>be me
>black trump supporter
>have white girlfriend
>decide I do not want to be part of the problem
>dump my gf and insist she procreate with a Caucasian male for the sake of her race
>tfw no gf anymore
TRUMP 2016
>be me
>black trump supporter
>have white girlfriend
>decide I do not want to be part of the problem
>dump my gf and insist she procreate with a Caucasian male for the sake of her race
>tfw no gf anymore
TRUMP 2016
You deserve an award buddy
Well done.
>black trump supporter
Nooooo, you stupid nigger, you are supposed to filter out race traitors.
i'm not sure if blacks can be honorary white, but let's say you were nominated.
Spotted the democrat shill
nice try false flag fag
ITT: things that never happened
She already burned the coal. You accomplished nothing.
She won't reproduce.
>She already burned the coal. You accomplished nothing.
Don't worry, some cuck will pick up the pieces and provide more white descendants.
You realise you could of stayed with her and had one kid and been fine
Instead she's probably going to find another black guy and have 8 kids.
There's nothing wrong with black people.
We just don't want niggers.
I hope you find a wonderful non degenerate moor.
Honest heart
>implying she didn't dump you like it's normally the case
wtf..... wtf lolo hahahaahaha i cant stop lauighing
You done good work user. Hopefully your race can move forward after 5 or more generations.
>There's nothing wrong with black people.
>We just don't want niggers.
He's to smart for the average shitpost user.
>fucking up your life because of memes on an anime website that hates you
well, find yourself a redpilled qt3.14 shaniqua
There IS a difference between a black person and a nigger
Spotted the mudbloods
Day of The Rope Can't Come Soon Enough! DEUS VULT!
Assuming this is real, you might as well just keep her as a fuck buddy on the side until you find a nice black woman to start a family with.
No, blacks shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.
I seriously wonder if this happens
No again. No more new black people
I agree, I think black people can be pretty good also (Sowell that guy t etc). But we need to maintain our race.
If he only has 2 children, then he won't be increasing the percentage of black people.
this convinces no one of anything
just make you look like a retard
maybe shill with facts you lazy shit
kys false flag fag
100% true. I honestly don't know if I'll ever find a nonwhite redpilled qt3.14. Nigger women are fucking cancer. I feel like shit but it'll all be worth it
Why? It matters whether you are white on the inside. Now for all you might know she will go off with some white ghetto wannabe, and then they will be black anyway.
>tfw you realize she's now already riding the next bbc
You've done a man's job, sir.
Yes, he will. I doubt you believe yourself.
Black people should be banned from reproducing.
You can find one, but don't have children.
I think as long as we cull all newborn males apart from white and asian you should be able to fuck who you want, genes get passed down and lost over time so things will sort themselves out OP
All i can offer you is a pat on the back but she is probably gonna go find another black, or even a nigger.
>White nationalism = false flag
Cool story race traitor!
She was already used good. Should've just kept her.
>he fell for the bbc myth
>Assuming this is real, you might as well just keep her as a fuck buddy on the side until you find a nice black woman to start a family with.
Found the berniefag
>reddit's first time after reading the guide to shitting up Sup Forums
>not realizing you are shitting up the wrong side
>haha, these logical arguments mean nothing troloolol nice memes haha xD
>>dump my gf and insist she procreate with a Caucasian male for the sake of her race
You're an idiot. If she was willing to date you then she is going to date more non-Whites. I can't believe some of you fools let Sup Forums dictate your life like this. You deserve >tfw no gf.
Maybe, but let them be in Africa.
>he fell for the antiracmixing meme
It's funny cause thats how bernie fags insulted me when they saw a smart black man debate on how Trump will make america great again
I swear these cucks are EVERYWHERE and mass reproducing. Fucking millenials
>bumping the wrong threads
wew lad
u shills have really dipped in quality
She already burned the coal. She will continue being a race traitor
You would made Mohammed Ali proud. Find a red-pilled christian black woman and raise red-pilled black babies.
Why didnt you just make sure your grandkids got with white people
Pic related, girl I know whose grandparents are fully black, its fucking weird
Their bots probably target everything that contains the keywords "TRUMP 2016"
Es verdad, y tu eres un pendejo :)
Ewww, its like she is sneakily contaminating the gene pool.
You're supposed to act as the filter for low quality trash you dumb fuck, now some poor lad will go on to have a relationship with her without knowing she's a coal burner.
Once you have her you should keep her, desu famalamalam she's no good for anything beyond a FWB (given she's properly washed inside and out more than 300 times to cleanse the eternal nig off her).
If i hadnt of told you, you faggots would of thought she was aryan or some meme shit
she poopoooooooopooo pooooooo.............. desu
I bet shes a violent bitch just like every other negress
she uses filters to look more pale as well
she is disgusting, you utter mug.
>flakey skin
>chubby face
>terrible bone structure
>horrible teeth
>dry and damaged hair
>taking selfies for cuntstagram
congrats, you have shit taste and because you find her attractive, i'm assuming you're an ugly potato.
You have my deepest respect Puerto Rico.
you fell for the no race mixing meme
she's cute
>tfw your Chinese wife is a perfect partner but feeling conflicted about race mixing recently
Here's hoping i get a Keanu Reeves and not an Elliot Roger
She's going to marry another black and raise her children to be libs out of spite. Irony.
shameful mate. you have bad taste and/or low standards
I was with you up until leaving my girl
I am raising some wonderful white children. Feels good to outdo a shit parent being from the other side.
Statistics a shit
Stupid nigger. You deserve to die.
Anyway a man should alway try to marry a woman of his kind, by breeding with a different race you admit that the said race is superior to yours. That applies for self-hating whites that breed with asians and arabs as well.
And once you've found the good woman don't act like those coward niggers that give up on raising the children after 2 years, you have to raise your kids with proper values and pass on your experience to them. That's what civilized men do.
>I was with you up until leaving my girl
>I am raising some wonderful white children. Feels good to outdo a shit parent being from the other side.
>Statistics a shit
Their mother is trash.. They can't escape this.
She's already a lost cause anyway for burning coal you might've as well kept her.
No white man will take her back (other than some libcuck, which have lost their whites membership card)
Not sure if bait but, why dont you look up for a black girl. I am absolutely sure a white girl will never understand you like a black girl would.
Also, you will never publicly ashame your children, because they will look just like you, and not some mixed brown mutts.
You did the right thing user.
This. I've no problems with black people, just niggers
race doesn't exist.
that being said, i only date Algerian women but for cultural reasons
a black person that thinks?
are you really black?
Wholeheartedly agree m8
>race doesn't exist.
i wonder who could be behind this post
>making significant changes to your life to the extent where you break up with your girlfriend over Sup Forums memes
>puerto rico
is it really like it is in the rum diary?
This tbqh.
Once they've burned coal, they're unredeemable no matter how upstanding the guy was.
>tfw no puerto rican mami
This, desu broder
You seem to be a decent man. Your parenting would've compensated for the shortcomings of a mixed race child (lower IQ, more prone to violence, emotional problems, etc).
Now your GF is gonna get abandoned by a nigger and go on cupones with 8 niglets
It's funny how self loathing black men are in the US. "your" women are trash because you let them act that way.
All coal burners should be exiled though
>You seem to be a decent man. Your parenting would've compensated for the shortcomings of a mixed race child (lower IQ, more prone to violence, emotional problems, etc).
You have been watching Stefan Molyneux I see.
Ya dun good man,
>be black Republican
>crowdsurf through Republican conventions
>shake hands with Trump "hey check out my buddy!"
>tfw numerous token black guy opportunities will never come to you
You are a good man.
You will find one of you own kin Blámann.
Fucking got the feels like a fucking woman a few weeks ago my self. Damnit I thought I was to old for this shit to hurt so much. That pluss I went off my testo cure right after, so you get to feel how it is to be a bitch a day or two on top of it.
>muh feeeeeeels
even with anti estrogens, I should have started on the last shot rather than a week after
Don't user, you'll find one of your own, it saves you shitloads of trouble later in lyfe, for your offspring and you keep your genepool intact, instead of some mongrel offsprings, where you're inferior genes will be washed away with time anyways. It's basically killing your self to get with a whyte woman
Welcome to the no gf club OP.
Some day, some day.