Reminder that Milo and this faggot are worthless degenerates trying to co-opt you.
Reminder that Milo and this faggot are worthless degenerates trying to co-opt you
There is nothing wrong with that man in the image. That is the quintessential Canadian.
people on pol actually like this guy?
O Canadaaa
>shoves dildoes up his ass
>just recently kissed Milo
>is a conservative pundit
>meanwhile, Trudeau raises the pride flag
>Trudeau has attended the pride parade and will attend it again
>gets called gay by insecure fags
>actually drowns in pussy
No shit. Their trying to hijack the Sup Forums community and move it into their own perspective narrative. Jews gonna Jew
The majority of Sup Forums supports fag-fags and communism.
Sup Forums is a homosexual board. If you are against it leave.
>listening to that clown
The ongoing mix between information and entertainment is toxic
The most funny (or sad) thing is, that they both think they are roman catholics.
Off yourselfs
I just cant wait for the germany caliphate. They will be so much better than you degenerates.
Is there a link to him doing this? I find it hard to believe a guy like that would do that on camera
Sup Forums is actually asexual.
Nobody here gets laid.
Pol is most def not a him homo bored.
is this real?
>the poster boys of the right wing are a jewish faggot with bad hair that loves niggers and a old hipster race mixing degenerate
>pol not homo
Then why is Milo Sup Forums's queen?
We're fucked
Dog pussy is still pussy
Him and Milo are communists.
>1 post by this ID
Don't be deceived l a d s
Prostate stimulation feels amazing tbqh, and leads to incredible orgasms
You can stimulate your penis to a fucking stuffed bear. What is your point.
I didn't know Gavin was a massive faggot
This. You people don't know what you're missing out on. Try easing yourself into the hobby with your little finger, then you can graduate to larger utensils. And it's only as gay as the porn you're watching at the time.
Vaginal dick stimulation feels even better you subhuman sodomite.
"Prostate orgasm" is a plot to turn straight men into gays. Trust me, I've tried and it's impossible to obtain. The response you often get ends up finally being "you need a real dick to get it".
There's no reason why you can't use a buttplug while your penis is busy with other things.
He isn't
He's a faggot Jew, do you honestly expect genuine Sup Forumsacks to like him?
finally he goes and does something like this
now I no longer have to argue with you faggots who defended him
I keep saying this, the "alt-right" was hijacked since the beginning and it's basically a mix of neocons warmongers and fag enablers.
"Let's accept faggots/jews/whatever because, at least, they aren't muslims/SJWs/etc".
A man who breaks his anal virginity is forever less of a man.
For you. Release yourself from the spooks that prevent you from experiencing joy.
A mouth is different from a vagina
Milo and Gavin exist so that people who are too normie and scared to be full right-wing have a drop off point kiddie pool to wade into.
touching your own dick is gay!! if you wash your dick you are gay
He drowns in bulls to be prepped
This. They are the stairs to get in. Stefan memeyneux is the 3ft deep part and ramzpaul etc. are the very beginnings to the deep end.
Hey you
Fuck this guy. He was always a backslider..POS is married and is showing his asshole on the internetz..
While forcing everybody else to be apolitical. In the end this "alt-right" will be like the Brazilian right, they agree with the left almost everything and the whole political scenery is a soulless and tasteless centrist mess.
Trying to please everyone is retarded.
>Gavin watches Hillary dancing
>Says she dances like she has a stick up her ass, says actually someone with a stick up their ass could still dance better than her
>Puts buttplug up ass and dances better than Hillary
>Wonders how gay guys can handle buttsex because of the pain
There's the context he didn't just show up and shove it up his ass out of the blue
It might not be attainable for all
But I've definitely had men say they get orgasms from being fucked
Either way, prostate simulation can't compare to penile stimulation.
That really doesn't change how he put something in his rectum.
I've read people claiming it's attainable and there are plenty of videos of people getting it.
Having orgasm while having prostate stimulated give you stronger orgasm, true, but it's often said that orgasm from prostate stimulation alone feels better than female orgasm for women.
It's a myth, sadly.
Oh yeah that makes it way better.
this faggot has trump supporters carrying him around like a pharaoh
When you fuck a woman, the gays win. -J. Trudeau
>In the end this "alt-right" will be like the Brazilian right
Nah, the mainstream media is going out of their way to call Alt-Right evil Nazis who hate 6 million Jews, which is a half-truth. Look how they reacted to ((())). If the Alt-Right weren't a real threat, there would have been maybe a bemused article about the parentheses on Wired. Instead, there was frantic crying by Jews on every single outlet, Boston Globe, New York Times, Buzzfeed, MSNBC, etc. It was literally, "OH no! We've been found out! The goy will notice the pattern!"
So the Alt-Right is considered far-right even by the people now drifting from liberalism into conservativism as a consequence of the SJW rampage, because they half-way believe the media. That means they're still relatively "pure" and free of normies. Normies might know what the Jews are up to, but they're too scared to admit it out loud.
I see the Alt-Right becoming more of a pan-Euroethnic movement that effectively unites across cultural borders in ways gay political treaties never could, because they rightfully assume their white Christian heritage is under an intentional sustained attack. And if Europe continues to get worse, it will be these people who end up taking up arms and liquidating the problem. All these normies in the Milo and Gavin-tier kiddie pool will end up supporting the Alt-Right just because of the way the winds are blowing.
JIDF and le reddit shilled the hell out of this place. Sup Forums is dead.
No, we've hated Gavin since 2014. He hitched his wagon to Milo. That's the only reason he's still relevant.
Remember, there is an attempt by socialists to corral the right into nazism. Not because they believe in national socialism, but because they have already invested so much time and effort into attacking nazis, they would have to admit it was a mistake if there were no actual nazis anymore.
This thread is an example of their shillery. The goal is to drive you away from moderate right wingers (in this case, due to >muh degeneracy).
This is the same thing they did to Ben Garrisson. And Stefan. And Cumia. And probably a bunch of others that I am not remembering at the moment.
Spread the word.
Sup Forums was part of the psyop from the beginning.
A lot of you are saying it was infiltrated by normies/jews/subversives but consider that it was ALWAYS planned this way.
this gay "alt-right" is just old Sup Forums's lulz culture coming to roost. 4channers were programmed in the "alternative media" to introduce untold amounts of degeneracy into the mainstream a decade later
you were played from the start, and don't even see the bigger picture.
Moot was a Jew and probably a Google or government agent the whole fucking time. and Sup Forums was created specifically to push a new type of filth and brainwashing on the youth including pushing a whole generation to accept homosex via endless porn threads on Sup Forums.
Face it, it's not just this new leddit alt-right that's the problem. Sup Forums was ALWAYS the problem.
Partially bullshit. The Jews do like to paint everyone as Nazis. But supporting Gavin and Milo implicitly is DEFINITELY bullshit. They're not leaders. They're media figures trying to make money. Anyone who tells you otherwise is fucking lying.
The EEEEVIL FAR RIGHT WING (boo!) is really just ethno-nationalists, and will go for any system of government that gives them one.
By definition, that means they're not Nazis. Although a few of them could be (and are).
Sup Forums always hated Gavin but not because of his faggotry, because he made a video calling out video games as degenerate. He's a faggot but he was still right about that and produced a lot of butthurt
Really makes you think....
No one cares about ppl u retard. All these self important assholes on pol thinks everyone is coveting the immensely important viewership of pol. All of the movers and shakers of this internet pol that really decide politics.
Meh, I like Gavin. His views are based and so is the way he speaks.
he also co-founded the biggest nu-media empire in modern times
>itt people jealous of gavin
>jealous of that
What you don't realize is that these poster boys are what attracts normies to our movement. We might dislike Gavin McFaggins but if we use people like him and Milo to shill for our movement, then the rise of right wing in whole world seems much more plausible.
>"d-daddy my classmates make fun of me because they say my father put a dildo up in your ass on television. what did they mean by this?"
>mfw he's a Nordic Scottish cunt that now lives in Canada
You dumb shit.
I've shoved this up my ass, hitting the prostate feels sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
>attracting normies to our movement
literally the antithesis of Sup Forums and anything it ever stood for
Obviously not him.
Have a nice day.