Boys in UK can now wear skirts to school

>Boys in UK can now wear skirts to school

more easy access for Ahmed and Pajeet

Every day we drift futher from the light of god

sissy faggots

hey that's Matty B lmao

knew a guy that used to hike in skirts. said it was comfortable as shit.

It's not so different to wearing a kilt. You'd get improved mobility.
I know that I would have wore one in high school if I could have, then again I was the class rapist.

>You will never see a high school boy's boi pucci when the wind blow's his skirt up

But nothing will change, because they CAN and arent forced to, and of course not a single one of them would actually want to wear a skirt.


Can they freeball with the skirts? That would probably feel liberating as fuck.

That fucking photo hahahaha just look at their faces hahahaha

Scotcuck here.
Scots have always been able to wear kilts at school for ceilidhs and Scottish dancing(or in some private schools as part of the uniform)

England is just getting the nessage wrong...

>ha ha le more traps to le fuck amirite fellow faggots? :)

Thanks atheism, you really have freed us from our oppressive morality


Homo agenda is not real they said
We don't actually want to make everyone gay they said just the ones that really are.

didnt your balls sag down to your knees as a result?



I literally can't even.
Maybe the muslim invasion along with their ultra conservative views is a good thing.

Why would that be illegal? It's not like these should ever be demand for it.


is there any problem with that?


>class rapist

you retards are so retarded its retarded.

jesus wore a fucking dress you stupid cunt

kek this desu


Do not underestimate the false moral outrage leftists can make of anything

back then fashion was VERY different

witness the relief on their faces, it was high time doing something about the UK skirt situation

Thank goodness. It's about time this measure was officially put in place.

Things must be going really well if they don't have more important issues to discuss.

>he never got voted class rapist
you wasted your youth

To be fair, a "skirt" was originally a masculine article of clothing. Women wore dresses. Just like jeans, women appropriated it to themselves.

after Khan banned sexy women, it was only a matter of time

If Jesus is so great why is he dead and I'm still alive?

huh huh huh?

Fucking retads

I bet the leftist feminists would be complaining about rape if they saw some balls and they would be banned. The idiocracy of the left.

i can see it now.

Is this a thing that happens to Philippinos often?



How long before one of the poofters are caught bouncing on a teacher's lap?

the uk schools inspectorate now says that teachers should'nt call girls "girls" or young women
just incase the child is going through a peroid of self discovery and questioning her true sexuality

absolutly fucking mental, i loathe how fucking sad and cucked our country is, its seems like white hetro people are the fucking minority these days

They should wear panties while they're at it.

Holy shit where did you get that image from? That has literally happened to me.

it's okay

slippery slope doesn't real

I also wished I was a girl when I was a kid, but I grew up and dealt with it.


Now the "Asian" rape gangs can go after boys as well!

Hurrayy diversity!

They should start wearing kilts

See this is what disturbs me, I saw being a girl as the easy way out

They get lighter punishment, or even none, all they have to do is be pretty and open their legs and life will literally embrace them.

A boy or man has to literally change the world or change himself to adapt to the world around him.


When I was a really young kid (before I knew anything about biology) I remember wondering what it would be like to be a girl, I didn't even know how girls differed from boys, I thought that you could switch between the two or you took turns in your life being a girl and boy or something. I even mentioned this to my parents once (I think I said something like "When is it my turn to be a girl?"), and thankfully they were not abusive idiots and actually taught me that girls were born girls and boys were born boys.

I didn't even want to be a girl or anything, I was just asking a question based upon the stupid theory I concocted to fill some gap in knowledge I had, if my parents were dogshit like so many parents these days they might have cut my fucking dick off and put me on hormones. This thought is horrifying to me, this is actually happening to children all over the place now, and it just isn't fair, in fact it is completely evil.


>thankfully they were not abusive idiots and actually taught me that girls were born girls and boys were born boys

But it's abusive to state this, user.

>"The western men have become completely emasculated. It is time to move in and be the beacon for masculinity and claim their women as our own."

What a waste of public funds.
In a time of massive public service budget cuts, where experienced officers are being bought out early, the hierarchy still must conform to the politically correct facade.

"Lets end hate crime" Yes, all those hate crime statistics....Perhaps you should turn your head towards the constant presence of Islamic grooming gangs.

Police Government dick sucking was a mistake.

>"I forgot to post my picture as my mind was busy lustily thinking of white teenage girls."

>boys in the UK can wear skirts to school
What are they, a bunch of queers?

>current year
>school uniforms

>tfw it was a drunken saudi dare to turn the entirety of western men into women, at the very least mentally

It's not actually that bad.

I don't see how it would feminise men, since the most manliest men would wear skirts (see kilts). It's just yanks and euros here that would think we're pussies for doing so.

British Teen Boys Just Can't Stop Kissing Each Other

No, that's gay.


boys wearing skirts, girls walking around topless, what happened ?



Fucking [omitted] .why can't they all just fucking [omitted]

You faggots have been wearing kilts for centuries. Nothing new.

they really are destroying gb. weird times to see it happen. good luck lads.

of all the countries that could have tried, it had to be canada

calm down user it's just a fun thing they do for a gay pride march