white American male cannot be Jewish. I will never understand the mental gymnastics your kind have to perform to justify and perpetuate your hatred.

Does anyone know of other great adventure movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark?

I havent seen that many so im sure there are some great ones out there. Ive seen the original Indiana Jones trilogies, but I cant think of many else. Parents rented nothing but cop dramas and comedies when I was a kid.

Except he never said that. You did.

Well it's part of a series. Why would it need "risks?" The series is established. They don't need something edgy to bring people in.

No, I seem to be directly stating the the character of Indiana jones if it was set in the time when the original serials were popular would have not been Jewish at all but a full blooded American white man. The fact speilberg makes him played by a Jew means the film is purposely filling the diversity quota you think is missing

you have to be baiting. How could you use the same excuse twice to try and call people who like this film racist. it's made by a fucking jew it couldnt be racist if it wanted to

technically the title "indiana jones" wasnt until temple of doom. I consider raiders a stand alone adventure because it balanced risks and what worked seemlessly. crusade while an excellent film feels like its trending water and i can't wait till they ride off into the sunset its so exhausting

Ah, so it doesn't mean shit and just some bullshit no-definition criticism.

One white Jewish person is not diversity It's not just Indiana Jones either. I've noticed a distinct lack of representation for minorities in a lot of Spielberg's films. Where are the persons of color and members of the LGBT and differently abled communities in Jaws? Close Encounters? ET? Schindlers list?

>the holiest of Jewish artifacts
>burns-off Nazi insignia from the crate before even being opened

Yeah, I'm sure Hitler would be fine.

if youre going to be literal in this hypothetical, even if the ark was found, it would not kill anyone who opened it or would still be considered holy by anyone whose actually read the bible. since jesus death on the cross, it makes gods first convent null and void, and the purpose of the ark useless

I thought it was a christian artefact.

>One white Jewish person
That's not how it works. You can't marginalize jewish people like that you bigot.

the holy grail is a Christian artifact because it has to do with Jesus, the ark is from the Old Testament so it has to do with Jewish history

In your dreams, moron.

i believe in Jesus, so I couldnt care if the ark was found tomorrow, it literall means nothing, although it would be a great historical find

The Mark of Zorro and Flash Gordon were probably influential on the Indiana Jones series.

We get it. You're upset. The movie is pretty much perfect though and the other guy is correct. Now go away.

wait both the jews and the christians exist in the indianaverse? How does that even make sense?

honestly, i have no idea, youd have to ask speilberg on that.

But isn't the old testament part of the bible?

A person's religious background and their ethnicity are two totally different things. There are Jewish people who are white and there are Jewish people of color. Maybe you should get out of that basement more often, you ignorant pig.

>he isn't jewish because his skin is white
Wow. Anti-semetic much? I bet you voted for Trump you neo-nazi.

yes, but jews believe Jesus wasn't really God and trust in their holy book the Talmud and the old testement. Christians believe Jesus was God and follow in his footsteps and believe in the New Testament and covanant. who Jesus was and his purpose is what's separates the Jew from the Christian

You really are a moron aren't you. YOU were the one implying that Jewish people can't be white. I can't believe I'm wasting my time arguing with a sad pathetic ignorant little man like yourself. You are not worth mine or anyone else's time. Good day to you.

>there's only two people in this thread, myself and you
I'm not the other man you're arguing with pal. I just think it's disgusting you would deny Ford his heritage because of his skin color.

Check your privilege.

So the old testament is part of both religions? I never realised there was any relation between the two.

in a sentence, Old Testament predicts Jesus' coming and the New Testament is about his arrival and what he did. but some Jews do not believe he was God so they read the Talmud and choose to think the new treatment is just something for non jews or "Christians".

the actress is awful

first die hard is a perfect movie.

Yes, it's called Temple of Doom.

>I must stop the nazis from opening the box that will kill all of them

jeez Indy sure was a great hero

So christianity is like the sequel to judaism?

Was Indy secretly redpilled?

Was Indy the Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith of his time?

>33 AD

>70 AD

why did closing your eyes stop the Arc Ghosts from melting your face?

Was there anything in movie (or the bible?) that mentions not looking at the arc will stop you from dying???

Seems kind of an Ass Pull

But seems to be saying that judaism came first.

Judaism is the modern interpretation of that old religion practiced by the Israelites, and of course these modern Jews (descended from Khazar converts, most of them are not even remotely related to the original Jews of the Talmud) created their own nation of Israel in order to fabricate legitimacy.

Okay. So is christianity descended from the same source?

>Indiana Jones thread
>turned into an armchair historian/ Sup Forums thread
ah yes

the religion of the "old testament" needed a temple for sacrifices and a priesthood
in 70 AD the romans destroyed the temple.

The priesthood is long gone too.

yes, but its not a jewish religion, its entirely its own thing.

Do christians do the dick cutting thing?

Indy guessed that man wasn't divine enough to read the "word of god", so avoiding looking at the words if you don't want to have old testament wrath on your ass.

ill buy that
should have set it up previously in the film. As a kid that bothered me

Some do but it is not required. theres this whole argument in the bible between peter and paul about rules and regulations on jewishness, and it was concluded that circumsion is not nessasary because the new convent god made between jesus and mankind invited everyone jew and non Jew alike to be redeemed, circumsion and not circumcised, it doesnt matter to god. before god required it because it would separate jews who worship God and non Jews who worshipped idols, but since jesus is for everyone, god does not care if you are or not.

Christianity is ultimately descended from the original Judaism, however all Christians by definition believe Jesus Christ to be the Messiah.

I think that's cleared up my queries. Thanks for your help guys.

Needed more Karen Allen feet.

Jews are old as shit.

Then the Christians were like "Hey, Jesus is /our guy/"

And the Jews were like, lolno

So then there were two

Then Muslims were like, "Hey, Muhammad is /our guy/"

And the Jews and the Christians were like, lolno

And then there were three.

Pick your prophet.

except jesus is the only prophet/cult leader to come back from the dead proving yes he is indeed god incarnate. all the jewish prophets of the talmud and muhammad are all dead and buried

>come back from the dead

Prove it's_wife

that doesn't really explain their deaths. Lots wife was turned to salt because she didnt heed gods instruction of not looking back as he destroyed sodomize and gamorah.

theres a better example although I cant remember their names of two people in the old test,net who went into the holy of holies, the chamber where the ark was kept in the jewish temple, and they were struck dead instantly by God, because only the priest could enter there. That's more in line with what happened to the nazis, they were unworthy to see inside the ark.

This movie has aged horribly. The action sequences seem pretty bad now. :/

>I can't find a single thing wrong with it

Other than Indiana basically being a pedo?

I thought it was decent but it didn't move me

>doesn't like the Doctor Jones I'm nazi scene

The fuck? The bar shootout, the fight near the plane, the truck sequence... all flawless and still hold up today