Either use a consistent tripcode or stop spamming these shitty threads.
Jeremiah Green
>Either use a consistent tripcode
This is my consistent tripcode. What are you talking about? I'm the only one who runs these thread on this board, unless someone else tries to hijack my thread when I'm not around. Perhaps you should stop posting anything else before you know the facts.
Tyler Brooks
>This is my consistent tripcode. You don't know what a tripcode is, sweetie.
Type # and then some junk in the name field. This allows people to filter the tripcode while you continue using different names based on what you're doing.
When you change your name based on the threads you're hosting, filtering you becomes more complicated than it needs to be, because the text being filtered is changing every time you make a new type of thread.
>Perhaps you should stop posting anything else before you know the facts. I demonstrably know more about the topic of using a tripcode than you do. For practice, try typing [name]#[password]. Your name will remain the same with a unique tripcode following it. Your name can change, but the tripcode doesn't. Do you understand now ?
Christopher Carter
What does it even matter? This is me, the actual OP who makes these threads. If someone else hijacks my threads, you'll know it's not me because the subject and name will be empty. I take it you're obviously annoyed by these threads, so you should kindly fuck off.
Hudson Robinson
Does a song count if it's about a love that was lost?
I don't give a shit about people "hijacking" your pathetic threads. Nobody cares about you enough to do that. You should be using tripcode as a common courtesy so I don't have to manually filter every name you choose for your brand new shit thread.
Camden Hughes
>I don't give a shit about people "hijacking" your pathetic threads. Nobody cares about you enough to do that.
Well, it's happened before. Not that you give a fuck about that, but it has.
>You should be using tripcode as a common courtesy so I don't have to manually filter every name you choose for your brand new shit thread.
Nope. I'll do whatever the hell I want.
Like I said before, fuck off.
Gabriel Thomas
Thomas Turner
Daniel Jackson
>changes tripcode to evade filter
Dominic Hall
>Tripcode begging for attention trying to ruin a thread Neat.
>Friendo BTFOing anons yet again How do we stop him, lads?
Christian Parker
Ryder Nguyen
He's a hysterical joke. Like, if my threads really annoy you that much, then just go on to the next thread. I'm not really crazy about the Grimes or K-Pop threads on this board, but I'm not gonna go into the thread and complain about it because I'm tired of seeing it on Sup Forums, and god forbid, I'm not a jerk-off who uses tripcode.
Jason Rivera
By the way, for someone who's supposedly annoyed by these threads, thanks for contributing. You just voted for a song.
Man, filterfags are autistic. Just ignore it the normal way, by looking past them and not opening the threads.
Daniel Cook
Vote #1
Hunter Campbell
Vote #2
Bentley Reed
Vote #3
Camden Lopez
Vote #4
Xavier Rogers
Vote #5
Ian Edwards
Michael Miller
Vote #6
Anthony Hughes
What do you gain from ruining someone elses thread?
Aiden Lopez
Vote #7
Lincoln Campbell
Vote #8
Justin Cruz
Vote #9
Do responses to votes count as proxy votes ?
Connor Hughes
Vote #10
Xavier Perry
the moody blues - nights in white satin dire straits - romeo and juliet, hand in hand the turtles - happy together
Leo Price
Vote #11
Parker Bailey
Vote #12
Ryder Sanders
Guys, report him.
Carson Mitchell
Vote #13
Alexander Hill
Vote #14
Jordan Parker
Ryan Hill
Vote #15
"Samefag all you want. I don't care."
Robert Reed
Vote #16
Jonathan Hill
just did fucking worst tripfag
Jackson Thomas
Vote #17
lol @ you crying because I'm following the OP
Jeremiah Ramirez
Samefagging doesn't mean spamming the board with the same image over and over again.
Logan Kelly
Vote #18
Aaron Martinez
Vote #19
I saw the folly of my STOP SIGN posting ways and decided that a simple post informing you of my vote was the best course of action :)
Chase Wood
Vote #20
Brody Martinez
Vote #21
Isaac Mitchell
Adrian Robinson
Vote #22
Jeremiah Bell
Well, as long as it's up there, it still counts as a violation of the rules, and the posts are too old to delete them, so either way, you're fucked.
Carter Rogers
Vote #23
Liam Reyes
Vote #24
Haha, I sure am scared !
Josiah Wilson
Vote #25 APPROVE
Samuel Stewart
Vote #26 APPROVE
Adam Diaz
Vote #27 APPROVE
William Sanchez
>Haha, I sure am scared !
Not that you would be because you're an attention-seeking troll. I'm just saying.
Luke Morales
Vote #28 APPROVE
Gabriel Lopez
Hey - Pixies
Juan Sanchez
Vote #29 APPROVE
please stop attempting to intimidate me from following the OP instructions I don't even believe that you're the real OP
Ryder Jenkins
Vote #30
Xavier Thomas
Vote #31
Daniel Martin
Alicia Keyes - No One
Tyler Rivera
Vote #32
Jordan Anderson
Vote #33
Adam Lee
Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
Matthew Price
So I think we can all agree that Avril Lavigne's "Hello Kitty" is the greatest love song of all time. Great thread.
Jeremiah Scott
>Great thread >Literally sabotaged a thread by voting for a shitty song 33 times and bitching about the thread instead of just hiding it and moving on.
I gotta ask again: What did you gain from that?
Levi Clark
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
Blake Brown
Whatever do you mean, dear chap ? I was simply swayed by the persuasive arguments from our of-age OP and decided to participate wholeheartedly.
Jonathan Morris
Blink-182 - Always
Robert Davis
Bon Iver - Skinny Love
Nathan Lee
Vote #34
Ian Sullivan
Vote #35
Jordan Barnes
Vote #36
Adrian Phillips
Vote #37
Jonathan Anderson
Vote #38
Benjamin Barnes
Vote #39
Joseph Ward
Carly Rae Jepsen - Cut to the Feeling
Jack Gonzalez
Vote #40
Jordan Robinson
Vote #41
Hudson Fisher
Vote #42
Hunter Wood
can you please take this pointless list making shit to reddit or something
Angel Perez
Vote #43
Alexander Fisher
Vote #44
Jackson James
Oliver Nguyen
Vote #45
Jackson Powell
Vote #46
Nolan Walker
Vote #47
Sebastian Cook
The thing is, these threads were just fine until we had douchebags entering in here with the purpose of sabotaging the entire thread.
Elijah Clark
Vote #48
Austin Thompson
Vote #49
Everybody ITT is simply following the rules that the OP set forth. What are you talking about ? This is a great thread !
Gabriel Williams
Vote #50
Tyler Allen
You mean you, right?
Jack James
I don't see anybody breaking the thread rules, do you ?
Hunter Cox
Even if we did fall for the "I'm just following the rules XD" bullshit, all the song needed was 5 votes.
Why did you decide to vote 45 times?
Jordan Anderson
I just really, really like the song :)
Mason Diaz
im sorry this had to happen to your thread OP. i appreciate the work you've been doing
Jack Mitchell
Thanks, m8. Hopefully these threads will continue without ensued chaos in the future
Sebastian Gray