I really don't understand why people hate Sasuke. He is pretty much the most redpilled character in the show

I really don't understand why people hate Sasuke. He is pretty much the most redpilled character in the show

Are you talking about cartoons on Sup Forums?

Shit animu

Chinese cartoons yes

So fucking degenerate..

kanker op met deze shit man, dit bord is al slecht genoeg zonder jouw gejood

I shit you not, naruto is the anime everyone hates, not necessarily because it's "bad" (although it's NOT good), but because it's what everyone thinks when people watching adult anime tell other adults they watch anime.

The target audience of naruto is 12-17. Meanwhile, Cowboy Bebop has drug references, swearing, sexual references and drops Zen philosophy, definitely not for anyone under 25 because no one under 25 would "get" the Zen.

Sage for

Optyfen kutmarokkaan
I like naruto the most of all the big anime (dbz, bleach, one piece and fairy tail)

It actually has a story and a goal unlike the other shitanime

Opkankeren, vieze pedofiel

Is there an anime character stronger than Madara Uchiha?

And I’m referring to Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano’o, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu.


Kill nog 1x grote mond en ik deporteer je naar Auschwitz
Yes Sasuke and yes he can touch madara

>inb4 you post the longer meme


Tobirama was right.

Haha bakkus dicht vuile pauper.
Alleen autistische retards kijken naar die pedo tier meuk

Saged and reported

>t. manchild

Kk nerdje ga je vader maar ippa geven kloteviool

No he was not. He is just mad uchiha's get that senjew ass

Sasuke is the real hokage

Sasuke is pretty much like a cartoon version of me

We even have the same hair lol

This is not Sup Forums

I hope you get banned so you can grow up away from Sup Forums.

Seriously, watch cowboy bebop and start growing up. Planetes is basically prophecy of how Muslims will react when we're done with oil, it's required watching for Sup Forums.

Worst part of childish anime, the one upmanship. Yes, I know that's copy pasta, still ranting.

The entirety of DB* (except DB original, which was somehow a Chinese Taoist myth thing?) was just one character surpassing another until Goku literally fights the recognised devil by all the kais and clearly jumped the shark. Then the shit when he's fighting an Egyptian god? Fucking revolving the shark.

Bleach was just as bad and became even unwatchable by the Moe princess arc... My God I'm glad I'm done watching animal that's not rated MA. The worst part about bleach is that the first season is kind of good.. then gets worse, and worse and then oh my God I just don't give a fuck.

I don't even want to watch one piece, it looks like the sheer embodiment of Japanese autism.

Guys, sage this shit.

Then I bet you get paid 24/7
Get off my board and go back to Sup Forums

Mate I know cowboy bepop I've watched better series than nardo like berserk, code geass, death note, psycho pass etc but cowboy bebop looks shitty and like a series for faggots like you

Laid* obviously

Mate, so likely it's 2deep4u. Mishmatch blues goes into all the philosophical stuff they dodged because they were worried about making it even deeper. You will never carry the weight.

Code geass is borderline shoenen shit, watching it is like watching DB original. Sure thing an adult can enjoy it, but guess what, it's still a child's TV show.

Death note was fine, just a little stupid.

Cowboy bebop faggot

Ga je me nog deporteren dan? Nope jij houdt je nooit aan je beloftes, aangezien je nog steeds mentaal 13 jaar bent.

Triest mannetje, ik hoop voor je dat je een ban krijgt, misschien dat het nog goed kan komen.

Houd je bek eens kneusje voordat ik je op de trein zet neukfout.